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Add Bears to forests

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I would love to see bears in DayZ, they will provide around the same amount of meat as a cow, and are hostile, they will damage you greatly killing you in a few hits but are as easy to kill as zombies, Possible skinnable coat to use as a heat-pack replacement and a nice little costume.

Bears will only be found in forest areas.

Post what you think below.

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A really nice idea, not that we need anymore hostillity while running away from zombies and bandits though :P


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Would make it harder for snipers. Would also make forest fights more common since people would be forced to shoot the bears(they are faster than people,) forcing them to give up their location.

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I like this idea.

Zeds & bears should be hostile toward each other too.

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I like this idea. Was going to post it but it's already here.... :D

I would expand onto it and say add several animal types that are hostile. Bears, Wolves, ect...

You could then use some of the fur or something to create new outfits/coats (that could potentially keep you warm?).

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I would also like to see reindeers or elks. Not just bears. Just more wildlife to hunt.

Edited by Teo

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+1 would be great would scare the shit out of people aswell.

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List of creatures we need roaming around, organized in order of priorities:

1. Bears

2. Wolves

3. Mountain Lions/Cougars/Panthers

4. Bloodsuckers from STALKER

5. Snorks from STALKER?

6. Chuck Norris

7. Puffer Fish

8. Carnivorous Deer

9. Wild Boar

10: Giant Catfish (possibly in lakes)

In Soviet Russia, catfish eat you.


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List of creatures we need roaming around, organized in order of priorities:

1. Bears

2. Wolves

3. Mountain Lions/Cougars/Panthers

4. Bloodsuckers from STALKER

5. Snorks from STALKER?

6. Chuck Norris

7. Puffer Fish

8. Carnivorous Deer

9. Wild Boar

10: Giant Catfish (possibly in lakes)

In Soviet Russia, catfish eat you.

11. This guy http://i.imgur.com/zhSfk.jpg

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Bears would be awesome just your idea needs some improving upon I believe. They provide 5 meat (Less than a cow), I'm not an expert but I think bears have less meat worth eating on them compared to cows. More health than zombies, bears are quite large and often fight one another, than can take a few nice hits, possibly 8,000 health? I like the idea about the fur coat though and being in forests is a given :P

I don't think the bears should be another treat for players I think a bear should be a "Fuck it, RUN!" type deal haha. Thoughts?

Someone suggested wolves there as well, I think they should have 4,000 health(Same as zombies) but you encounter 2-5 at any given time and they give 2 meat per wolf (since there is loads of them). Same scenario for wolves, only in forests and such.

I think they should spawn if you have a campfire down;

- 5% Change that after cooking meat a bear will spawn between 250-700 meters from the fire

- 2% Chance that simply lighting a fire will attract a bear

- 2.5% Chance that cooking meat will spawn a wolf pack 250-700 meters from the campfire

- 3% Chance of lighting the fire the wolf pack will spawn

- 0.25% Chance that both will spawn, from either lighting the fire or cooking meat

After spawning they start walking towards the fire, wolves will spread out around it but bears just go straight. They walk until a player is spotted but have better vision than zombies?

These percentinles stack depending on how many players are within a 250 meter radius of the campfire so big group of players have a greater risk of being attacked. This will hopefully bring balance for lone wolf players by challenging large group of players with ore campfire attacks?

I have got a lot of thoughts about this now once I gather them all I may make my own post :P Again, thoughts?

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If you played undead nightmare then you know bears can mess you up and would add a new since of maybe i should take my chances with in town bandits then a bear that runs faster then I, and if slender man was added to the game id be to scared to play.

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I will always support more wildlife. Animals will make the wilderness less boring. Especially hostile animals.

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Only if they don't run around like the zombies and I can actually shoot them before they approach me.

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I thought bears and coyotes are being implemented into the game in the near future.

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As someone who travels mostly via woods and hills i would love to have something to keep an eye out for in the forests (that or bigfoot :P ) wolves would be annoying as hell though, although I did hear something about dogs being added in soon? anyone know more about that? aka are they dogs or *shudder* zombie dogs?

but beans for bears!

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Bears should be very rare. Maybe one or two on the map at any one time. They could roam and destroy tents.

Wolves should also still be rare...maybe a low chance to spawn near players that don't move for a long time (snipers). It's like they're homing in on a scent.

Not a terrible idea.

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