dallas 5195 Posted August 2, 2012 Everyone wants to play the alpha, noone wants to test it.This entitlement attitude makes people rip off the mod and host their own private hives, where they can reap all the benefits from Rocket's work and not have to support it or endure rules to avoid admin abuse.I blame gangster rap and reality tv. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lin (DayZ) 22 Posted August 2, 2012 Everyone wants to play the alpha, noone wants to test it.This entitlement attitude makes people rip off the mod and host their own private hives, where they can reap all the benefits from Rocket's work and not have to support it or endure rules to avoid admin abuse.I blame gangster rap and reality tv.You can support a mod with feedback and suggestions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
actright 4 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) Everyone wants to play the alpha, noone wants to test it.This entitlement attitude makes people rip off the mod and host their own private hives, where they can reap all the benefits from Rocket's work and not have to support it or endure rules to avoid admin abuse.I blame gangster rap and reality tv.People playing on their private Hives is Rocket's Fault for his over management, idiotic rules, and turning a Blind eye to the rampant hacking. Even though Battle Eye isn't apart of Dayz Mod doesn't mean they can't ignore what is going on. There are many things they can do to prevent this. As of right now Rocket's rules are facilitating the hackers, which should be the last thing they want.There is well over $100,000 being spent a month by server administrators so that rocket can work on his project, so your statement of ripping of rocket should be turned around.Every time I see a Topic that says Admin Abuse I think to myself their right. Administrators are being abused by the members of the Mod team by not being allowed to protect their investment. Admins are investing in this Mod and community by putting up the money to rent servers with the investment return of a Stable Game that everyone one can enjoy.I do think us Server Admins should get together and have a boycott and shut down all the servers for 1 to 3 days. All we need to do is organize and pick a date. Edited August 2, 2012 by Actright Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudeamis 1 Posted August 2, 2012 Does anybody else think "gun control laws" when they see this topic? I don't see much of a difference. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zoop 343 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) Actually, you implied that it was me that doesn't want locks for presumably nefarious reasons. You started with the implication. Don't even try to turn it around. I pointed if that if you're allowed to lock your server, many people will in fact safe farm on their nice quiet locked servers.Oh? Me 'turn it around?' You've been accusing all of us of being admin abusers right off the bat in this thread.You would think someone who has a supposed interest in the game would take off their blinders before making such a post. The rules are there for a very good reason, if you don't like it, fuck off. Because we all know as soon as you're allowed to do whatever you want, you're going to kick/ban people for killing you and raiding your camps.You do not have the right to lock your server because you do not have the right to safe looting. The rest of us have to risk fighting other players if we want to loot airfields or military camps. We have to risk losing everything. But you want to just lock your server and have a nice easy time of it.Once again, you can make accusations but you want to shit yourself if we do the same?Also;I want to state about admin abuse - It doesn't have to be widespread to ruin somebody's day. I firmly believe that if you leave room for abuse, it will happen. I'm going to say this one last time, and hopefully this time you understand. Admin abuse. Is. Already. Happening. It's not something that's suddenly going to start happening once we are allowed to whitelist our servers.The solution is, in my opinion, cheat detection and global bans.Yes, because at the moment that is working so well with hackers simply bypassing the cheat detection scheme in ArmA2 and spoofing other users' IDs.Please, Valec, you're out of your depth here. Come back when you actually know what's up. Edited August 2, 2012 by Zoop 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 32 Posted August 2, 2012 Seriously? The mod and environment has changed drastically since launch, yet the ruleset is still the same?We have hackers running amok on our server, and I can't do ANYTHING to stop them? The easiest solution would be for me to password the server and set up a whitelist that is open to anyone, yet I can't because I'm not allowed to password the server. Instead, I have to see all the money paid for the server go down the drain while hackers render the game unplayable on our server?Seriously?Revise your server rules, because things can't keep going on like they are now. It's simply not working.agreed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
propain666 7 Posted August 2, 2012 Everyone wants to play the alpha, noone wants to test it.This entitlement attitude makes people rip off the mod and host their own private hives, where they can reap all the benefits from Rocket's work and not have to support it or endure rules to avoid admin abuse.You are aware of that people moving to private servers and towards other rules then the ones set by the devs also are valid results in the alpha test even tho they are hard to measure?These days I personally prefer private servers due to a often "better" community, no serverhopping for gear and kills (which seems to lead to less CoD DM and more "normal" PvP), less D/C issues (If you D/C, the guy you fought are most likely waiting for you when you rejoin if you don´t wanna give up the rest of the evening to be sure) and active admins who can do their job.Sure the drawback are that you are stuck with just one server but choosing between having a awesome time on one server or a meh-experience on 100 servers are easy for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogster (DayZ) 626 Posted August 2, 2012 A little bit of digging around and I'm totally signed up to the locking theory and creation of a whitelist.A simple Google search for ***s produces numerous results within 2 minutes I can download one, create an MD5 for it. Tell me, where do I put this check?Nowhere. Because the utterly pointless BattlEye doesn't even have the ability to add custom generated checks. There's no screenshots, player name facility - nothing.It is an utter waste of time.Spend 2 minutes researching DayZ/Arma hacks, they are laughing about how easy it is to bypass - hell the the BE bypass they didn't even have to create a DLL injection for it, they bypassed it with a SCRIPT!!!!!Why o why Behemia chose to go with this turd that is BattlEye is utterly beyond me. You may as well wrote:private bool TestForHacks(){ bool hacks = false; if (!hacks) { return false; // lol }} 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Treehead 11 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) Again, the problem I have with admins having full kick/ban/lock powers is that it can be abused. Here's the thing to keep in mind.. they wouldn't have to do it every day for it to be abused. Maybe they only play/die once or twice a month.. that's once or twice a month people are kicked/banned to protect their corpses. Now, if it happens that 'infrequently' it's not likely to be much of a blip on anybody's radar and they'll get away with it scott free.As far as duping goes - yes, it's a major issue. AS50s, L85s, and NVGs everywhere. I honestly think this is one of the main problems the game is suffering from right now.As far as the hacks go though, the ArmA2 devs need to get off their asses and sort it out. Or Rocket needs to get away from the ArmA2 engine as quickly as possible. Something's got to give.I want to state about admin abuse - It doesn't have to be widespread to ruin somebody's day. I firmly believe that if you leave room for abuse, it will happen. This isn't a typical shooter where it's not as big of a deal, either. If somebody has been playing on a server for a month, happens to kill the admin or his friends(who figure out who did it) and gets banned? Imagine if he had a camp all set up, vehicles stashed, etc. He'll have lost all of that. The solution is, in my opinion, cheat detection and global bans. I feel that since we are in alpha right now, we should just suck it up, cry our tears when a hacker screws us over, and move on.Valec, I must admit, you are abolutely right with your points. But I draw the opposite conclusions:My idea of a perfect stand-alone DayZ game is one coherent MMORPG world without any private servers, without the need to host own servers and with a company that is paid for hosting the DayZ world. Someone who is responsible and can be blamed if something goes wrong. That´s why I´d prefer a DayZ-MMO-monthly-subscription-mode, to keep safe that servers and server admins are paid to do their job. One day I would like to have a common shard where every DayZ player can meet every other player in the common shard. Perhaps a big world made of islands or whatever...But we are very far away from this and try to simulate it with the hive and privately hosted servers. And of course, the people responsible for hosting their servers always can abuse their power and some of them will always do this.But a very important element of DayZs popularity is the cold, harsh, unfriendly, but fair world. You have the right to try to survive, but its very likely that you will fail. You will succeed if you adapt to rules, you learn rules by failing and these rules are pretty clear. They can be complicated, like the whole combat simulator stuff but they aren´t random.One of these rules: It´s easy to avoid admin abuse. These admins have a clearly drawn area of influence. You leave their server, you leave their power.Hacking on the other side is completely random, unfair and impossible to avoid. You can Alt-F4 but they can follow you to any server. Hacking is massively destroying the game. And - for reasons posted by other people in this thread - it´s not very likely that BIS and BE will solve the hacling problem soon. It seems they have to rewrite their whole engine from scratch to do this and this takes months. The mod can be completely dead until then. (Duping is a problem too but I assume it is more likely to be fixed soon, and you can't kill a whole server with duping).So if you ask me: "Do you want to trade the risk of hacking for a higher risk of admin abuse?" I say: "Sure, we have a deal. At this moment it´s the only right thing to do""But we will end up with only closed servers and admin abuse will get out of hand!"No, it won´t. It´s extremely tempting to become the admin of a flourishing and successfull server and enough people will put great effort into this. People want to play on your server, you get volunteers to help you. People donate so you can pay for the server and so on. Of course there will always be enough admins which are too stupid for this. Some of the hackers will even start renting their own servers to grief people on it. But players will leave for better servers and the abusing admins will sit with their AS50s in their ghillie suits in their choppers as sad little kings of sad little hills with no one to play with. Then most of them will be fed up with paying $50 per month for their own version of their single player editor. Edited August 2, 2012 by Treehead 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 17 Posted August 2, 2012 The ArmA Engine is built this way to allow the community to mod it, battleye does what it can but the fault lies in the way the game engine allows users open access for modding and run scripts etc. It a catch 22. You want mods and user created content but by coding your game engine to allow this is it opens it to abuse.Online gaming servers can only be kept free by active admins. Battleye, punkbuster etc are only a back up, a secondary service to a well administered server. If you cant be online much then trust your comminuty hand out the rcon to players you trust. Increase the chances that you'll have admin online and ingame and ban the hackers.As for this problem with the rules....pffffft. Ban them, its your money, your subscribed service paid for out your own pocket. Your right. People will troll you, try to get you blacklisted and if they succeed so be it, Do you think a server provider will refuse you another server and turn down business? Hardly NO ONE connects via IP. its all name based searching. You might lose a week or two, at worst a month of prepay but if you still feel like running a server just get another. New server instance ID and location number.Who within your community would search for the server by number anyway? It's the last (and only custom) bit of your server name that make it unique. e.g. mine is 'PC Format <3's Multiplay'. I couldn't give any less of a shit if I got trolled and got blacklisted. So what if our server changed from UK00 to UK10,001. Our community will play on, they will know what's gone down They know and trust me. Most suspected hackers get logged for me in IRC by players on the server. I then check scripts.txt etc and ban as I see fit.The core of the problem is the infectiveness of banning. GUID are spoofed, IP's changed, you cant keep them out. Most hackers have warez versions. The fact they are even playing online with a warez version is the problem as they have nothing to lose, no financial investment when they are eventually flagged and banned by battleye.So this leaves us with layers of additional DRM to combat legitimate game verification and that a whole other shit storm.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogster (DayZ) 626 Posted August 2, 2012 I still find it inconceivable that the only argument against kicking/banning/locking is admin abuse.You'd think this is the first game people have ever requested RCON commands for... :rolleyes: 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zoop 343 Posted August 2, 2012 Yeah, the argument is basically 'hurrrr if you allow people to lock/password servers something that is already happening is going to happen!' 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avid_gamer 132 Posted August 2, 2012 Everybody just cancel your servers already.... We did... and won't donate another dime without the dev's allowing full control over what we pay for.We pay for this... We support this mod... Not the players... the freeloaders who cry about admin abuse can simply go and take $56 out of their pockets and run a server any way they want.anyone posting in this thread that does not pay for a server has no basis for posting here PERIOD.don't waste time debating with people who do not have a clue what we (as server admins) are up against.Even the Troll Forum Mods don't pay for a server and spend half of their gaming time devoted to keeping hacks and douche exploit using cunts off of our servers.Stop supporting this mod... stop putting $ into the pockets of a dev who clearly has no clue what he is doing.Yes ... Rocket is making a GREAT MOD.NO... he doesn't have a clue how to run a community or set up a ruleset that we as admins can use to functionally keep our servers running smoothly.Take away the $ and support until he returns the favor. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogster (DayZ) 626 Posted August 2, 2012 Said stuffI'm holding out for the moment for a statement from the dev team. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jskibo 143 Posted August 2, 2012 I'm holding out for the moment for a statement from the dev team.:) I laughed so hard I nearly soiled myself...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogster (DayZ) 626 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) :) I laughed so hard I nearly soiled myself......Hope springs eternal... ;) Edited August 2, 2012 by Gogster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kero81 7 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) Hello,im an Admin of a Clan with 40+ Member and we all play Dayz. Since three Days we were overrun by Hackers. Now, there are just 10 Members still Playing Dayz and they wont play longer if nothing happens. This situation is worst that could happen. Please help YOUR Community and bring back the Fun!*I know it wont change and in 2 Weeks no1 from my Clan is playing Dayz* R.I.P DayZ...It hurts, but its true. Edited August 2, 2012 by Kero81 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 14 Posted August 2, 2012 As a server owner myself. I support this thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reuben5150 83 Posted August 2, 2012 Seriously? The mod and environment has changed drastically since launch, yet the ruleset is still the same?We have hackers running amok on our server, and I can't do ANYTHING to stop them? The easiest solution would be for me to password the server and set up a whitelist that is open to anyone, yet I can't because I'm not allowed to password the server. Instead, I have to see all the money paid for the server go down the drain while hackers render the game unplayable on our server?Seriously?Revise your server rules, because things can't keep going on like they are now. It's simply not working.Actually no.We need to set out OWN rules, as things are i see little reason to rent a server anymore. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SaintMerc 73 Posted August 2, 2012 As a server owner myself.I support the rule changes proposed in this thread.Plus make it easyer to detect the hackers and not fill our logs with the victims of hackers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AllDayZSimon 75 Posted August 2, 2012 (edited) Ok I read what you say but1: How do you prevent "leetism" now with "whitelisting" users on your server. Now for a game that connects to central hive, you are locking, kicking, banning people you dont approve of.2: Kicking possible hackers, well thats a trick isnt it. Id say you could kick them, but how do you prove they are hacking?3: How do you control server admins on a global scale thats EVEN for everyone? This IS alpha again. Which means everyone should be testing the same, allowing for fixes etc. Example. If EVERYONE did the lockdown. Hackers/exploiters wont get in. Ok sounds great.. um.. one issue, how does battleeye detect those people? How do new exploits get recorded, patched against? During alpha its BETTER to lock those down before beta builds and final builds.Have the DayZ Dev Team host all the servers.Maybe when your money is slowly washing down the drain you'll do something about it-Then we can all tell Rockets Dev team how they're breaking the rules by kicking/banning people because it's not on the list!I'm also sick of the "OH if they password their server they can loot all the leet gears!"And if they don't password it, they can just wait for a hacker to spawn them a A-10, Ghillie AS-50 TWS and Etc. to play around with instead. Edited August 2, 2012 by AllDayZSimon 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joschaap 15 Posted August 2, 2012 wow 70% of all public servers are passworded atm..someone is gonna have a busy day blacklisting them all.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slnko 0 Posted August 2, 2012 Seriously? The mod and environment has changed drastically since launch, yet the ruleset is still the same?We have hackers running amok on our server, and I can't do ANYTHING to stop them? The easiest solution would be for me to password the server and set up a whitelist that is open to anyone, yet I can't because I'm not allowed to password the server. Instead, I have to see all the money paid for the server go down the drain while hackers render the game unplayable on our server?Seriously?Revise your server rules, because things can't keep going on like they are now. It's simply not working.I agree. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ev3nflow 1 Posted August 2, 2012 I have to put my word in here. I "admin" 462 and I use that term loosely considering my "adminstration" consists of keeping the server updated for other players to use my server for free that I pay monthly for. If someone comes in and spawns what my server refers to as "time bombs" (which they did last night) all I can do is..........nothing. "Oh hey cool guys some script kiddies joined my server! Let's let them have fun and possibly kill everyone!"No.If I am forking out money for a server every month for a growing mod I expect to be able to have some kind of rights.Yes, I knew about the rules when I started a server. No, I didn't think it would be a big deal.But it is. Hacking has become rampant. Scripting/spawning has become rampant. I am not going to stand for it any more.Fix the rules or I fix my server. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites