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Spawning knocked out every time

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Date/Time: 5/24/2012

What happened: I spawn knocked out every time I log in to a server

Where you were: Varies

What you were doing: Joining a server

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Any server

*Your system specs: Radeon 6950, 8GB Ram, i5 2500k, Win 7 64

*Timeline of events before/after error: Spawn knocked out. Sometimes die, just varies. No clue what started this...

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This is now happening to me every time I log in (Virginia 5). Full blood, no damage.

It's a long unconsciousness, too. 3 minutes or more.

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People are saying it's an intentional 'bug' to keep people from server hopping, but this is quite possibly one of the stupidest work-arounds I've ever seen if that is actually true. If this is the best that can be come up with, a freaking 3-4minute knockout every login, then I highly recommend they go check the suggestions forum and see other ideas that they can use.

If this is, however, a bug...then fix it fast please.

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Date/Time: 5/28/2012

What happened: I spawn knocked out every time I log in to a server. Unable to do anything. including using game menu, for approximately 5 mins

Where you were: Anywhere - this happens regularly

What you were doing: Joining a server after disconnecting to fix an audio issue

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: Any

*Your system specs: 2 x Radeon 6950 CF, 8GB Ram, i5 2500k, Win 7 64

*Timeline of events before/after error: Spawn knocked out. Sometimes die, just varies. No clue what started this...

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I am getting this too. It really sucks when you crash and then have to sit there unconscious for ages.

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This just happened to me as well. I was at the Elektro Firehouse with a buddy of mine, and we both logged off for dinner. There were another two survivors there we had met - and a zombie was coming towards them. My buddy logged in fine, I logged in unconscious - multiple times.

This was all on the same server - Chicago 29, we did not change servers at all.

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Getting this too, everytime I log on a server I get the time glass screen and it lasts for like three minutes. It's really annoying.

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If you log into game after a while from playing or not even but had just had an altercation with zombies and you were in shock ( this can happen even with no icon showing on ui ) then you will return to game on the floor with egg timer,, u need to wait it out and take some painkillers.

Or check if you are shaking within aim mode in first person before u log out :P

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Yeah, I had this problem. Every time I'd log out, it'd spawn me in unconscious for like 5-10 minutes at a time. This also happened after I put on camo, it didn't save the camo on me, but made me unconscious until the server finally restarted.

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all problems with this mod are 100% user generated so deal with it.


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I died, I saw the picture "you are dead", then nothing else to do except click on "leave", I got out of the game, I reconnected, entering the game j 'I had my old personal so I'm dead again, I just lived my last moments again and "you are dead" .. I came out of the game, and since when I try to go back to a server, the screen freezes, I just scored a black screen with "loading" .. anyone know if I can do something? ..

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Try creating a new Arma 2 profile/name, then try logging into a server. Maybe that'll help? If it does, just revert to your old profile, and then everything should be okay. That's the only thing I can think of to attempt to fix that type of problem.

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Same problem. Killed by a hacker along with the rest of Dallas 24, disconnected, got on a different Dallas server, logged in on the shore, got back onto Dallas 24 and was in the hourglass. This has happened every time I log into my character now.

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Happening to me everytime as well. Doesnt matter which server, doesnt matter if I died, I'll respawn waiting awhile just to wake up. Happened after I was shot and killed.

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Seems to fix itself after a few death cycles/server swaps. Dunno though, still a problem.

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Date/Time: 5/24/2012

What happened: Logged out and when to multiplayer setup of the SAME server and knocked out. Accidently aborted.

Where you were: Airstrip

What you were doing: Joining the server

*Current installed version: 1.7

*Server(s) you were on: Atlanta 26

*Your system specs: Intel HD Family Graphics 6GB Ram, i3, Win 7 64

*Timeline of events before/after error: Logged out accidently. Came back to the same server. Then I'm on the floor knocked out with the time thing in the center.

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This can be quite annoying, you login into a server and up getting knocked out for no reason with full health and takes forever until you get up again. My char is spinning around like a maniac too.

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16 June 2012 - 00:30

What happened:Spawned in with hour glass several times in a row on US 105.

Where you were:

West Berezino deer stand, and various other locations in Berezino on US 105.

What you were doing:

Stuck on deer stand ladder. Reconnected to same server (US 105) to attempt fix. Spawned in with hour glass, bleeding, broken leg.

*Current installed version:


*Server(s) you were on:

US 105, US 18

*Your system specs:

i7 920, 12 gigs ram, Win 7 64, EVGA GTX 570

*Timeline of events before/after error:

Got stuck on a deer stand ladder in west Berezino. Could not get off of it by going either up or down. Aborted to attempt to correct the issue. Respawned on same server (US 105) at the bottom of the deer stand ladder with bleeding, broken leg, and hour glass. Friend came and fixed me up, but my frame rates were crappy so I reconnected to the same server (US 105). Respawned in with hour glass again, not bleeding and no broken leg. Respawned on same server again (US 105) to try and correct the issue. Hour glass again. Disconnected and joined US 18. No hour glass. Rejoined US 105, had hour glass upon spawn again. Each time I waited for the hour glass to finish and my character to stand up before attempting a reconnect/joining US 18.

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It's when you are in Combat (Getting Shot) And the Symbol like a Seat belt pops up so when you leave and rejoin you will be knocked out for 5 Minutes MAX, It's to stop PvP Disconnecting.

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I have the same issue, I went unconscious after friendly fire - got treated with bandages/bloodbag/epipen. After that i keep on spawning with 5 min unconscious state - no matter if I was 12k blood and fine before spawn. It happens even after an hour of play with no injuries. Please help what I can do to get rid of this.

Happened the first time on Belgium 1 16.06 ~5 CET

If it helps I have a camo on me.

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I was on a roof and glitched off a ladder, but all of my friends either died, or are too far away to help me. I was knocked out and even at 10k blood, il bleed to death before I can stand again. I have epi-pen with my character, is there a way I can inject myself? I don't want to die, my character has good loot :( I disconnected to see if I spawned standing, but that didn't help. Can an admin pick me up? Or is there any way to use my epi-pen on myself?

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It's when you are in Combat (Getting Shot) And the Symbol like a Seat belt pops up so when you leave and rejoin you will be knocked out for 5 Minutes MAX' date=' It's to stop PvP Disconnecting.


It isn't. You aren't reading what people are writing.

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Yeah, my two cases were from using a camo skin, not from combat. The Ghillie suit didn't do that to me, but the other skin did.

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