[email protected] 10 Posted August 9, 2012 I will just skip to what i don't want to see:- "Loading" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TalkingGoats 10 Posted August 9, 2012 The only thing that could work with classes/perks in a game like this would be like your characters "previous occupation" before the outbreak... IE Doctor, Hill Billy, Soldier, Teacher, Mechanic, Serial killer, Gang Banger, El Presidente of Tropico, Police Officer, Gambler etc.... It would be best as a random roll when you generate a character and effect your starting gear and how efficiently you do things related to your toon as a speed variable, or a value multiplier. IE Doctors would get a slight healing bonus over say the hill billy, who had slight bonuses to repair speed, or items required to repair and total meat harvested from game or time it takes to harvest. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roguetrooper 201 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) NO HACKERSMkay seriously:some kind of globally fixed difficulty setting, i.e. no crosshair and no 3rd person. Edited August 9, 2012 by RogueTrooper Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NovaDose 128 Posted August 9, 2012 OP, you're post is great I loved almost all the ideas.Oh stop it you. :)The one I really, really want to see is you only being aloud to have 1 character and that whatever server you pick with that character is the only server you can play on until that specific character is dead. that way a sort of community can get built up on servers and you would know who people are etcI do like this idea, but at the same time not really. I don't think all servers should be that way, because of using the hive and all that. However, I have a suggestion for you that might just be right up your ally (and maybe you already do this). Those servers that aren't hive based can actually be really fun. I occasionally start a character on them just for something to do.another thing I though was factions but when I thought about it further it just seemed really stupid... The eve idea is much much better. You have the Corporations and then big alliances between those corps. I think this is great because it is player made factions with there own territory in game.I too hope that one day something like this arises. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sudZ! 115 Posted August 9, 2012 The only thing that could work with classes/perks in a game like this would be like your characters "previous occupation" before the outbreak... IE Doctor, Hill Billy, Soldier, Teacher, Mechanic, Serial killer, Gang Banger, El Presidente of Tropico, Police Officer, Gambler etc.... It would be best as a random roll when you generate a character and effect your starting gear and how efficiently you do things related to your toon as a speed variable, or a value multiplier. IE Doctors would get a slight healing bonus over say the hill billy, who had slight bonuses to repair speed, or items required to repair and total meat harvested from game or time it takes to harvest.I know Rocket has said he's not interested in getting bogged down in RPG elements... but that's pretty simple and lends a bit of variety to the opening few hours of a life. Being a previous businessman might give you a watch and 2 extra inventory slots (because of organization skills... obviously).I wouldn't be opposed to this as long as it didn't become a skill tree / perks / skill points system. Let WarZ flounder in that regard. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NovaDose 128 Posted August 9, 2012 The only thing that could work with classes/perks in a game like this would be like your characters "previous occupation" before the outbreak... IE Doctor, Hill Billy, Soldier, Teacher, Mechanic, Serial killer, Gang Banger, El Presidente of Tropico, Police Officer, Gambler etc.... It would be best as a random roll when you generate a character and effect your starting gear and how efficiently you do things related to your toon as a speed variable, or a value multiplier. IE Doctors would get a slight healing bonus over say the hill billy, who had slight bonuses to repair speed, or items required to repair and total meat harvested from game or time it takes to harvest.Pretty much most people think classes have a place in DayZ. As long as they aren't intrusive on the core game play, I don't see a problem with it either really. The same goes for perks.OK forum, lets get some class suggestions. We all ready have a great suggestion for perks pertaining to a couple classes. However, I'd like to see a good list of classes, then we can move on to their perks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NovaDose 128 Posted August 9, 2012 I know Rocket has said he's not interested in getting bogged down in RPG elements... but that's pretty simple and lends a bit of variety to the opening few hours of a life. Being a previous businessman might give you a watch and 2 extra inventory slots (because of organization skills... obviously).I wouldn't be opposed to this as long as it didn't become a skill tree / perks / skill points system. Let WarZ flounder in that regard.I completely agree with this. If it's any more than something transparent that takes little to no effort to do then I don't think it should be included.Also, on making it random at creation. You would have people jumping off buildings to reroll. While I think this would be hilarious to see, I don't think it's the proper method. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mech (DayZ) 7 Posted August 9, 2012 ability to climb roofs of the houses or trees to hide yourself from zombies. Some maybe accessible after you construct or find a ladder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RJ Macready 3 Posted August 9, 2012 I’d like to see player created/contested zones, for example split the map up into multiple zones and at the center of each zone have some sort of base or command centre so to speak, this could be a barn, police station, town hall, or any other significant structure.At the top of each command centre will be a flagpole, in order to raise a flag (which btw would be your particular clan tag) you’ll need for example 5 people to all click on it at the same time (the bigger a zone the more people it’ll take to capture) once this is done the whole zone will become Clan A’s area and will be notified by a global message informing everyone that Clan A has now taken control of zone B.What this will do is a: give clans/groups a place to call home and come with certain perks for instance a garage to store vehicles, boxes to store gear etc, it will also give other players/clans a target to either attack, trade with, avoid or set up allegiances and effectively give the game more depth with a constantly shifting powerbase. It also will give the game so called safe zones as the clan in control of a command center will then be able to build defences a certain distance from the base be it sandbags, tank traps etc and allow trading posts to be set up free of zombies for players to come and go. Outside the zone zombies will still spawn as before but not inside the compound.Inside players can set up stalls to sell or trade weaponry found whilst out and about, notice boards can be put up and modified offering jobs, hit contracts etc.That’s what I’d like to see, obviously contesting and taking over a rivals base would need some serious thought as siege mechanics would need to come into play and what’s to stop clans coming in when the other team is in bed/work etc and raiding the place as let’s face it with a global server base players will be on at all times of the day and night and a UK clan might have difficulty keeping a base when its 3am on a Monday night!Anyways just a few suggestions Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NovaDose 128 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) I’d like to see player created/contested zones, for example split the map up into multiple zones and at the center of each zone have some sort of base or command centre so to speak, this could be a barn, police station, town hall, or any other significant structure.At the top of each command centre will be a flagpole, in order to raise a flag (which btw would be your particular clan tag) you’ll need for example 5 people to all click on it at the same time (the bigger a zone the more people it’ll take to capture) once this is done the whole zone will become Clan A’s area and will be notified by a global message informing everyone that Clan A has now taken control of zone B.What this will do is a: give clans/groups a place to call home and come with certain perks for instance a garage to store vehicles, boxes to store gear etc, it will also give other players/clans a target to either attack, trade with, avoid or set up allegiances and effectively give the game more depth with a constantly shifting powerbase. It also will give the game so called safe zones as the clan in control of a command center will then be able to build defences a certain distance from the base be it sandbags, tank traps etc and allow trading posts to be set up free of zombies for players to come and go. Outside the zone zombies will still spawn as before but not inside the compound.Inside players can set up stalls to sell or trade weaponry found whilst out and about, notice boards can be put up and modified offering jobs, hit contracts etc.That’s what I’d like to see, obviously contesting and taking over a rivals base would need some serious thought as siege mechanics would need to come into play and what’s to stop clans coming in when the other team is in bed/work etc and raiding the place as let’s face it with a global server base players will be on at all times of the day and night and a UK clan might have difficulty keeping a base when its 3am on a Monday night!Anyways just a few suggestionsGood suggestions. It's in the OP. (kind of already was) Edited August 9, 2012 by NovaDose Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RJ Macready 3 Posted August 9, 2012 Also command centers will be very hard to capture, the zombies in and around such areas will be more numerous than usual and also be tougher to take down. The base will also need upkeep in the form of degrading defences from continuous player/zombie attacks if this laps the zombies will once again overrun the area and the flag will be removed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RJ Macready 3 Posted August 9, 2012 Good suggestions. It's in the OP. (kind of already was)sorry for the repost, tried to look through the OP but when i click on the show spoiler nothing comes up for me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NovaDose 128 Posted August 9, 2012 sorry for the repost, tried to look through the OP but when i click on the show spoiler nothing comes up for meHmm...that's very peculiar. What browser are you using? Is it updated? Are you using any extensions to change the style sheets of a web page (like a theme extension)?By the way...I think what you are talking about is extremely interesting. Now that I think about it, the bases that we have in the OP aren't exactly like what you are talking about. I'm going to add this to the OP. If we can't have build-able bases then this is a great alternative. Even if we can have build-able bases this is something that I feel should be added. Great idea!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
keefehb 17 Posted August 9, 2012 Welcome back KeefehB! Your avatar makes me lol a little every time I see it. Got anything you would like to add to k-9s?I'll try and expand on my original idea.Rocket stated during the Machinima feed that he envisions dogs being used to track down certain types of animal, for example you could "train" it to track a cow or rabbits etc. I think that is a good idea for a basic use.My suggestion is expand their usage so that they are tied to their "owners" humanity level.For example a friendly group comes accross a lone surivor in a town, at the moment what happens is the person will say "friendly" and you either take his word for it or shoot the fucker. With a dog in the group what could happen is if the lone survivor has low humanity (a bandit) the dog could simply make a growling noise/seem upset. If the lone survivor is friendly then dog will just act as normal.Now take the otherside of the coin. A gang of bandits come across evidence of another player such discarded items, food or an old campfire. The person who has the dog this time in theory will have low humanity due to being a bandit swine, meaning they can use the dog to track (roughly) the direction of said player(s). Things such as the dog barking and maybe sniffing the ground could be visual and audio signals that it has a scent without the need for an expanded ui or talking dog. If the surivior is long gone, disconnects or escapes through some other wizadry (crosses a stream maybe?) and the dog loses its scent the dogs behaviour can change back to normal accordingly.Imagine being pursued by a group of bandits/survivors at night with the barking of dogs in the distance and you get the tension I am aiming for.All in all the above could be a good way to solve the need to identify bandits in a way that is not to gamey and in a way that does not need any visual changes to the player (Bandit skin).Tl;DR - Make dogs bark around nasty people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KEEPCARLM 146 Posted August 9, 2012 I think classes should exist in some form but nothing like “SNIPER!” or “SPEC OPZ”Since we are meant to just be people, the survivors. The classes in my eyes would be something more humanly based, for exampleStrong dude, can fend of the zombies with more ease and carry more stuff but he can’t run for as long.Fit dude, is fairly agile and is able to run large distances but isn’t able to fend of zombiesEx-Army, has a mixture of both classes but has greater weapons knowledge resulting in faster reloading and more resistant to the natural elements like coldMedic, can only have one primary and one secondary weapon but has extra medical slots in the form of a ‘medical bag’Something that is based more on the human form rather than pretend crap like “soldier class has more accuracy” “sniper can see further!” “medic is invincible and can heal themself!” “support can carry billions of bullets”This way we get a mixture of different character types that change the gameplay but it keeps it realistic and adds that variation. That way clans etc will have to decide what role is suited best to each ‘class’.The class that is chosen will not affect how much damage bullets do, bullets will always cause the same damage no matter the ‘class’ . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RJ Macready 3 Posted August 9, 2012 I’d be more inclined to use what’s there rather than open the map up to user created bases everywhere. Making the prominent buildings in the towns & cities capturable gives an incentive to clans to fight over the best real estate in the game, be it the big farm with wide open fields around it or the fancy city block overlooking the whole city.The ones in control of the farms, can control the livestock of said farm giving them food to trade with the city clans in exchange for weapons or parts meaning even small farming communities out in the sticks can be just as important as the bigger city outposts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KEEPCARLM 146 Posted August 9, 2012 I’d be more inclined to use what’s there rather than open the map up to user created bases everywhere. Making the prominent buildings in the towns & cities capturable gives an incentive to clans to fight over the best real estate in the game, be it the big farm with wide open fields around it or the fancy city block overlooking the whole city.The ones in control of the farms, can control the livestock of said farm giving them food to trade with the city clans in exchange for weapons or parts meaning even small farming communities out in the sticks can be just as important as the bigger city outposts.I just think is taking things too far personally, it's already annoying now when something has barbed wire blocking it. Taking buildings and loot away from new players isn't the right way to go in my eyes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GlassArrows 11 Posted August 9, 2012 The ability to add/remove items from your weapon. For instance you find L85A2 AWS, The sight is mounted on a picatinny rail, so why can't I remove the sight and put it on my M14? It should be kept within the realm of feasibility. Inb4suppressedgripflashightlaserAWSAS-50. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blown4Six 48 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) Not sure why in the OP you said not to suggest anything about the Arma 3 engine.. But, I do hope they use the Arma 3 engine solely for the fact of combat realism. That's what makes Dayz so much fun. If Dayz had an engine like say, Call Of Duty, then I dont believe 1/4 of the people would be playing right now.I think they should work on the combat simulator part of the game first, and then implement Dayz into it again. Because obviously having the knowledge of both now, I'd assume that they could make it a much smoother integration than the current. Edited August 9, 2012 by Blown4Six 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RJ Macready 3 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) Another idea and this one goes down the MMO route but should not be instanced is dungeons, now by dungeons I’m not talking about your classic WOW type but more along the lines of the following..An Aircraft Carrier has beached up along the coast, it has several entrances from gaping holes in the hull to ones that only Helicopters can land on up top. Inside you’ll find a maze of tunnels, dead ends, large open spaces and intertwined with each other and all filled to the brim with zombies and competing players all looking for the illusive armoury and access to top tier weapons.An abandoned Hospital, rumour has it that a doctor found a cure for the infection but was killed before it could be distributed. Inside the sprawling hospital lies not only medical supplies but also vials to cure those members of your team that have become infectedThe Urban Mall, classic Dawn of the Dead mall filled with all manner of supplies but utterly surrounded by zombies both inside and out but for those that battle to very heart will find a shop filled with chainsaws, the ultimate close combat zombie killerAnd so on and so on--edit reason im mentioning dungeon type gameplay is to add something other than suriving, pvp etc to the game and to put in small group gameplay elements, the more variety it has the longer it'll retain players as theres only so much crawling around in the grass looking for beans you can do before boredom sets in Edited August 9, 2012 by RJ Macready Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RJ Macready 3 Posted August 9, 2012 I just think is taking things too far personally, it's already annoying now when something has barbed wire blocking it. Taking buildings and loot away from new players isn't the right way to go in my eyes.Its only the big main buildings, all other buildings would be still accessible for loot, hiding out in. This would enable large clans to have a base, to help others by offering sanctuary and a place to trade or for bandits to launch raiding parties on other players.The individual doesnt even need to go near these structures Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MastaBlasta 9 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) the whole thing is thos do you know how many more military weapons there are and would be available during any sort of deployment? If anything, especially once the item impacted the fan there would be stuff EVERYWHERE. Zombies don't pick up lewts unless they accidentally eat it consuming your corpse. I would like to see however more realistic spawn locations of said weapons, ie near soldier corpses. Every time I used to see soldier bodies I would get all excited logically thinking OOO, here should be somma dat good military loot, but no. Also I would like to see greatly improved zombie spawns and behavior. Where is the zombie pawing at the glass window?? Where are the zombies eating randoim corpses or maybe trying to do something that looks almost human?? I would like more repairable vehicles but parts to be more rare. I would also like a much better communication system, like radios or something like that. Finally I would like full weapon customization WITH WEP BENCHES. Make a great situation for mayhem having to be occupied at a weapon bench whilst zack and namely bandits that know a wep bench is there and people going to it likely have higher end items. Also I would like to shift to a 100% pony based economy. You find little toy ponies out in the wild, rope em together, and lead em all along like little ducks and can trade say 1 pony for 1 gps module, 1/2 a pony for nvgs, and a whole or 2 for say a M16A2 w M203 and ammo for each. It would really revolutionize the gaming industry and after the initial ragerz saying "PONIEZ!?!?! WTF IS THIS CREPE!!?!?!?! I WAND TO GO BACK TO DA BEANZ!?!?!?!" but if they think about it! POeople would stop killing each other for said beans and just go looking for ponies, and we can rename the game my little pony adventure in zack town. Edited August 9, 2012 by MastaBlasta Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlksnshN 127 Posted August 9, 2012 For the love of god, please, no classes, or perks...Might as well add in killstreaks. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NovaDose 128 Posted August 9, 2012 Make dogs bark around nasty people.Great! It's in the OPI’d be more inclined to use what’s there rather than open the map up to user created bases everywhere. Making the prominent buildings in the towns & cities capturable gives an incentive to clans to fight over the best real estate in the game, be it the big farm with wide open fields around it or the fancy city block overlooking the whole city.The ones in control of the farms, can control the livestock of said farm giving them food to trade with the city clans in exchange for weapons or parts meaning even small farming communities out in the sticks can be just as important as the bigger city outposts.I can agree with this to some extent. However, if you make it extremely difficult to build a base then this becomes less of an issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NovaDose 128 Posted August 9, 2012 Another idea and this one goes down the MMO route but should not be instanced is dungeons,Like a stand alone map that's instanced? That's actually a pretty damn good idea man...can't believe no one has said it yet..."PONIEZ!?!?!Obvious troll is obvious.For the love of god, please, no classes, or perks...Might as well add in killstreaks.That's what I've been saying all along! I think there is some way to elegantly do it to some extent without force feeding it anyone or making it a necessity even. Perks are especially scary. Fuck killstreaks and achievements. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites