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Finally no unlimited exploit ammunition for DMR, Revolver, M1911...

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2 days til... welp, I can't wait for my artifacts to go away. THANK YOU

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there won't be an ammo shortage, just people who get too attached to their gear and will refuse to downgrade their weapon when the ammo runs out for their high end snipers and silenced m4s. AKMs and shotguns will still be pretty easy to find.

these dudes just love to prop up these convenient excuses

"b-b-but I was only using the infinite ammo exploit because of the gun nerf"

"b-b-but I only alt-f4 because of hackers"

it's most likely a bunch of BS. and if it's not, it's a very slippery slope where you can easily find your self cheating more and more. you know these things are wrong, so don't do them, period. the fact you even know how to do these things is very telling...

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great barbed wire thing was a pain.

Now can I have my respawn button back please. If i respawn in kamenka again im going to kill myself. Oh wait I cant!

Kamenka's not TOO bad.

You basically just need to head north, hitting up deer stands and towns.

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True, but it still stands that the database end of the issue can be fixed, it's just a matter of how they have it setup/do they know how to run the correct DB commands to update it without affecting anyone and all that jazz. Just wish rocket could get a little more support and help with his project because I can see this going places but without some more hands on help especially having to handle ALL this data with just such a small team, it seems it's bound to end up in errors, even if they do a wipe, they said it was fixed in the last patch but it wasn't so what good would a wipe now do except cause the issue to happen again and probably a lot quicker than before?

EDIT: What I'm saying is this isn't so much a code problem with the dayz server code (unless there is a bug in it too) as much as a database issue that can be resolved without having to issue a patch I do believe, but I honestly can't say like I said I have no idea how their database is setup or their code so I'm just going off guess work here.

I didn't comment on the duping/not saving bugs, or if it could be fixed or not :)

On that topic, it seems their fix failed or perhaps there were simply other issues they were unaware of.

In any event, I expect them to fix/attempt to fix the issue before wiping the tents again.

great barbed wire thing was a pain.

Now can I have my respawn button back please. If i respawn in kamenka again im going to kill myself. Oh wait I cant!

If you get a spawn point you're unhappy with, stick with it like a man. Constantly respawning puts the server under stress. Edited by HulkingUnicorn

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Kamenka's not TOO bad.

You basically just need to head north, hitting up deer stands and towns.

the best spawn IMO

you can hit 5 deer stands and a high value barn before even getting to civilization in Zelen. and there there's a super market and other residential spawns. I usually have a nice kit after all that

these dude wanna chase each other around Cherno with axes

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these dude wanna chase each other around Cherno with axes

Haha, but that can be fun too!

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Kamenka's not TOO bad.

You basically just need to head north, hitting up deer stands and towns.

Tried it today.

Spawned in Kamenka, no axe or guns just pepsi and makarov ammo. Went up to to the three deer stands and one was empty the other two only had crap like flares and one akm magazine. Had to run in the woods through trees to get rid of soldiers two times as they basically run to me over the hill before I could even see them.

Had to reach Zelenogorsk to enter the mall and find a makarov pm gun which is basically USELESS because they run so fast and move sideways and the game in towns goes to 9-12 fps in towns and it takes 4-5 bullets to get them.. Absolutely NO chance you can headshot them when they run towards you changing direction very often.

I was lucky that I was close to the town margins getting close to a barn hoping to find an axe inside because i only randomly aggroed 1 zombie that was 30-50 meters from me while another zombie was 2 meters away behind a fence just moving slowly.

As I shot him, the zombie in front of me suddenly aggroed but normally it started running away from me then come back and a second zombie spawned a few meters behind me and naturally at the first step i made crouched it aggro also..

Basically almost every time when the first zombie or first 2 zombies from a pack I spawn gets killed, the game spawns 1-2 zombies instantly and often behind me. Sound doesn't work right, said it in probably 4 posts already, they aggro randomly and not in the nice random way (i mean it would be nice that zombies in the player's proximity to aggro randomly to simulate one being more sensitive than others)

Edited by mariush

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Confirmed Changelog (WIP):

* [FIXED] Ammunition amounts not loaded in properly (Now records used ammunition correctly)

It would be a relief to see weapon damages buffed, added to that list.

Especially if the ammo bugs/exploits are being fixed.

Edited by King Midas
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For anybody experiencing issues with graphical glitches , it can be fixed by turning vsync on and then back off.

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Rocket you fucking cunt i spend money for this game and now i respawn always in krutoy cap. you think i spend my money for a game to run around somewhere? fucking dickhead enable respawn button. how stupid are u to have such an idea? better work on the long loading screen time and the hackers!

better! do it now!!!!


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Haha, but that can be fun too!

lol, yeah I know

but this all kinda comes full circle with how it relates to the removal of the respawn button. if you don't want to get spawned in the middle of nowhere, you need to try not to die. and vice versa. if you engage in risky play and die a lot, you're gonna be spawned in the middle of nowhere a lot

do your thing, but after you make your bed you have to lay in it

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Wow, the respawn button thing has broken a few minds.

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Plz add the "Flip ATV" option in mouse wheel menu when targeting a fliiped ATV. Maybe thats off-topic but many ppl would like to see it.

Keep up the good work, Rocket!


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Rocket, please, for the love of God! Fix the damn inventory so it doesn't eat my #@#%^$ ammo when I try to move the gun in my hands to my inventory!

I mean it would do that for my secondary weapon in but not my primary weapon. Now it is doing it for my primary weapon and I just lost 4 STANAG SD mags because of it(do you have any idea how long it took me to get 4 STANAG SD mags? I switched to my axe so I could kill a rabit without wasting a SD bullet..so much for that idea!).

Now I am wasting 10 slots in my backpack that I don't want to drop because I am never going to find another one like it and I am too affraid to switch weapons because of this @#$% inventory bug!


Yes, I'm mad!

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Rocket you fucking cunt i spend money for this game and now i respawn always in krutoy cap. you think i spend my money for a game to run around somewhere? fucking dickhead enable respawn button. how stupid are u to have such an idea? better work on the long loading screen time and the hackers!


we don't need this kind of charming person in chernarus, you are outcast. :P

Edited by Turk
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Smart super awesome developers enable respawn button again you brilliant lads! i dont want to spend the few minutes i can play daily with running around in the area somewhere alone

Rocket you fantastic god i spend money for this game and now i respawn always in krutoy cap. you think i spend my money for a game to run around somewhere? Superior human enable respawn button. how mind blowingly awesome are u to have such an idea? better work on the long loading screen time and the hackers!

I sincerely hope they just ban you from the forum and from the game. I would hate to see another post from you. You disgust me. Please, just rage out and throw your computer out of the window. It would be much appreciated.

God bless.

*Words changed to protect competent readers.

Edited by erocker
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Also, the animals sometimes dissapear if you get close to them. Can you look into this?

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Get me a fix for:

* All my items vanishing from my tent when the server restarts

* All my vehicles vanishing when the server restarts

And i'll be playing the game again.

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That seems like a lot of data to track...

Nobody needs to track it, the Database would do that itself. Almost every popular MMO does this to avoid duping.

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I get "You have been kicked from the game", immediately, with every server I log into on

Do I need to re-install? Checked the troubleshooting forum, nothing has helped.

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I get "You have been kicked from the game", immediately, with every server I log into on

Do I need to re-install? Checked the troubleshooting forum, nothing has helped.

does it give a reason you were kicked? battleye?

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Also, the animals sometimes dissapear if you get close to them. Can you look into this?

Pretty sure its just a refresh if the animal hasn't been hunted for a set amount of time. When it "disappears" its most likely respawned another in a nearby field.

Happened to me earlier, cow vanished, i run around and see a sheep has spawned nearby that wasn't previously.there.

On a side note re gutting & retrieving meat.

If after you have gutted an animal you are unable to get the meat, walk away then return and crouch (or change from crouch to standing and back again to crouch.) seems to work every time so far.

If you can't gut the animal nothing seems to change that yet though some claim running 100meters away n back works it hasn't for me (i think its related to desync).

Re Cooking on a fire a second time.

Often after using a fire once when you return to use it again it will only stay lit for a few seconds, the only way i have found to cook on it a second time is a bit of a key/mouse juggle.

First light the fire then quickly using the scroll wheel try and select & click Cook meat asap even if the fire goes out as long as you selected cook fast enough it will complete the action. Moveing a little with the "W" key may also be needed.

Edited by Turk
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stop adding new bits an pieces and just make it so that the hackers can't take control of our server in a few seconds of it being restarted. You are going to lose players left right and centre and people will not be paying for the servers if the problem gets any worse.

Hacking is ruining this game for everyone.

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