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About Dazed

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  1. I'll roll with you, I'm just coming back from a 2 month break from DayZ. I usually use C3 however, I find it runs much smoother than Ts3. If you have it, join channel Kings of Smite. Talk to you later man.
  2. Dazed

    I demand satisfaction

    Not much they can do about hackers in this stage, wait for the standalone.
  3. Lazy|Sniper, Admin of US 272 is hacking. He was hacking in weapons to give to people, then coming back and teleporting around killing people.
  4. Awesome, another great vid. Gj guys.
  5. Horrible gun and 1 mag? Can't get more mags unless I find the gun.
  6. The spawn chances are already low and any lower would make them insanely rare. The problem isn't the %, it's that a person a team of 3 can farm everything in NW 4-5 times in an hour making it impossible not to find those rare high end items every trip they make.
  7. Dazed

    You can't trust heroes if you're a hero

    People are very protective of their vehicles, especially a chopper. Surely you're not surprised you got killed when approaching another man that had so much to lose.
  8. Play on servers with less than 20 and you'll have better luck. Also few hackers on Lingor.
  9. It's way too easy to farm military locations. Remove everything from a location, wait 10-15 min, repeat. So easy to get high end mil weapons, give me an hour at an airfield or berizeno and I'll be all set. Loot needs to be more spread out across the map and loot should have a random respawn b/w 1-3 hours to keep people moving in and out of cities/towns in search of new gear. Also Heli crashes are way to common, especially when a server resets every 4 hours. In a zombie apocalypse loot is going to be scarse, we're looking for a needle in a haystack. If we're lucky we'll find a golden egg that somebody else missed or a location the rest have skipped over. We should not be able to move everything out of a building and farm it 10 minutes later. Everything is way too easy to get, this isn't a survival mod at its current setup, I am never wanting, even as a fresh spawn their is never any doubt that I'll be able to regear within a couple hours, faster if I find a noob camping electro/cherno.
  10. Dazed

    Loot spawns should be coordinated with hive

    Would not, it's way to easy to farm military locations. remove everything from a location, wait 10-15 min, repeat. So easy to get high in mil weapons, give me an hour at an airfield or berizeno and I'll be all set. Loot needs to be more spread out across the map and loot should have a random respawn b/w 1-3 hours to keep people moving in and out of cities/towns in search of new gear.
  11. Why? Just shoot yourself, tired of everyone posting "took another bullet up my butt." Get some new material.
  12. Even his mom has that problem.
  13. Dazed

    Hazmat Infected
