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About Gontak

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Gontak

    DayZ and Basic Human Nature

    I don't recall Hobbes talking about Zombies in his state of Nature, but the man was so paranoid I wouldn't be surprised if he imagined it with something similar. To be honest, I do see this as a game, it is more realistic than games like L4D etc. But ultimately it's a game. There's no way the many people on here would kill mindlessly like they do in game if they knew it had real consequences, but you know that person is going to be spawned back on the coast and within 30 minutes probably well geared again if they know where to look. And as much as people on here would like to claim they'd be the bad boy in a zombie apocalypse not trusting anyone and killing all they come across, well they'd probably not survive the initial infection stage anyway, but if they did I have serious doubts that they would.
  2. Gontak

    ArmA 2: CO in "Top Seller" list

    I need to play Face of Mankind again soon, I noticed a few names from that game popping up in this mod.
  3. Gontak

    Food and water being used offline

    Yeah I couldn't play for the weekend becasue I was away, so basically two days, when I came back my water was gone and had to quickly dash to a lake to fill it up as it was flashing red. I had plenty of water before though so it's really just annoying, or way to harsh. If I went away for a holiday I think my character would die.
  4. Gontak

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I don't think it would be great to have designated 'pvp areas'. Keep pvp as is, it's not a kill for all, groups can be made and have been made, even today. Most people realise that when working together in groups they can achieve much more than simply killing those they come across. However you will always have groups who kill, but most players I've met either save my ass, or shoot at me not because they want my stuff but because they're scared of me doing it to them first. PVP should be a joint primary thing up with the Zombies, I wouldn't want it reduced, and I'm not even playing for PVP purposes.
  5. Gontak

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I don't have any intention of killing anyone for their stuff, or out of spite or selfishness. However I love the fact that pvp exists, it makes the game far more tense than it would be if I was to go to the airfield and just have to take a few zombies down, knowing that players could be there, and they might not be taking any risks makes the game really good, also the fact hat it brings a really big human element into the game, trust, adds great enjoyment. The fact I choose to play as unselfish or unruthless makes the game even more rewarding than if i was to play it as a bit of a bastard (For me personally anyway) because hewn you do run into those guys who are like you it's more rewarding.
  6. I'm generally more trusting of other players, mainly because my experience of them has been positive and have been helped a lot by them (Saved my life on a number of occasions).