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About ZFK

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  1. Yes, because attacking very valid points about the ban waves and this joke of a forum administration are an attempt to get der Führer wound up. This thread's going to get locked and we're all probably going to get banned for voicing our concern, but I'll leave with saying that comparing yourselves to Sturmabteilung members killing hundreds of people, as well as the hastily-deleted 'lol i trol u' thread about a Staff Member appealing a global ban (though everyone can see right through this), as well as the entire way that you and your CMs conduct yourselves is fucking pitiful and not in any way a show of professionalism. I expect more of Bohemia, this shit never happens on the official forums. It's disappointing that this is all happening because of a quick fix that isn't working and could have been avoided had the time actually had been taken to fix the problem.
  2. Professionalism, from a group of people who compared this ban wave to the Röhm-Putsch.
  3. That's spyware bruh. And that is not how it works.
  4. See, these are the kind of things that you should have thought about BEFORE rolling out the new battleye parameters, and deciding to make the bans global. Now you have a bunch of people, your staffmates included, who are missing 50% (arguably more) of a 30$ product. You also should not lie about battleye being immune to handing out false positives.
  5. ZFK


    oh i'm sure that's why you deleted it i guess hilarious
  6. Hahahaha oh dear. Battleye confirmed to ban on false positives, and DayZ staff confirmed to have been banned as well? This is comedy bismuth. Carry on, please, I need more.
  7. ZFK

    Spawning knocked out every time

    Seems to fix itself after a few death cycles/server swaps. Dunno though, still a problem.
  8. Jesus Christ you people. I'm growing weary of the baseless accusations. ONE member of PBE was shown as 'combat' logging, though it's hard to really blame him seeing as how he logged on face-to-face with 20 server-hopping Swedes. You would have called it combat logging even if he disconnected before an alleged shot was fired (I understand very little Swedish). You log in and have less than a second to assess the situation and determine a proper course of action while a dozen unfamiliar players are raiding your camp and about to blow your face off regardless. That isn't what PVP is meant to be and I'm willing to bet that, put in the same situation, you would all do the same thing. This is like condemning the entire US military because one threw a puppy into a gulley. Also, anecdotes don't equate proof. "Dur hur but we saw you disconnect a few days ago or something!" means absolutely nothing. For all anyone knows you could be butthurt over something one of the members of PBE did or said to you and are just looking for some kind of revenge (albeit pathetically). Anyway, the moral of the story is to play with your sound on.
  9. ZFK

    Spawning knocked out every time

    Same problem. Killed by a hacker along with the rest of Dallas 24, disconnected, got on a different Dallas server, logged in on the shore, got back onto Dallas 24 and was in the hourglass. This has happened every time I log into my character now.
  10. ZFK

    Dallas-24 Everyone just died

    Confirm, driving my offroad and it blew the fuck up, and I was ejected. Pretty cool.