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About CptLeon

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. CptLeon

    Hacker on SE 47

    Ermergerd herker
  2. CptLeon

    _-_Global ban upon opening game_-_

    Are.......are you fucking retarded? Like.....i am seriously asking this. Seriously, are you?
  3. CptLeon

    Pepsi/M Dew

    I'm pretty sure heinz doesn't even need to manufacture beans anymore. they're in every survival game ever.
  4. CptLeon

    US 88. Hacker "Ballgouger"

    It was his own account, sorry!
  5. CptLeon

    Roman's Apocalyptic Warehouse

    want to go bowling?
  6. CptLeon

    US 88. Hacker "Ballgouger"

    Sorry, as i said on profen's post, this is my retarded cousin. He got a hold of my credit card and bought hacks from a site he found after he kept getting killed. Sorry!
  7. CptLeon

    Cheating on US 737

    This was my retarded cousin, sorry. he got a hold of my credit card and bought hacks. again, sorry.
  8. CptLeon

    Trading NVG's for M240 , M249 or Mk48

    This post contributes nothing to the OP. Why don't you go brag about being a faggot somewhere else.
  9. CptLeon

    Green Mountain

    the only reason people don't like it is the artifacts. Even before they became a big issue, i was getting them there.
  10. CptLeon

    Legit Survivor.

    Was spawned on the coast with the new build, so i have to walk 10 KM back to my camp :c I also carry a M4A1 CCO SD for clearing a path through towns (i play with a few friends and they aren't very sneaky....)
  11. CptLeon

    Crosshair trouble.

    You have aiming deadzone enabled, go into options, then game options and put it all the way down.
  12. i had a similar issue, except it spawns me on the coast.....
  13. 1.) Wrong section 2.) you mixed together a bad meme and referenced a bad song 3.) the editing was godawful 2/10 for effort
  14. CptLeon

    [VIDEO] I was just in a helicopter dogfight

    one of the best series i have ever watched, and this video rocked. Nice shots man!