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Pending Update: Build

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This will be important and the first step in stopping the inflation of item value. Oh man... I'm excited! As it is right now I exploit the heck of this bug xD I can't really remember how the game played before the bug.

Next thing would be fighting duping one bug after another ;D

Tent dupe, Zombie dupe, Inventory dupe, server hop dupe, water bottle dupe, car inventory dupe.

SO MANY Possibilities!

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So is the graphics all sorted now? anyone noticing any difference?

No, the Update is "Pending" :)

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never happened to me or my group, when dropping the items in the grass they are very difficult to see.

Then you guys must be very lucky. Yesterday I entered a barn wielding my hatchet when I found a shotgun on the topmost level in there, I picked it up without thinking to add the hatchet to my toolbelt first and thus it disappeared. This incident actually made me think that we should be able to switch between a main weapon, secondary weapon and a melee weapon seeing as when you holster the main weapon it goes over your shoulder while holstering a hatchet it goes on your hip.

I have also noticed some other stuff go missing on drop when I've tried to remove say an empty water bottle from my backpack so I could fill it by a well. It disappeared from my backpack and didn't end up in my inventory OR on the ground so I could pick it up again.

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I have a question or answer - regardin serverjumping to avoid death/flank players.

What if you do some timelogging in the hive or server, if the player has been on the server for more than 30minutes - the player is saved to that server for 2,4,6 hrs after logout - making serverhopping impossible in between that timespan.

And regarding duping, if you choose to logout - in the timespan in seconds it takes to logout in a future patch (5secs) cant a pulse with inventory info be sent to the hive, so duping would be disabled?

Edited by deetee

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The combination of limited ammo and these super-powered zombies which take a mag of pistol rounds to kill is going to be too deadly for most. Would like to see the damage revised soon.

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Hi Rocket

As is currently locked i thought i would post on this one,

The latest beta patch 95417 keeps me stuck on the loading screen, i have been fortunate to not get this problem before however iv been trying to join a server with 5 people on 3 of which are my friends and i have been stuck at loading for over 30 minutes now :s dont think this is normal

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Hey artifact fixes! looks nice!

Also lately I've been having problem with breaking bones while prone and turning nearby objects and breaking bones.

Also if you break bones in the water you outright die.

So... bones not breaking like paper to objects would be awesome. :D

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Rocket - Is there any chance of putting a limit on the Respawn button usage? Like, can only be used once every 1 or 2 hours?

This would still help both in reducing server load from people respawning constantly to get a favoured spawn point and would also give people a way out when they glitch into houses/traps etc.

Just a thought :)

just carry a grenade
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What pistol are you using? Body mass shots with M1911 are dropping them like flies. Makarov is a pee shooting zed tickler, ditch it as soon as you can if that's what you are using.

The Makarov isn't that bad, I find all pistols suck if you aim at the body but it's still 1 shot kills if you shoot them in the head. Now I know that it is hard to do when the run towards you but I'd just rather run for a barn or some large building instead of trying to stand my ground and fight them outside.

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What pistol are you using? Body mass shots with M1911 are dropping them like flies. Makarov is a pee shooting zed tickler, ditch it as soon as you can if that's what you are using.

thanks for the reply dude, was using the m9 sd took 4-5 rounds to the chest per zed a bit unrealistic, don't use the makarov unless i have no other option.

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Hi Rocket

As is currently locked i thought i would post on this one,

The latest beta patch 95417 keeps me stuck on the loading screen, i have been fortunate to not get this problem before however iv been trying to join a server with 5 people on 3 of which are my friends and i have been stuck at loading for over 30 minutes now :s dont think this is normal

Bohemia interactive are looking into this, they are not too keen on 95417. Maybe pushing a beta release later today. Keep your eyes open :)

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Bohemia interactive are looking into this, they are not too keen on 95417. Maybe pushing a beta release later today. Keep your eyes open :)


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The fixes are great but i'm still hoping for some new features even though if those were little i would be happy. And i say it again and again and again.. More bicycle spawns PLEASEEEE!!

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Its not the end of infinite ammo unfortunately as there are tonnes of tents that endlessly duplicate all kinds of goodies.

the more you talk about duping the more the new people that don't know about duping are going to want to find out about it.

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when you fix the grapical glitches in barbed wire will this fix the air field and military areas glitch were its grey triangles and shapes everywhere (dont know what the source of the problem is but does hop this fixes it)

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can anyone confirmed if antibiotics are spawning since the last update? me and a friend try to find one but so far nothing in hospitals

They do, just pretty much as rare as rangefinders

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Please fix the gillie suit howe it eats your backpack and how zombies hit you once then your bleeding.

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"the more you talk about duping the more the new people that don't know about duping are going to want to find out about it. "

Irrelevant , it's endemic anyway. And if it can be fixed we should get a server wipe anyway.

I'm intrigued that rocket says it cant be fixed in the Mod as well as I assume the items are stored on the HIVE server I would have though duplicate ID's would be easy to spot and delete.

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the more you talk about duping the more the new people that don't know about duping are going to want to find out about it.

Invalid point when all known bugs are listed on the wiki in explicit detail.

Nice to see these glitches being addressed quickly, haven't encountered them myself yet but I look forward to the update on behalf of all that have

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Barbed wire can be stacked. When it is stacked it cannot be removed. Should this be removable?

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In my opinion tents should be temporarily taken out of the mod. Infinite gear is just ridiculous.

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I'm intrigued that rocket says it cant be fixed in the Mod as well as I assume the items are stored on the HIVE server I would have though duplicate ID's would be easy to spot and delete.

I haven't peaked at the source for either DayZ or ARMA 2 but I feel like taking a stab at this one anyway.

To serial number every item with a unique ID would be incredibly taxing in every aspect. This would be the case, I believe, because best practice (I assume) would be to give each item a generic item code (which I'm sure the game all ready does) then give it a unique item code, like a serial number. That unique item code would then be bound to your account in the central server.

To parse through a huge (re: gigantifuckingnormous) database that comprised not only every item in the entire server you are on but every item laying on the ground as well and comparing those numbers against the player database to see who owns it (if anyone) would be incredibly taxing. Not to mention if anything desynchronizes it could be a server wide disaster; a "dogs fucking cats" type of calamity. Then, regardless of these efforts, a new dupe method would be found. You can take that to the bank bro.

I think the best bet here is to wait for the standalone and try to mitigate these problems more when he's got access to source. Over riding a bagillion methods to stop something that most likely won't be stopped anyway is a bit superfluous.

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