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What would you like to see in the stand alone?

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remove 3DP and nametags, thats just used too much too abuse, also away with crosshairs.

- better zeds, means random spawn numbers and locations

- more events and alot more endgame than pvp, throw in a bigfoot or spawn a zombie army moving around, not just same old boring zeds standing around all buildings.

- character customication, so ya can see difference of friend and foe

- again events, can be kind of anything. start a air alarm or a wildfire in the forest, we need some events from time to time without warning ofc.

never and i mean never go out with an event, that will ruin the fun.

- logout delay so ppl stop abuse alt+f4

- less hackers

- roleplay, survival, pvp and all-in-one servers

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Two words: Shopping carts. I want a Screenshot of my ghillied sniper rolling hobo style

But on a serious note:

- more buildings to enter

- option to bury gear in a cache (with a thin post marker)...alternative to tent with less visibility

- Re-evaluate gun choices. Examples: Why the 1886...and with shotgun shells? Make it the Winchester 1894 .30-.30 (quick to reload, powerful, plentiful and accurate). Add a .22 (maybe with optional subsonic ammo, and low-power scope) very quiet but weak except for headshots. The best zombie plinker....a bit less military stuff

- character customization

-some reward for survival or achieving things...a way to score or gauge your experience as aplayer

- shopping carts...that's what this boils down to

Edited by taco241
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  • Interactive flora (ability to plant food, water it, grow it, etc...
  • Night Play that is playable (not so dark)
  • Incentive based night play: High value loot only available at night in some areas, other incentives?

The Zombies:

  • Child zombies

The Characters (US!):

  • Large amount of starting apperal that is randomized when first spawning in. From there you can customize clothing by what you find in the world (go to JCPennys in the city)


  • Web application that allows groups to have customized emblems designed by group founder or leader. Emblem automatically is affixed to members arms/outfit/tattoo.
  • Incentives to be in groups to include areas of the map that are VERY HARD for lone wolves.

Lonewolfing/small grouping

  • Many areas of the map would be very hard for a lonewolf/small group causing them to have great problems when getting the high valued loot.


  • Radios are ranged based on model/station/etc.
  • radios run on power that can be drained!

For your post sir, I had to make a special response. Your's is not only thoroughly thought out, but organized, and specifically addresses your idea. You have my beans, outstanding post, out fucking standing. I omitted some things for brevity and others because they have been mentioned elsewhere or are all ready in the OP. I would like to go line for line from here.

As per interactive flora. This is definitely not minecraft...but if you had established an entrenched and fortified base would you not have a garden and a water source. I think this has it's place, granted, not like it does in minecraft. Plants should take quite a long time to develop, and only yield as they would IRL. I'm not going to add this right off because there is some debate. More upvotes and I will.

As far as night play it should never be accessible to everyone IMO. What would be the point of having NVGs? Should it be more rewarding, perhaps. Should you be able to get that reward without NVGs, flares, chem lights...fuck no. In fact, if there was a way for the devs to make changing gamma and brightness moot then I would elect for them to do so.

Kid zombies. We all know they would be around in most cases...but trying to get a game through where you shoot fucked up littler monsters in the dome might be sketchy. Instead, we should assume that the virus doesn't find a suitable host in a child, and instead kills them. Much like pneumonia would kill a small child, but leave an adult (in most cases) ok. However, different zombie skins will, without a doubt, be in game. Have you seen a single girl zombie yet?

I'll change the clothing section to reflect what you have more closely. I like being able to add stencils to your gear to mark yourself as a clan. And I also like the idea of making lonewolf play nigh impossible. It's not to pick on the people that have no friends and can't make any; it's to drive players together instead of supporting a KOS mentality. Adding difficulty is not only something I would personally welcome, but something I heartily applaud.

As far as radios go I think that Rocket will insure that they receive the proper treatment. I would love to see multiple broadcast channels and ranges (as I'm sure most of us would). That way simply having a radio isn't the end all to the dynamic, but being able to know the ranges, channels, codes, etc would come into play. This would add to the whole "class" dynamic. Medic, engineer, sniper, radio-man.

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Rewards for surviving certain amounts of time. ATM there's no difference between someone who's survived for a month and someone who found a dead guy and picked up all his gear. People aren't attached to their character, they're attached to the gear.


I've played current DayZ alpha for about 2-3 weeks now. I was never able to stay alive for more than one day. I never got a sniper rifle, or ANY better gear beyond the enfield and some revolver if I got lucky.

I grouped up with a friend of mine. I'm alive for 3-4 days now. I've got a camo suit, M16A2 with grenade launcher, NVG and all the needed stuff to survive.

Reward for surviving so long for me is beign alive. Having some cool stuff. Not dying.

What do you want, a fucking achievement? Like, when you log in on the fifth day, you will get " YOU JUST REACHED DAY 5 ! YOU GOT SOME BEANS IN YOUR BACKPACK FOR THAT" ? Srsly, in real life apocalypse, would you want a reward for staying alive? I think the biggest reward would be staying alive by itself.

Back to the topic. I've read somewhere here about the groving plants thing. I think that would be awesome. Imagine you and your group of 5 would find a small farm, capable of groving plants, and would had enough water supplies. You would settle down. You would go hunting in the nearest forests. Now imagine some other players will find your farm. Perhaps they will join you, perhaps they will try to attack you. You will have the high ground however, defending a building and you will know the enviroment much better. Would make some really cool scenarios...

Also, that idea of random generated maps is really ... ehm, weird. Like, how should this work? You would play, then you would join a different server, and you would simply "teleport" to another, totally different world ?

Another one - implementing the mechanics that would allow you to disarm a person. Maybe restrain them, hold them in custody, etc. I got another idea on this - a little soultion to alt+f4 while restrained etc. If you would disconnect at restrained state or something, your character would be controlled by AI. So your character would still be in the world, with only the difference that if they set you free, you would just dissapear because you are not actually connected and in the game.

While typying this, I got also this idea of "fixing" the alt+f4 thing. Without doing any brutal collecting information, punishing the ones that disconnect too much which would eventually lead to punishing the innocent.

What about AI controlling your character shortly after you disconnect? Let's say that if you disconnect in a middle of an open field, your character would automatically run to the nearest forests with no buildings and nothing (to be sure there are no zombies, or maybe zombies wouldn't spawn if the AI would control you). Then it goes prone and waits like 15 second before dissapearing. And if you will be killed, by a player, your body would stay there for a little while.

That would completely eliminate the alt+f4 thing I guess. But it needs a lot of thinking etc. I can imagine trying to simply disconnect let's say in comm tower in NWAF and then AI would run with your character through the entire airfield to the woods. That would be wrong, so... IDK. Just my 2 cents :)

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Rewards for surviving certain amounts of time. ATM there's no difference between someone who's survived for a month and someone who found a dead guy and picked up all his gear. People aren't attached to their character, they're attached to the gear.

I agree 110% This, hopefully, is on the top billing for the stand alone. I'm not sure what kind of benefit it should have (certainly not anything that would make you better) but something as simple as an insignia would be great. You would, of course, have to do the same thing for bandits. Could you imagine being in a server with a bunch of first class survivors and bandits?

- again events, can be kind of anything. start a air alarm or a wildfire in the forest, we need some events from time to time without warning ofc.

never and i mean never go out with an event, that will ruin the fun.

- logout delay so ppl stop abuse alt+f4

Some of your post was omitted for brevity (some was all ready in op, some was just MOAR!) The events could be the halmark of the game. When you see one start to happen fuck all you will not log out and you will loose the next several hours of sleep trying to accomplish/seek out/solve it.

Two words: Shopping carts. I want a Screenshot of my ghillied sniper rolling hobo style

But on a serious note:

- option to bury gear in a cache (with a thin post marker)...alternative to tent with less visibility

- shopping carts...that's what this boils down to

I hope that gun choices get a serious over haul from the top to bottom. That said, moving on, being able to "bury treasure" is a great idea and inline with the earlier suggestion of having to bury bodies. Plus, you could leave notes (inline with another suggestion) as a sort of treasure map. Shopping carts...dude, I wanted to suggest this so bad. Something that slowed you down, but carried a lot of stuff. You would have to hide it, and god forbid sometimes you would have to abandon it. I'm adding it to the OP because...just because.

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I've played current DayZ alpha for about 2-3 weeks now. I was never able to stay alive for more than one day. I never got a sniper rifle, or ANY better gear beyond the enfield and some revolver if I got lucky.

I grouped up with a friend of mine. I'm alive for 3-4 days now. I've got a camo suit, M16A2 with grenade launcher, NVG and all the needed stuff to survive.

Reward for surviving so long for me is beign alive. Having some cool stuff. Not dying.

What do you want, a fucking achievement? Like, when you log in on the fifth day, you will get " YOU JUST REACHED DAY 5 ! YOU GOT SOME BEANS IN YOUR BACKPACK FOR THAT" ? Srsly, in real life apocalypse, would you want a reward for staying alive? I think the biggest reward would be staying alive by itself.

Back to the topic. I've read somewhere here about the groving plants thing. I think that would be awesome. Imagine you and your group of 5 would find a small farm, capable of groving plants, and would had enough water supplies. You would settle down. You would go hunting in the nearest forests. Now imagine some other players will find your farm. Perhaps they will join you, perhaps they will try to attack you. You will have the high ground however, defending a building and you will know the enviroment much better. Would make some really cool scenarios...

Also, that idea of random generated maps is really ... ehm, weird. Like, how should this work? You would play, then you would join a different server, and you would simply "teleport" to another, totally different world ?

Another one - implementing the mechanics that would allow you to disarm a person. Maybe restrain them, hold them in custody, etc. I got another idea on this - a little soultion to alt+f4 while restrained etc. If you would disconnect at restrained state or something, your character would be controlled by AI. So your character would still be in the world, with only the difference that if they set you free, you would just dissapear because you are not actually connected and in the game.

While typying this, I got also this idea of "fixing" the alt+f4 thing. Without doing any brutal collecting information, punishing the ones that disconnect too much which would eventually lead to punishing the innocent.

What about AI controlling your character shortly after you disconnect? Let's say that if you disconnect in a middle of an open field, your character would automatically run to the nearest forests with no buildings and nothing (to be sure there are no zombies, or maybe zombies wouldn't spawn if the AI would control you). Then it goes prone and waits like 15 second before dissapearing. And if you will be killed, by a player, your body would stay there for a little while.

That would completely eliminate the alt+f4 thing I guess. But it needs a lot of thinking etc. I can imagine trying to simply disconnect let's say in comm tower in NWAF and then AI would run with your character through the entire airfield to the woods. That would be wrong, so... IDK. Just my 2 cents :)

As far as Alt+F4ing goes I think giving it a 10 second timer where you body can still be killed is perfect. When you log out, your character kneels where ever they are standing, if you get shot then you will spawn dead in the next server. This, I believe, is the only way to fix is without implementing pathing, AI, etc. Just plain and simple, down and dirty, you log out in someone's cross hairs you are fucked; you stay and fight, you have a chance. Of course, there would be a delay that you wouldn't be able to log into a server during. Lets say 2x the log out delay.

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being able to physically disarm and restrain other survivors. unless we get nonlethal options to render other survivors safe, there's little alternative but to kos if you're trying to stay alive. plus it'd be awesome to see the kind of situations this would lead to... disarm someone then hold them at gunpoint and rob them, or take a member of a group hostage by restraining them and moving out of the area.

I think I may have already addressed this post, but in case I haven't this is an excellent idea and is now in the op.

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I would love to see a clan/group system, all enterable buildings, and be able to make fortress/bases.

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I would love to see a clan/group system, all enterable buildings, and be able to make fortress/bases.

Read the op man. :)

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Oh I see you viewing it. I seen you looking. Nutt up. Post your suggestion. It's more than welcome. So far, this thread has been 99% flamer free 90% of the time. Seriously though, if you are on the fence about posting an idea (even if you have posted it else where) post it here. I would love to have a compendium of suggestions for the stand alone. Rocket says the game will adopt a minecraft model, well lets test that method.

Edited by NovaDose

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I want an ending. You get rescued and then start a new character. Would be very rare and require a lot of work, but possible. Object of the game is survival right? Well, people get rescued and survive. Servers could track how many times you have been rescued, not just how many zombies you've killed.

Most of what I have thought of has been suggested...

More vehicles, less gas.

Better animations, large roaming hordes of zombies.

.22 rifles/pistols.

Fortification, group tagging, radios.

Underground areas/large indoor areas (airport/stadium/hotel)

A logical hydrography network (rivers/lakes/natural pools/pipelines/ditches/aqueducts)

Realtime weather across all regional servers. If it is winter IRL, it is f'n winter. Not always snowing, but you need to be aware of the elements and adjust accordingly. In summer you need to hydrate more and get fatigued quicker etc...

Fatigue! Weight based inventory system. Hell, a brand new inventory interface system as well.

I do like pen/paper idea. Would love to leave and read notes for/from other players.

MOAR! melee weapons. Please.

Varied outdoor locations. How about a golf course? An amusement park? Zoo? Mix it up a bit please.

Dangerous animals. Lions, tigers and bears. Oh my!

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I'd like to see:

- all buildings enterable, all doors open-able (or if not open-able then force-open-able using a grenade or few shots to the lock)

- more vehicles (or just more common)

- no very high end gear in game (that includes no .50 cal and no thermals)

- more weapon attachments

- more zombie types

- melee weapons (knives, clubs, chair whatever)

- UI changes

- some crafting system

- achievements

- options to party up with friends

- punishment for murderers

- bugs fixed

- hackers dead

- etc. the list is long

Edited by MACtic
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there needs to be some kind of trading system, people could trade gear, and also there needs to be a system of keeping stats that your player has had, even after death...like headshots and such....people could see them.

also if your survive 5..10..15..20 dayz...add some medals or rewards we could get...nothing that would make a big difference just some bragging rights so other players can see.

also a friends list and buddy system...and once you pick a server thats it, no servering jopping....

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Gardening - I understand that it is part of actual survival. But this is still just tactical realistic shooter. First of all, growning plants would have to be much faster, for example 1 week. Let say, you have a farm which is secured from zombies. You succesfully planted something. And what now? You cant have security online 24/7 to protect your farm. So someone might see it is empty, loot and destroy it. And why would you even need potatos, tomatos and others. You can hunt, right now it is very easy and I dont think it will magnificently changed.

in-game voice comunication - Right now there is only public VoiP, isnt it? If you wouldnt have some kind of radio, you could normaly speak, but only people who are near to you would hear you. Just like when you speak with someone in the real life. And there could be two kys for that. One for long range comunication, shouting. Player in 200m radius could hear it, just like zombes. Another key would be used for close range comunication, when you get close to each other. Of course, this would only be used when you need to talk to strangers. If you are playing in group, you are probably using TS, Skype or something similiar.

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wouldn't this be a question of what magazine you load into the gun ?

Speaking about gun magazines. If you were running around shooting at zombies, you wouldn't just throw your magazine on the ground when it ran out of rounds, you would reload it. This is something that has always bugged me about any game with a gun in it. Updating OP.

I want an ending. You get rescued and then start a new character. Would be very rare and require a lot of work, but possible. Object of the game is survival right? Well, people get rescued and survive. Servers could track how many times you have been rescued, not just how many zombies you've killed.

I'm not sure if a traditional "ending" would ever make it into this game. Yes, end game content will be there (at least we all hope so), but as far as a chopper swooping in and picking you up I just don't know about that bro. More upvotes and I'll add it to the OP.

- no very high end gear in game (that includes no .50 cal and no thermals)

- some crafting system

- punishment for murderers

Do you say no high end gear because you don't have any? I'm not so sure that would be such a good idea. It's only around so much now because people server hop (most likely). A crafting system is interesting, and it has been mentioned before in this thread so I will add it to the OP. Punishment from murderers will never happen man, not in the mod, not in the game.

there needs to be some kind of trading system, people could trade gear, and also there needs to be a system of keeping stats that your player has had, even after death...like headshots and such....people could see them.

I think the trading system should arise from the players. It was mentioned else where in this thread that fuel should be more rare; this would likely give rise to the use of fuel as a commodity. I like stat tracking also, updating OP.

Gardening - I understand that it is part of actual survival. But this is still just tactical realistic shooter. First of all, growning plants would have to be much faster, for example 1 week. Let say, you have a farm which is secured from zombies. You succesfully planted something. And what now? You cant have security online 24/7 to protect your farm. So someone might see it is empty, loot and destroy it. And why would you even need potatos, tomatos and others. You can hunt, right now it is very easy and I dont think it will magnificently changed.

What about the farm land that is scattered around the countryside. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to eat one of those pumpkins I'm sure you've seen? I mean, if you are starving to death and standing next to a pumpkin you aren't going to go running off to get some canned beans.

in-game voice comunication

I believe this is planned for the mod, therefore the game as well.

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Lootable caves where you can only get to with a boat or diving underwater, since underwater movements have been greatly improved with the arma 3 engine, it should be easy to do that

Edited by EndlessNight
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Lootable caves where you can only get to with a boat or diving underwater, sice underwater movements have been greatly improved with the arma 3 engine, it should be easy to do that

Interesting.. I assume you would have to collect diving gear and such? What kind of dangers would you face going down there?

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rowing boats, kayaks, canoes (with inland river/canals)


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Interesting.. I assume you would have to collect diving gear and such? What kind of dangers would you face going down there?

Maybe some sharks who knows? Maybe that if you hit something sharp underwater, your diving suit leaks and you drown or something, and if you're diving close to a large infected city (like cherno and elektro) you could get infected, diving gear isnt really necessary but you cant dive as long, get easily cold and infected, and it would be awesome to infiltrate an enemy base close to a river
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rowing boats, kayaks, canoes (with inland river/canals)

Good post, updating OP.

It would be awesome to infiltrate an enemy base close to a river.

Sold! Updating OP.

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What about the farm land that is scattered around the countryside. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to eat one of those pumpkins I'm sure you've seen? I mean, if you are starving to death and standing next to a pumpkin you aren't going to go running off to get some canned beans.

Yeah, but that is something completely different. Of course it would be great if we could eat this kind of plants which are all over the map. I disagree with possibility of growing them, it seems completely pointless to me.

I would be also nice if there would be some kind of canalisation in cities. You could move safely trought it, unless you meet other players down there. Alse getting out of it would be dangerous, because you cannot see what is around you. It could be accessible for the sea/river and spead under whole city.

What about the map? Where would you want it to take a place? How I said, fictional-ex-Russian country seems the best to me. Or northern part fo Greece.


Gun Maintanance - It might sound cool, but it actually wouldnt be realistic at all. Normal weapons like M4A1 should be cleaned every 20k rounds shot. I am playing DayZ for over two months and I belive I havent shot more then 1000 bullets from all weapons. Most of it probably from AK-74. Just like gardening, seems a bit pointless.

On the other side, you could find military grade weapon, which was thrown somewhere in the dirt for few weeks (possibly next to dead soldier) and be able to repair it and clean it. That would be much more realistic and it would add to rarity of military grade weapons.

Edited by rancor1223
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If you have a base, there should be a way to store your items in there, because otherwise you lose it while swimming etc.

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There needs to be some sort of counter for people logging in near other players. Like, if you log in within 100 meters of another player you are invunerable and can do no damage for 1 minute.

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Yeah, but that is something completely different. Of course it would be great if we could eat this kind of plants which are all over the map. I disagree with possibility of growing them, it seems completely pointless to me.

Yeah, not that you mention it it does kind of sound a bit over the top. Unless someone has an argument that can out do the arguments he's made here then I'm editing the OP to reflect this more "sensible" approach. Well met sir, well met.

What about the map? Where would you want it to take a place? How I said, fictional-ex-Russian country seems the best to me. Or northern part fo Greece.

I would think that there would be multiple maps. A map that is mostly city would be interesting, like a sprawling city with sky scrapers and such. Japan maybe? Something more rural would be nice too, gently rolling hills, lots of farm land. However, I (like most others) wonder how something like this would be possible. Perhaps they could make a super huge map that has all of this somehow in one? I don't know...I just don't know...

Gun Maintanance - It might sound cool, but it actually wouldnt be realistic at all. Normal weapons like M4A1 should be cleaned every 20k rounds shot. I am playing DayZ for over two months and I belive I havent shot more then 1000 bullets from all weapons. Most of it probably from AK-74. Just like gardening, seems a bit pointless.

On the other side, you could find military grade weapon, which was thrown somewhere in the dirt for few weeks (possibly next to dead soldier) and be able to repair it and clean it. That would be much more realistic and it would add to rarity of military grade weapons.

I do like the idea of finding military grade weapons near dead bodies and having to clean them. So if gun cleaning is incorporated in that respect, then you it should also be included in the other respect. I don't see it as something that someone would do all the time, like you said. Something that you would want to do frequently to avoid jamming and misfires? Certainly. I would probably clean my gun every other time I ate. Over kill l'm sure but that would be one damn shiny gun.

If you have a base, there should be a way to store your items in there, because otherwise you lose it while swimming etc.

Updating OP to include storage.

There needs to be some sort of counter for people logging in near other players. Like, if you log in within 100 meters of another player you are invunerable and can do no damage for 1 minute.

I do like the idea of having some kind a spawn killing deterrent but I'm not sure how I feel about invincibility/can't deal damage. Lets hear some more ideas on a good spawn killing prevention.

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