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About ScaryNachos

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Skype

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  • Location
    Northern Ireland, UK
  1. ScaryNachos

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    It's so stupid that these were removed, it added a bunch of loot and diversity to the game and removed because of whiny bitches lmao I've rolled back to play this. #BringBackTheCans
  2. ScaryNachos

    Pobeda Dam Haunting Part 2!

    If anyone has their own creepy videos like this post them here, i'd like to see them :D
  3. This is the second part of my Pobeda Dam Haunting video, I have part one below as well in case you haven't seen it but either way I hope you enjoy the videos, If you like them thumbs up and subscribe to my channels for more :) Part 1 Part 2 My channel link - http://www.youtube.com/DebuggedHD
  4. ScaryNachos

    Pobeda Dam Haunting (Part 1)

    Yeah just as the video begins to end, tomorrow I'll upload the rest of it where its really creepy :P
  5. e and a group of friends I met here on the forums were gonna walk to the NE Airfield but on the way we came across some weird music anyway the video is below, I'll be uploading part 2 tomorrow so post below or on the video if you like it :)
  6. ScaryNachos

    [EU/English] The Sentinels (Recruiting)

    Sweet, i'll pm you my info now :)
  7. ScaryNachos

    [EU/English] The Sentinels (Recruiting)

    Okay, I think you've already added me on Skype so this saves us some time :P
  8. ScaryNachos

    [EU/English] The Sentinels (Recruiting)

    Yeah, you seem pretty cool, i replied with my info
  9. ScaryNachos

    [EU/English] The Sentinels (Recruiting)

    Yeah i've pm'd you my info, sorry i took so long getting back to these posts
  10. ScaryNachos

    An Appeal To New Players

    You need to put more value on your time, friend :P
  11. ScaryNachos

    An Appeal To New Players

    Its more fun for me when I treat it like real life, if you treat it as a game I don't feel the same rush when I get shot at or see a player.
  12. ScaryNachos

    Just raided a Clan Camp

    You just open your pack and move the gun in there to your main inventory, it should swap them around automatically
  13. ScaryNachos

    Just raided a Clan Camp

    You make sure to go back and stock up on items ;)
  14. ScaryNachos

    Why do my barracks drops always suck ass?

    I always find something worthwhile at the Airfield, if not from the loot drops, from the players who aren't paying attention.
  15. ScaryNachos

    SideStrafe - Jul 2012 - Interview with Rocket

    I've deleted the majority of your post for the sake of space but I will be refering to each paragraph :P You're definitely right about the way players complete content faster than it's created but if they can create content that is randomized providing PvP player an alternative, I saw a post that the radios should spawn and randomly get distress signals and this will trigger a mini-mission with the option to find & help/find and kill or ignore. As well as other types of missions but I won't re-post :) When he was talking about holding back on big announcements I think he may be working on something that could provide an alternative option than PvP possibly. I have no argument against this paragraph really other than it is in the alpha so we may not have seen the results he is aiming for. I completely get what you're saying but he said it himself "If he knew the answer it would be implemented". I think any sandbox game with no designated route(Quest chains) will always head for PvP but its about designing a game that is creating the illusion of a sandbox but has you on a designated path with goals possibly? This is actually a really good point about having more rewarding feelings from the game, right now im pretty tired and I can't think of anything off the top of my head that would prove a strong positive motivator or boost for players but I'm sure somebody on here can. I believe he meant traumatic for both players, at least that's how I took it, after him speaking about how he felt bad about shooting a player and everything, how he plans this I don't know but if he makes death harder without creating something to make players taking a second thought before murdering another player, I'll have to agree with you then. Well its not that not killing players is difficult, its just boring. All you need to simply survive is a hatchet, a hunting knife and matches but this is a video so we always need something to do that is worth our time. I try to kill other fully geared players because that is a challenge since we're on the same level, my most recent murder was a bandit camping Stary, he saw me first, luckily I only had a Winchester and was coming in the direction of the coast so he didn't think I had night vision goggles took cover behind a bush, waited, then flanked him a shot him in the back of the head. Killing him was rather satisfying :D