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About Appearance

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. If your not already playing this private hive, you should be. I mean, the description alone should make you say yes. 3 fully functional servers with high traffic during peak hours of the day, an automated white-list system to prevent scripters/hackers and if that's not enough, highly active administrators whom can consistently monitor and take administrative action, unbeatable technical/troubleshooting support, knowing the fact that not everyone is a bandit and that more often then not will team-up and frequent updates to satisfy the player. What more can you ask for? I would highly recommend and show your support once playing on this "It's what the people want" server.
  2. Appearance

    Signature check timed out....

    This is only happening to me when I join a private hive server. Any other server including Lingor servers keep me in. Is there any solution at all? My group that I play with seems to play on the server without any hassle so I want to say it's on my end, but from what you guys are saying it seems to be server-side. Thing is, why am I the only one?
  3. I'm getting this. Help? And usually followed by the "signature check timeout" error resulting in a kick. What the hell is going on?
  4. Age: 20 steam name: AppearanceX how long have you played: 3 months Timezone: Mountain Time equipment you currently have: M4, AS50, Med-supplies upon request, All tools (No radio), Ghillie, and Coyote backpack.
  5. Appearance

    DayZCommander official server is up

    Brilliant app! *Applauds*
  6. Alright. I'm going to politely decline my submission. Thanks for the info.
  7. So it's "mandatory" for the clan tag?
  8. Appearance

    L115A2 LRR ??

    I found the post by Rocket. So, yes someone did say otherwise. Your only at risk by a server ban. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46844-hackers/#entry446536
  9. Appearance

    ~Chernarus Tactical Force~ [CTF]

    So is that a yes or no?
  10. Appearance

    ~Chernarus Tactical Force~ [CTF]

    That is correct sir.
  11. Appearance

    ~Chernarus Tactical Force~ [CTF]

    When you say "Willing" you don't necessary mean mandatory right? If I don't have to have it, I'm interested.
  12. Appearance

    L115A2 LRR ??

    Side question to OP post. If you kill a person who has a hacked weapon? It's fair game to use that weapon, as you are not the one who scripted/hacked it in correct? I remember seeing Rocket post that somewhere or seeing someone else post it. Thanks!
  13. Appearance

    Army vet looking to squad up.

    Check inbox.