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About vitalfever

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. vitalfever

    Spawning knocked out every time

    I am getting this too. It really sucks when you crash and then have to sit there unconscious for ages.
  2. vitalfever

    IF this was an actual game...

    I'd pay for the game only, no sub or item payments. Studio or community, doesn't bother me. Kickstarter would be a good idea.
  3. vitalfever

    I instantly get kicked

    Verifying the game didn't work for me, so it's probably an issue with my arma 2, I'll try using combined ops lite to see if that works. Edit: Alright so what I did to get it work is put in the arma 2 free pbo files into my arma 2 installation instead of using the full arma 2 pbo files. I guess some were corrupt and that's what was causing the kick.
  4. vitalfever

    I instantly get kicked

    Ah sorry, I didn't mean a folder literally called arma2oa, just shortening the directory it's in, it's in steam/steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead/@DayZ/AddOns.
  5. vitalfever

    I instantly get kicked

    My command line for combined ops is: -mod=@DayZ. The DayZ folder is located in arma2oa/@DayZ/AddOns. Is this the correct way to do it all? If not I guess I have corrupted files or my arma2 is stuffed.
  6. vitalfever

    I instantly get kicked

    I am also getting this error. I get kicked from server after about 5 seconds. I haven't created a character or anything yet because of this. My ping is usually about 210-240ms on the US servers which I am trying to join, but there were people on the server with higher ping than me.
  7. vitalfever

    Waiting for character to create.

    I'm also getting the "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgGlasses.SJB_Sordins_C3'" error. Not sure if it's related to that error but whenever I connect to a server I manage to retrieve mission data and go to a load screen but then I get kicked from the server. I'd really like to play this.