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Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

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Thats how you deal with bandits

Side note, if they were sitting somewhere snipping alone they were probably a duche and deserved a bullet. Not a special skin, but a bullet.

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Im gunna hunt every filthy piece of shit pussy bandit down. Every fucking gunshot i hear, i'm now coming to check out, where i used to ignore or move away from a 100% of the time to avoid since i couldn't know if the guy was a bandit or not. Now 0% of the time will i not check it out in the hopes that some a-hole is wearing black. Now its bandit munching time. In fact, why not implement cannibalism, now that im going to fucking make swiss cheese out of bandits so often. Good idea Thane. Hope i remembered to bring the salt when i encounter you Zoop, cause im gunna need it, err your going to need it.....

I wish you the best of luck.

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There is also no way for a system or code to determine if you are protecting someone,

That is true but I think there should be a logging of information if there is such as,

Player-A shot but didn't kill Player-B, Player-C(who isn't associated with Player-B; as in not trying to "protect", it still wouldn't count as protection because theres no "team" in the mod.) hears gun fire (whose in the vicinity of the weapon fired.), sees and kills Player-A but won't get a murder count because the system logged that Player-A fired a Makarov PM or whatever weapon the player uses upon another Player.

Also with self defense; Player-A shoots Player-B, system logs that A "attacked" B therefore B can kill A without receiving a murder count.

That is only if the system can log such information with timestamps as well but it would seem like way too much data.

Edited by Shade

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That is true but I think there should be a logging of information if there is such as,

Player-A shot but didn't kill Player-B, Player-C(who isn't associated with Player-B; as in not trying to "protect", it still wouldn't count as protection because theres no "team" in the mod.) hears gun fire (whose in the vicinity of the weapon fired.), sees and kills Player-A but won't get a murder count because the system logged that Player-A fired a Makarov PM or whatever weapon the player uses upon another Player.

Also with self defense; Player-A shoots Player-B, system logs that A "attacked" B therefore B can kill A without receiving a murder count.

That is only if the system can log such information with timestamps as well but it would seem like way too much data.

Agreed, all those calculations and the FPS associated with it could be used for way better content IMO. I also think that even with a logging features players would be able to abuse the system because it is set on specific rules that can be figured out. Bullet must be within 10ft, well I'll shoot 15 ft away to get them to return fire. Also for self defense there are so many situations were someone doesn't even shoot but you still need to defend yourself, ie stealing, following, trolling, etc. To me that breaks the system and is also why everyone will become bandits eventually because your counts are carried over character deaths.

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Agreed, all those calculations and the FPS associated with it could be used for way better content IMO. I also think that even with a logging features players would be able to abuse the system because it is set on specific rules that can be figured out. Bullet must be within 10ft, well I'll shoot 15 ft away to get them to return fire. Also for self defense there are so many situations were someone doesn't even shoot but you still need to defend yourself, ie stealing, following, trolling, etc. To me that breaks the system and is also why everyone will become bandits eventually because your counts are carried over character deaths.

I can see how that can be abused. for the 15 ft thing, I think the logging of info about a player attacking another playeralso I think you shouldnt be able to steal out of ones pack to support the logging system.

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Personally I look forward to some separation from those who choose to snipe people from 600m and those who choose to duck into towns and get caught in a fire-fight - at least they get a chance to defend themselves. If this is achieved by labelling people bandits - so be it. It is currently unrealistic to think that everyone would revert to every man for himself.

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Zoop sounds like a pretty tedious kind of guy.

In other news bagged two bandits tonight, enjoying having the bandit skin back in already.

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Its in now? I haven't seen an update.........checked, got an update! Ohhhhhhh, fire up the bbq, it is bandit hunting time.

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The bandit skin needs to be back, there is really no way to establish someone's motive in a subtle way, this is a bullet simulation dressed up in a FPS jumpsuit, not LA Noir.

I keep seeing the same two arguments against having the bandit skin back;

1. I'll "accidentally" get turned into a bandit from: defending myself or stuff, friendly fire, who fucking knows???

to which I ask, Where are all the youtube videos of this crippling bug with the humanity system? A quick search shows 69 returns, 5 of which are bandits just killing people, with all the other crazy shit that people manage to capture, this is the only one:

and its user error, the guy "thinks" he is getting shot at, so he intentionally makes a decision to shoot that player, and even then, he doesn't get the kill.

argument #2, and my personal favorite:

"I've got to look out for #1, people are just going to take all my sweet loot meats!"



that being said, Be a prick! shoot who you want! I could fucking care less, but be the duck your always wanted to be and quit justifying a non existant reason to be an asshole. If you want to take a shit in my sandwhich because it sexually excites you, I'm not going to judge that, sure I'll be pissed for 30 seconds, and then I'll go get all that gear back..BECAUSE IT RESPAWNS

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This skin is much needed imo ive lost count the amount of times bandits have said "friendly" only to shoot me in the back 5 minutes later at least now if you see a bandit skin you know to avoid them. I havent got a problem with PvP in the game or bandits for that matter just people that backstab and make the game boring and this is the best solution for that.

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Killing somebody is a big taboo, even if someone's forcing your hand, justifying selfdefense.

If you continue to place yourself in situations where you have to kill scores of people in selfdefense, it's going to affect your psychology. You might even start to make up excuses for using selfdefense: "He looked like he was going to kill me, he was unarmed, but it was only a question of time, before he would have found a weapon, yo honor!"

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Zoop sounds like a pretty tedious kind of guy.

Hey, at least I'm being honest here. I didn't start shooting people after the bandit skin was removed. I shot them before that too.

I shoot people because you can only 'co-operate' for so long before you get tired of trekking across the map and collecting gear before you start looking for something that vaguely resembles a challenge.

If Rocket does something to make it hard to actually survive the zombies, maybe I'll rethink the way I play. As it stands now, being a survivor basically entails running to Stary or the NW airfield, then doing nothing because you've already got all the gear you need.

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Killing somebody is a big taboo, even if someone's forcing your hand, justifying selfdefense.

If you continue to place yourself in situations where you have to kill scores of people in selfdefense, it's going to affect your psychology. You might even start to make up excuses for using selfdefense: "He looked like he was going to kill me, he was unarmed, but it was only a question of time, before he would have found a weapon, yo honor!"

>zombie apocalypse

>yo honor

>does not compute.

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I don't think this will take away from the game too much, as most of the players that KOS are new. The more experienced Player's probably consider if the ammo is worth it or if your shot attracts too many zombies. Well unless you're endgame already.

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I can't wait for the indicators, the should have never removed them

They should have, if your a bandit, would you walk around in really ab-normal clothing, just so that people know you kill survivors?

-Where would you even get this ab-normal clothing.


-I say there should be more custom skins, such as how the ghillie, and soldier, and camo clothing spawn, So should other clothings like A black shirt (No changes to the chest pack) or maybe a green one etc. Custom pants, the hole deal. You can find them in like dressers in buildings and such. That is the only way custom skins should be put into this game. Or randomize skins on respawn.

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Personally I look forward to some separation from those who choose to snipe people from 600m and those who choose to duck into towns and get caught in a fire-fight - at least they get a chance to defend themselves. If this is achieved by labelling people bandits - so be it. It is currently unrealistic to think that everyone would revert to every man for himself.

What would be the point in making a skin for someone 600 meters away?

If you are goign to be so far away it can't be seen, or this guy is most likely not going to even try to convince you that he is friendly. Then the bandit skin is completely useless.. Especially if he is sniping, you wouldn't even know w/e or not the guy who murdered you was a bandit. So raelly, the bandit skin does NOT combat sniping at all. All it helps is those who goes "friendly friendly!" and then shots you in the back.. But again i would say that is your fault, do not trust strangers.

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What would be the point in making a skin for someone 600 meters away?

If you are goign to be so far away it can't be seen, or this guy is most likely not going to even try to convince you that he is friendly. Then the bandit skin is completely useless.. Especially if he is sniping, you wouldn't even know w/e or not the guy who murdered you was a bandit. So raelly, the bandit skin does NOT combat sniping at all. All it helps is those who goes "friendly friendly!" and then shots you in the back.. But again i would say that is your fault, do not trust strangers.

But...bandits love PvP. Bandit skins actually encourage players to PvP more. Bandits shouldn't care at all.

Oh, right, bandits don't enjoy PvP. Bandits love camping and ganking unsuspecting victims. This is why a system that encourages PvP with people who love to playerkill is the worst thing to ever happen to a group of people whose entire play style is founded upon PKing.

I love this. I mean, Logic is in the corner taking a bottle of percocet and drinking vodka straight from the bottle, but I find this quite amusing. Keep it coming, candy bandies.

Edited by BazBake
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But...bandits love PvP. Bandit skins actually encourage players to PvP more. Bandits shouldn't care at all.

Oh, right, bandits don't enjoy PvP. Bandits love camping and ganking unsuspecting victims. This is why a system that encourages PvP with people who love to playerkill is the worst thing to ever happen to a group of people whose entire play style is founded upon PKing.

I love this. I mean, Logic is in the corner taking a bottle of percocet and drinking vodka straight from the bottle, but I find this quite amusing. Keep it coming, candy bandies.

Lol that is true.Also the fact of people saying it's unrealistic for people to be having a bandit skin, it is also unrealistic for more than almost everybody and I repeat more than almost, not all, kos

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+1 OP

Everything you said is spot on. Making other players easily identifiable as possible friend or likely foe totally ruins the tension and excitement of encountering another player.

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+1 OP

Everything you said is spot on. Making other players easily identifiable as possible friend or likely foe totally ruins the tension and excitement of encountering another player.

What tension? after I was killed 2 times by strangers i met i simply started to avoid everyone or shoot people who saw me no uncertaincy at all.

And like all people involved (bandits and anti pvp and others) will tell you not having a bandit skin does not mean someones friendly.

Edited by Knollte
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What tension? after I was killed 2 times by strangers i met i simply started to avoid everyone or shoot people who saw me no uncertaincy at all.

And like all people involved (bandits and anti pvp and others) will tell you not having a bandit skin does not mean someones friendly.

Exactly, What tension? I don't understand this "tension" or "fear" people are feeling when they see another player. It's already been proven many times to a whole lot of players that it's KoS or jus simply avoid other players.

Edited by Shade

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Poeple who are complaining because of the new bandit skin, are not bandits, real bandits would not be giving a fuck about this implement, since they know how to take care of 'em selves.

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WHY do you need an indicator? Because you want to stay alive longer? How about you are more careful instead? Yes he shoot you supirse welcome to the major fun/psycholgical aspect of this game. Trust and distrust adds tension to the game. If you get a visual cue that tells you a gamers agenda taht entire aspect is gone and all that is left is team A vs team B. Basically it tturns the game into a shoot liker CSS, COD, BF3 etc.

.... Than I guess Body language is also a carebear concept and is never used in real life to profile people. Remember there are limitations to what the engine can do, and that unless your force somethings on to players, they can become masters of speech and masking their identity to even people they have meet before.

+1 OP

Everything you said is spot on. Making other players easily identifiable as possible friend or likely foe totally ruins the tension and excitement of encountering another player.

While you do have a point, there is also a reason groups have uniforms, so why not have more custom skins so groups could have uniforms? I mean what reason to not have groups beside their rep could change how you interact with them but, nothing would stop players from trying to steal the uniform and abuse the reputation of the group.

Edited by Orthus

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i hope they remove the bandit indicator, you pretty much explained it all.

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i hope they remove the bandit indicator, you pretty much explained it all.

than lets add forced body language, since making everyone perfect liers and masters of disguise is the worst extreme of possible.

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