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The way new players play this game perplex me

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Im new. I play with a number of new players as well (kind of). What I see from new players is they head for electro or cherno "because its the only way to get good loot". Players who have been playing for a while sit outside cherno and electro and kill said players. I learnt this fairly quickly. I don't go near cherno or electro, I head north and pick up what I need along the way. If you hit up the first 3 towns north of the coastal towns you have almost everything you need. Barns will give you moderate weapons like shotties and CZ550s and once you find a water bottle, hunting knife, matches and a hatchet you should never go hungry or thirsty. Once your done there you can hit up deer stands for an AK, map, compass and GPS and then onto airfields and military barracks for the higher end weapons. It seems like people come into and stick in this game that the only way to get reasonable loot is by running suicide missions through Cherno and Electro. I don't get it. Not much point in having this loot if you die 5 minutes later. This is a survival game and your playing it in the biggest killing zones in the game.

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It's not as risky if you know where the snipers are, and thus can avoid their vision, or make it harder for them to hit you. From personal experience, I can tell you that is is somewhat difficult to hit a zigzagging target at 700 meters, but it is not IMPOSSIBLE, so don't make your zigzagging predictable or you're probably dead.

This game is all about risk/reward. You can run around Kamenka for the worst loot pool in the game, but it's unlikely that anyone will be there to kill you other than zombies....Or you can high tail it all the way to the NW airfield, have a chance at some pretty nice weapons, and probably die if you aren't careful.

New players die a lot because they don't know what to look for. I haven't legitimately died in weeks (not including confirmed deaths to hackers of course). But once you die, you should be taking every single risk you can to get back in the game quickly. When you have nothing, there is no reason NOT to run into Cherno/Elektro. The only thing you have to lose is time, and if you're playing a game, especially this one, you should have some time to lose.

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All I need is barns, Berenzino, and deer stands.

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Well the thing is, fresh spawned players have nothing to lose, so why not take a chance for some of the better loot?

Sure you can find some of the basic weapons in barns, but If you have nothing to lose anyway, why not go for that chance of a m4a1 CCO or DMR? I also find food/backpacks are much easier to get this way.

I always go to the 3 coastal cities if i can, it is the best way to start out in my opinon.

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It's all risk/reward. I don't fault them for it. What they do compared to what you do is essentially 30 minutes to an hour or so of difference. If they survive the gauntlet, there's always a decent chance they'll come out better equipped than you

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Deer stands and Zelenogorsk, you can get everything there outside of medical supplies and vehicles that you would get in Cherno or Electro

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Death is part of the learning process.

In time they will learn, as we all have. :D

It wasn't part of the learning process for me and a lot of others. It makes perfect sense that if everyone spawns on the coast, Cherno and Elektro (the biggest cities on the coast) are going to have a lot of player activity. Since everyone kills on sight, you should avoid high player density areas. You should avoid Cherno and Elektro. It's so basic and easy to figure out that I refuse to believe these players seriously think that this is the only way to get good loot and that they really just want a Free for all kill fest in these cities.

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High risk high reward. I've gone into elektro/cherno with nothing and come out with alice, akm/m16, matches, blood bags, morphine, food and water.The new players want a kick out of the game and this is the easiest way. Besides elektro/cherno seem like a cakewalk compared to stary :/

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May just be me.. but I can die several times looking for ..a water bottle, hunting knife, matches, tent and (probably more importantly) morphine, in those cities and it is still waaay faster than collecting them all elsewhere.

Edited by RogueNZ

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I run into the closest city any time I spawn. There is no reason not to. What am I going to lose, a bandage and a flashlight?

10 - 15 minutes and I have everything I need.

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Berezino is my favorite town to gear up. I grab enough food and drink then run straight there.

6 apartments

2 grocery stores

3 deer stands

4 military tents

1 hospital

1 restaurant

1 office building

Easily have a full kit after clearing it.

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I've been playing this game for a while now, and I understand why people say that cherno and electro are death grounds. But in reality, if you're smart, they most certainly are not, and will boost you well. I went on a loot run just tonight to get food and a primary weapon, I found 3 winchesters, two enfields, tons of food, an AKM, an M9, an M1911, and a M4A1 CCO. Along with plenty of ammo. I literally have everything I need from those loot runs, I even have two tents, and I could've had a DMR after I killed a player in the cherno firehouse (what guy tries to snipe from there???) but let's face it, an M4A1 CCO is superior due to the fact that I don't actively hunt players, If you get in my way and act hostile, you will die.

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I think the current state of the game invites player to just crash into elektro or cherno, kill people, loot stuff, get killed. Rinse & repeat. Basically it morphed more into a battlefield or call of duty game.

I played the game with my friends as the survival shooter it is indented to be, but I realised that there is_currently_ no point in spending a lot of time in gearing up, just to be killed by hackers or by people who use duped gear (every sniper runs around with a AS50). Plus the zombies are horribly coded. I got instant killed by a zombie twice in the last 2 days. They just ran into me, broke my leg and I was dead. I didn't even take damage, no blood loss, just death. You could argue that the mod is alpha, but given the rather crappy fundament that the ARMA 2 engine provides, I doubt that this mod will ever be more than a nice, immersive, yet short experience.

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I used to smile if i spawn by cherno

I called it the triangle:hit the grocery store for alice pack and food, head to church for matches and ammo, head to firestation for guns....

Head North

Lower population server of course, gear up then do high population

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