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Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

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*deep sigh*

Where to begin?

DayZ has many(many - many [MANY] - ) problems, but it's my opinion that, today, what plagues players the most is not the storm of artifacts hovering over the most sought after loot locations, or the fact that tents eat-up loot, but hackers. Yes, hackers. Has nothing to do with this topic, but well, I wanted to be precise. Now, right after hackers, its the community that seems to piss people off the most.

Community. Do we even have a community? Can we get a percentage of the people playing the game and participating in the forums? I do not think we can count every player as part of this "community" when - I assume - there's a vast majority that don't give an empty tin can about the future of the mod.

It might seem unfair to discriminate in this way, but I strongly believe that since we lack a "persistent" world and servers with enough capacity to hold sizable chunks of the population, the only true community building tool that we possess are these forums.

Now, we got our community, alright. A small one, and it seems most of it is spread over who knows how many servers. Meaning that even if I know there's a bunch of friendlies out there, there's no way I can tell if I'm sharing the server I play with them (specially since most people choose different names for the game/server/steam/skype/etc). So what does this lead us to?

KOS Mentality

Killing on sight is a natural thing... for a game. The psychology behind it is by no means complicated. As we play we progress, and as we progress our invested time becomes more valuable. When you are faced with the possibility of having all your efforts squandered, it's only logical to do your best to avoid it. This usually leads to KOS, lone-wolfing or playing with people whom you already trust (trust earned by "meta-gaming" in most cases).

People argue that it's the player's right to kill on sight as he sees fit. Of course, it is. The same way it's the player's right to try and co-op with others. What's the problem? One kind eats the other. If you have player A (KOS Mentality) and player B (Co-Op Mentality) meet, player A will most likely kill player B. Repeat this enough times, and you'll have yourself a convert. This is the already mentioned axiom: "If a player gets killed by bandits enough times, he himself will turn into one." It might look like a formula for a Mythbusters episode, but it's only the plain and simple truth.

Simple cause and effect. Regardless of statistics (the ones I've seen at least), I strongly believe the majority of Day Z deaths are caused by other players. That's because probably (judging from personal experience over a two-month play time) 80-90% of the players prefer to shoot at other players which they don't already recognize as friendly. There are only a few "die-hard" friendlies out there, and I'm thinking nobody is truly "free of sin" in Day Z. Even I, who think of myself as the ultimate nice guy (ie.: today I spared a guy who shot an entire makarov clip on my back after I saved him from some zombies), have two murders on my shoulders. Granted, I gave the guys warning and told them to call friendly or I'd shoot. But still, I could just have walked away or remained hidden.

But I digress...

The point here: Is KOS what the developers intended all along? Unlikely. You want to know why I think that? Simple. Rocket has been known to say that Day Z is an anti-game, meaning, it's not meant to be a game. Rather, it's supposed to be an "experience". Like reading a "choose your own adventure" book, or writing a story, or something similar. Now I ask you: What's more "gamey" than killing others because you are afraid of loosing your loot? Or even worse, what's more gamey (or psychotic) than killing others "for fun"?

Hell, the whole KOS Mentality goes against one of the main principles of Day Z: "Do NOT get attached to your loot."

Skins and Sides

After all that introduction, we come to the topic at hand.

I'll be completely honest with you here: I regret the inclusion of skins but understand the need for them.

There's just too much killing right now, it has to stop. We need people realizing that Day Z is not a FPS, or worse, just a sandbox deathmatch simulator. This is a zombie (infected?) apocalypse simulator. Our objective is to survive, not to finish of the rest of the human race. One would think that having the majority of the world's population turned into feral animals that will attack on sight would deter survivors from doing the same.

You don't want this new feature ruining your immersion? I'd consider people camping hills and picking off recently washed ashore survivors (just for fun) far more damaging than a scarf or hat which you'll most likely not even get the chance to see anyway because half the bandits will kill you before you see them, and the other half will wait for the right time to strike.

In all fairness, I doubt this new implementation will put a stop to the current general behavior. More cooperative tasks must be brought into the mod if Rocket wants to see how a true "end-world" situation would fan out.

Problem is that once you have the means to survive and defend yourself from the occasional zombie, there's not much else to do in the mod. Yes, you can go up north and try to gather those awesome weapons but... In reality (and I do mean reality) I'd rather keep my durable Makarov (with it's easy to find ammo) and my hatchet over an AS50. The only reason to have more advanced weapons is to fight other survivors, and that is something that shouldn't truly be a priority. If anything, people should try securing the most amount of survivors to their side, in order to assure long-term survival. It's survivors themselves that will become the most valuable assets in a "world-end" scenario, not that thermal vision scoped gun or that range-finder.

Even more, I believe that Day Z should try to foster this kind of situations in the mod. That would truly be an interesting social experiment. Seeing people form groups under basis other than "friend in real life". In example, suppose a group has secured a farm. Now, characters interested in securing a food-supply would most likely try to join that community. On the other hand, characters established around a hospital would most likely trade their supplies (and expertise) for food. There are tons of "synergistic" relationships that could arise from different combinations.

But again, I digress...

Right now, the OP worries about the game turning into a side A vs Side B kind of thing. But that won't ever happen in Day Z. Simply because Bandits aren't always friendly to other bandits, and survivors will not always want to cooperate with other survivors. As things are now, it's likely that small groups will be the most common, with a few big ones belonging to either clans or very charismatic party leaders who can maintain the loyalty of their followers.

Immersion was brought up too. I already talked about it a bit, but it's worth revisiting.

Getting blood stains after checking someone's corpse is as realistic as getting a scarf because you murdered someone. Can't you pull up your sleeves? Be careful and not touch the blood? What if I just take the gun the guy was holding? How come I don't get stained by my own blood? There are a hundred things that could ruin your immersion, but I believe that the most relevant fact against this idea would be that it will not help stop the KOS mentality.

This feature could be added for additional realism though, but, as I've said before, it's pretty low on the to-do list.

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thats all it is. suggestions. the people who dont like the suggestions are the people that will find the game harder to play. if people are playing the game to PVP and not survive which is the intent and there is a change implenented that makes it harder for them to PVP all day long then they will winge. say man up you pussy or some crap. if they want to spend their time playing like that play COD. this game is about survival not PVP count

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*deep sigh*

Where to begin?

DayZ has many(many - many [MANY] - ) problems, but it's my opinion that, today, what plagues players the most is not the storm of artifacts hovering over the most sought after loot locations, or the fact that tents eat-up loot, but hackers. Yes, hackers. Has nothing to do with this topic, but well, I wanted to be precise. Now, right after hackers, its the community that seems to piss people off the most.

Community. Do we even have a community? Can we get a percentage of the people playing the game and participating in the forums? I do not think we can count every player as part of this "community" when - I assume - there's a vast majority that don't give an empty tin can about the future of the mod.

It might seem unfair to discriminate in this way, but I strongly believe that since we lack a "persistent" world and servers with enough capacity to hold sizable chunks of the population, the only true community building tool that we possess are these forums.

Now, we got our community, alright. A small one, and it seems most of it is spread over who knows how many servers. Meaning that even if I know there's a bunch of friendlies out there, there's no way I can tell if I'm sharing the server I play with them (specially since most people choose different names for the game/server/steam/skype/etc). So what does this lead us to?

KOS Mentality

Killing on sight is a natural thing... for a game. The psychology behind it is by no means complicated. As we play we progress, and as we progress our invested time becomes more valuable. When you are faced with the possibility of having all your efforts squandered, it's only logical to do your best to avoid it. This usually leads to KOS, lone-wolfing or playing with people whom you already trust (trust earned by "meta-gaming" in most cases).

People argue that it's the player's right to kill on sight as he sees fit. Of course, it is. The same way it's the player's right to try and co-op with others. What's the problem? One kind eats the other. If you have player A (KOS Mentality) and player B (Co-Op Mentality) meet, player A will most likely kill player B. Repeat this enough times, and you'll have yourself a convert. This is the already mentioned axiom: "If a player gets killed by bandits enough times, he himself will turn into one." It might look like a formula for a Mythbusters episode, but it's only the plain and simple truth.

Simple cause and effect. Regardless of statistics (the ones I've seen at least), I strongly believe the majority of Day Z deaths are caused by other players. That's because probably (judging from personal experience over a two-month play time) 80-90% of the players prefer to shoot at other players which they don't already recognize as friendly. There are only a few "die-hard" friendlies out there, and I'm thinking nobody is truly "free of sin" in Day Z. Even I, who think of myself as the ultimate nice guy (ie.: today I spared a guy who shot an entire makarov clip on my back after I saved him from some zombies), have two murders on my shoulders. Granted, I gave the guys warning and told them to call friendly or I'd shoot. But still, I could just have walked away or remained hidden.

But I digress...

The point here: Is KOS what the developers intended all along? Unlikely. You want to know why I think that? Simple. Rocket has been known to say that Day Z is an anti-game, meaning, it's not meant to be a game. Rather, it's supposed to be an "experience". Like reading a "choose your own adventure" book, or writing a story, or something similar. Now I ask you: What's more "gamey" than killing others because you are afraid of loosing your loot? Or even worse, what's more gamey (or psychotic) than killing others "for fun"?

Hell, the whole KOS Mentality goes against one of the main principles of Day Z: "Do NOT get attached to your loot."

Skins and Sides

After all that introduction, we come to the topic at hand.

I'll be completely honest with you here: I regret the inclusion of skins but understand the need for them.

There's just too much killing right now, it has to stop. We need people realizing that Day Z is not a FPS, or worse, just a sandbox deathmatch simulator. This is a zombie (infected?) apocalypse simulator. Our objective is to survive, not to finish of the rest of the human race. One would think that having the majority of the world's population turned into feral animals that will attack on sight would deter survivors from doing the same.

You don't want this new feature ruining your immersion? I'd consider people camping hills and picking off recently washed ashore survivors (just for fun) far more damaging than a scarf or hat which you'll most likely not even get the chance to see anyway because half the bandits will kill you before you see them, and the other half will wait for the right time to strike.

In all fairness, I doubt this new implementation will put a stop to the current general behavior. More cooperative tasks must be brought into the mod if Rocket wants to see how a true "end-world" situation would fan out.

Problem is that once you have the means to survive and defend yourself from the occasional zombie, there's not much else to do in the mod. Yes, you can go up north and try to gather those awesome weapons but... In reality (and I do mean reality) I'd rather keep my durable Makarov (with it's easy to find ammo) and my hatchet over an AS50. The only reason to have more advanced weapons is to fight other survivors, and that is something that shouldn't truly be a priority. If anything, people should try securing the most amount of survivors to their side, in order to assure long-term survival. It's survivors themselves that will become the most valuable assets in a "world-end" scenario, not that thermal vision scoped gun or that range-finder.

Even more, I believe that Day Z should try to foster this kind of situations in the mod. That would truly be an interesting social experiment. Seeing people form groups under basis other than "friend in real life". In example, suppose a group has secured a farm. Now, characters interested in securing a food-supply would most likely try to join that community. On the other hand, characters established around a hospital would most likely trade their supplies (and expertise) for food. There are tons of "synergistic" relationships that could arise from different combinations.

But again, I digress...

Right now, the OP worries about the game turning into a side A vs Side B kind of thing. But that won't ever happen in Day Z. Simply because Bandits aren't always friendly to other bandits, and survivors will not always want to cooperate with other survivors. As things are now, it's likely that small groups will be the most common, with a few big ones belonging to either clans or very charismatic party leaders who can maintain the loyalty of their followers.

Immersion was brought up too. I already talked about it a bit, but it's worth revisiting.

Getting blood stains after checking someone's corpse is as realistic as getting a scarf because you murdered someone. Can't you pull up your sleeves? Be careful and not touch the blood? What if I just take the gun the guy was holding? How come I don't get stained by my own blood? There are a hundred things that could ruin your immersion, but I believe that the most relevant fact against this idea would be that it will not help stop the KOS mentality.

This feature could be added for additional realism though, but, as I've said before, it's pretty low on the to-do list.

wholey fuck that is too long for me to read lol. I am sure there are some good point. obviouse points and points that are pointless. end of the day it seems the only way you can play this game and get anywehre is if you are on vent or TS with others. because its impossible to make freinds when you are shot on sight all the time for a flash light even

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Oh common! I even used bold characters and sections!

Do you have any idea how hard it is for a non-native to write that much in English? Least you can do is give it a quick glance...

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being/becoming a bandit failed at two things. It stole our Ghillie suits, and you could become a bandit even though in reality you were just defending your ass from a bandit. I love the idea of being a bandit/survivor, but it would need not to fuck up your Ghillie suit and make your backpack disappear. Whether it being replaced by a silly hat or some christmas lights on you weapons.

If he chooses the humanity-meter solution, it would have to be pretty well made, considering an average lifetime of 49 minutes and depending on how easy it'll be to go from being inhumane to human.

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In some ways it's more realistic. Bandits/outlaws get reputations. It's difficult for them to go into populated areas. It should be riskier for a bandit to go into a Cherno or Elektro than an upstanding zombie apocalypse survivor (hehe). Outlaws generally have live on the run...apart from the rest of society.

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In some ways it's more realistic. Bandits/outlaws get reputations. It's difficult for them to go into populated areas. It should be riskier for a bandit to go into a Cherno or Elektro than an upstanding zombie apocalypse survivor (hehe). Outlaws generally have live on the run...apart from the rest of society.

Well, it could be realistic if players got more customization options too. Players whom are proud to be bandits would dress a certain way. A team of players could wear the same type of clothing by free will because they want to identify members of their own group.

Fresh spawned players would have random civilian clothing. How about that?

I am a friendly player but I know that I'd like more clothingoptions simply because I want to be able to quickly identify my buddies during a wild firefight.

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In some ways it's more realistic. Bandits/outlaws get reputations. It's difficult for them to go into populated areas. It should be riskier for a bandit to go into a Cherno or Elektro than an upstanding zombie apocalypse survivor (hehe). Outlaws generally have live on the run...apart from the rest of society.

yes this would be a good idea. but it also works VS. if would be very unwise for a friendly to go to a knows bandit area. if each had their own controled areas it would be better and more realistic

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Well, it could be realistic if players got more customization options too. Players whom are proud to be bandits would dress a certain way. A team of players could wear the same type of clothing by free will because they want to identify members of their own group.

Fresh spawned players would have random civilian clothing. How about that?

I am a friendly player but I know that I'd like more clothingoptions simply because I want to be able to quickly identify my buddies during a wild firefight.

one thing with this would be that bandits would like to dress like a civilion or a good guy so they dont get shot in a real life situation. unless your a bikie but they are nutral to all eexcept other gangs usually. Thats why I think clan clothing would be better. there are many different military uniforms out there so why nto use them

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Well, it could be realistic if players got more customization options too. Players whom are proud to be bandits would dress a certain way. A team of players could wear the same type of clothing by free will because they want to identify members of their own group.

Fresh spawned players would have random civilian clothing. How about that?

I am a friendly player but I know that I'd like more clothingoptions simply because I want to be able to quickly identify my buddies during a wild firefight.

That sounds good...maybe it will happen at some point. But I don't it should only be by choice. I think if you kill enough people you should get some sort of reputation/indication of that. Sure murderers aren't going to like it but...tough beans :)

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I skipped to the end after reading a couple of posts, and I'm going to paraphrase rocket here. Rocket says that people become heroes because they do the right thing. The right thing is very rarely the easy way. So trusting people in this game right now is really difficult, yes. But thats the point, in a real apocalypse you aren't going to be buddy buddy with everyone you see. Some people will kill you on sight because one less person near them means that much more percentage of a survival rate.

However the people who are medics in this game or who do give the fresh new spawns basic gear, that is otherwise hard to come by without having to go balls deep in cherno, are fairly revered in this game. Does everyone want this game to become kittyland simulator 2012? If you keep making it to where people are easier to trust and it becomes less about the tension of meeting someone new that you don't know then next thing you know we will all be running around killing zombies with very little to no conflict at all.

Or maybe people do want it to become completely PvE centered. Sounds like a really boring game to me though.

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That sounds good...maybe it will happen at some point. But I don't it should only be by choice. I think if you kill enough people you should get some sort of reputation/indication of that. Sure murderers aren't going to like it but...tough beans :)

its the way they chose to play the game but really playZ so yes tough beans. I dont think they should be disadvantaged for playing that way but I mean killing for no point has no point and are not playing the game to survive unlike survivors. thats why I think there should be two factions with controlled areas. no one is disadvantaged and bandits get to do their killing but only on friendly's. survivors get to do their killing but on bandits. its a win win. if you want to go lone wolf then you will be hunted by both and good luck to you just like real life. you wont last a day

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I skipped to the end after reading a couple of posts, and I'm going to paraphrase rocket here. Rocket says that people become heroes because they do the right thing. The right thing is very rarely the easy way. So trusting people in this game right now is really difficult, yes. But thats the point, in a real apocalypse you aren't going to be buddy buddy with everyone you see. Some people will kill you on sight because one less person near them means that much more percentage of a survival rate.

However the people who are medics in this game or who do give the fresh new spawns basic gear, that is otherwise hard to come by without having to go balls deep in cherno, are fairly revered in this game. Does everyone want this game to become kittyland simulator 2012? If you keep making it to where people are easier to trust and it becomes less about the tension of meeting someone new that you don't know then next thing you know we will all be running around killing zombies with very little to no conflict at all.

Or maybe people do want it to become completely PvE centered. Sounds like a really boring game to me though.

If you read my posts you would see I encourage both PVP of bandits and survivors. but PVP anyone just for a kill count that gets wiped once you die youself has no purpose. bandits should be reparded a currency or a scoring or rep system for killing survivors. If they kill another bandit they should lose some of that score. and if a survivor kills a bandit or another survivor the same thing should be in place. Just like real life. sure you will get shot by a person you dont see but the way the game is now that is by anyone anywhere. all because they know you will shoot them if have the chance

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one thing with this would be that bandits would like to dress like a civilion or a good guy so they dont get shot in a real life situation. unless your a bikie but they are nutral to all eexcept other gangs usually. Thats why I think clan clothing would be better. there are many different military uniforms out there so why nto use them

It seems you assume that hero-skin survivors will never backstab eachother. Trust me, it will happen no matter what as long as there is "friendly fire" in the game. I think it's part of the game that you cant really trust everybody. And I think people should have options. Today I might want to be a coldblooded bandit. Tomorrow I might want to help people out.

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If you read my posts you would see I encourage both PVP of bandits and survivors. but PVP anyone just for a kill count that gets wiped once you die youself has no purpose. bandits should be reparded a currency or a scoring or rep system for killing survivors. If they kill another bandit they should lose some of that score. and if a survivor kills a bandit or another survivor the same thing should be in place. Just like real life. sure you will get shot by a person you dont see but the way the game is now that is by anyone anywhere. all because they know you will shoot them if have the chance

But I don't do it for my muders/bandit kills to go up. I really could care less. Just because a couple of really bad bandits do it to see their murder score go up doesn't mean everyone thinks that way. I see equally geared groups and my group wants to engage them because it's a thrill to take down a group of people. It feeds a group mentality and allows us to accomplish something that individually we might not be able to.

Vehicles are easy to hoard, zombies are retarded and aren't a threat to a group of 2+ as long as there isn't any other bandits around. What else is there to do besides hunt other players?

Edit: Fixed a couple of typos

Edited by Densehavoc

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It seems you assume that hero-skin survivors will never backstab eachother. Trust me, it will happen no matter what as long as there is "friendly fire" in the game. I think it's part of the game that you cant really trust everybody. And I think people should have options. Today I might want to be a coldblooded bandit. Tomorrow I might want to help people out.

this would mean u should have multiple characters. And I agree you will have friendly fire. I mean if you have 1000 so called hero points and you kill a friendly and you loose 500 hero points. That means you should then have like a traitor mark above your head. In real life if you started killing your own people you would be locked up or shot right then and there. peoples decisions should have consiquences wheather good or bad

yes my spelling sucks

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I would always think that bandits want to hide their faces behind masks to cover their identity.

so I`d like to see a system where people loose humanity when they kill to much with their faces to be seen.

And then would be forced to wear a mask or something to hide their faces (banditskin).

But survivors could choose to wear a mask voluntary to hide their identity and kill with lower, or no hit on their humanity.

Killing people with masks would always count as bandit kills so this would give a somehow realistic sort of pvp flag and allow a change of playstyle when you get bored beeing the good guy.

Naturaly it should take some time to put on the mask or take it off( and I´m sure there are some exploits to whole idea).

Edited by Knollte

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its the way they chose to play the game but really playZ so yes tough beans. I dont think they should be disadvantaged for playing that way but I mean killing for no point has no point and are not playing the game to survive unlike survivors. thats why I think there should be two factions with controlled areas. no one is disadvantaged and bandits get to do their killing but only on friendly's. survivors get to do their killing but on bandits. its a win win. if you want to go lone wolf then you will be hunted by both and good luck to you just like real life. you wont last a day

I don't think it's so simple to just say..bandits get a disadvantage for being bandits...Being a bandit has disadvantages and advantages, as does not being a bandit.

An advantage to being a bandit is that life is simple...you take what you want from who you want and anyone who gets in your way dies. No tough decisions.

Disadvantage to being a bandit....currently none. I think it should be a reputation. Which of course needs to be visually indicated in some way.

Disadvantage of beng a "survivor". Getting killed because you don't just shoot at everything you see. Making tough decisions. Shoot or not?

Advantage to being a survivor....currently none. I think it should be a reputation. Which of course needs to be visually indicated.

Edited by playZ

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this would mean u should have multiple characters. And I agree you will have friendly fire. I mean if you have 1000 so called hero points and you kill a friendly and you loose 500 hero points. That means you should then have like a traitor mark above your head. In real life if you started killing your own people you would be locked up or shot right then and there. peoples decisions should have consiquences wheather good or bad

yes my spelling sucks

That already happens in the game. "My people" are not all survivors nor all bandits. My people is the small group that I currently play with. If one of those people randomly starts killing other people in the group that person will either die or will have to kill us all in order to survive.

I like that, I really do. But I dont like it when the game tries to put a giant label on me because of my actions. No matter if those actions are good or bad. If I am a friendly player, I will dress like one because I want to show other people that I am - in fact - friendly.

So yeah, maybe the problem simply comes down to that there needs to be more customization in form of clothing and some sort of nice indicator that wont ruin the immersion for those who like it.

And yes - some bandits will probably try to dress like friendly players in some cases but thats just how it is. A risk to be considered.

Edited by JulieMeyers

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I don't think it's so simple to just say..bandits get a disadvantage for being bandits...Being a bandit has disadvantages and advantages, as does not being a bandit.

An advantage to being a bandit is that life is simple...you take what you want from who you want and anyone who gets in your way dies. No tough decisions.

Disadvantage to being a bandit....currently none. I think it should be a reputation. Which of course needs to be visually indicated in some way.

Disadvantage of beng a "survivor". Getting killed because you don't just shoot at everything you see. Making tough decisions. Shoot or not?

Advantage to being a survivor....currently none. I think it should be a reputation. Which of course needs to be visually indicated.

You forget that the bandit actually puts himself in risk when he starts shooting at anybody. It might as well end with him taking the long stroll along the beachline.

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Great news in this movie in top of topic. I cant wait, than at last game will be something more than "kill at sight". And arguments to reality about "dont know who to trust" is just bullshit. You in real life have only one life and dont reborning so? Its just a game, and get use to this. And more game have consequences of being bad its more perfect it be. Let bandits be hardcore players who dont afraid nothing, now most of them are just carebears. :P

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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Its just a game, and get use to this. And more game have consequences of being bad its more perfect it be.

Another one of these "who cares, its a game"-people. Great. The game is not finished and this is the "suggestion" part of the forum. We contribute feedback to the developers and while you could just suck it up and go with it - you could also give your oppinion and give suggestions on how to make it better.

These ideas could create a nice game for everybody. Not just a one type of player.

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anything further north is pretty much kill-on-sight area

so unless you're a bandit living in cherno/elektro, ripping off fresh spawns after disguising yourself as friendly,

nothing will really change.

on another note, i can not see how this would work out as in being authentic, needs to be very subtle and not so obvious at least.

maybe a huge number of possible indicators so it won't be too easy to spot a bandit on sight.

bandit skin was removed for a reason, seeing a bandit skin v2 would be meh.

Edited by Azrail
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And I give my opinion. That I like to see some consequence of being bad in this game, but details I suggest in other topic. If you want to be real hardcore players who dont afraid nothing as bandit, its only more perfect for true PvP players who already get bored for standard scavenging, and know the map like own pocket. Let they be elite. Not some saturday shooters, let badit job be but in hands of people tought, not carebears who get a gun and think its cool "to shoot someone" and laught.

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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