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Jeff (DayZ)

Food and water being used offline

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Stop that.

Just because I couldn't get to my computer today does not mean I should be penalized ingame.

Please remove this in the next patch. This is silly. I can understand persistence and abuse with logging to prevent death, but it still is a mechanic that punishes you for not playing, and that's -bad-.

I don't care if you lose it faster when you actually play, or whatever other things happen. You should -not- be penalized when not playing the game. End of.

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it also seems food and water level are going down way faster than they used to.

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Agreed. I played the shit out of this game fri-sun and had a blast, come home from work monday and all my work was undone because I literally was dying of starvation the instant I logged in with no food around. Fuck that, dumbest thing I ever heard of. Hunger should go down at a WAY WAY slower rate if at all when not logged in. Also, I know it's been mentioned before, but a pure 1:1 day night cycle is stupid. This past weekend was a nice twist of fate but usually I can only play a few nights a week when its pitch black out. Make it a 1:3 cycle or something so somedays I get to play during the day.

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Agreed completely.

I logged on today, with both food and water flashing. Shortly I was bleeding out and had to log off and wait for some friends to get to me.

It's just silly that not playing for a few days uses up all your stuff.

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Yeah I couldn't play for the weekend becasue I was away, so basically two days, when I came back my water was gone and had to quickly dash to a lake to fill it up as it was flashing red. I had plenty of water before though so it's really just annoying, or way to harsh. If I went away for a holiday I think my character would die.

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I don't like nerfing the game too much but I totally agree with this.

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People are going to be hard pressed to provide a good argument for keeping the food/water use offline. Immersion, ok, but the game is already stressful enough.

Day/Night cycle. I'm not sure what the exact day/night times are currently, but a 6 hour night cycle, 18 hour day would sound like a good compromise. This would be a high latitude, summer solstice everday type setup.

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As a consequence, maybe you shouldn't regain blood while logged off, or regain blood at an even slower rate.

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What needs to be accounted for in the evaluation of what happens when we are offline is the fact that it is difficult enough right now to even get in a server. Therefore, even if the player wants to log-in to avert this, they are unable. Like I am right now.

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I completely agree with the above. It's hard enough that we have to make trips to town ridiculously often due to how ungodly our metabolism is, it's also hard enough to get into a server. Don't make me have to decide whether I'm going to work or am staying home to play a video game to keep my character alive...


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One of the guys we played with was instantly turned off by the fact that he feels "forced to login daily" just so his character doesn't die of malnutrition.

The speed it drops while in game is fine but when offline your character should stay as you left him.

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I think it should slow down a lot so that maybe after a few days or a week of inactivity you're starving, I don't want them to mess with the timescale AT ALL though, the real life timescale is utterly AWESOME to me, I can't think of any cooler feature.

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Yeah this really should be changed. I get that your character needs food and water on regular intervals, but having this decay to the point where you will literally have to restart if you couldn't play is pretty frustrating.

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I completely Agree turn it off!!!!

About day/night cycle....I can only play in the evening so would be nice a faster cycle, but

i don't think they gonna change it :(

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I really dislike this feature too, I don't know why it is implemented, My friend just died of dehydration earlier, and it was solely because he didn't have enough time to play last week. It's extremely imposing on a person's personal life. Please remove it.

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I agree that this feature should be removed as it makes it impossible for those of us who serve in the army and aren't home for long periods of time to play normally, id very much like to log in my character when i get home and not have him drop dead as soon as i connect because all my food and water was used up.

Hopefully rocket has taken note of this thread and will take into consideration those of us who cant log in everyday.

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Oh god please remove this. Died yesterday of dehydration shortly after logging on the first time in a few days.

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