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Darkkis (DayZ)

Respawn disabled? WHY???

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Exactly how a medic should respond... lol

Leonard 'Bones' McCoy: I'm doing you a favor. I couldn't just leave you there looking all pathetic. Take a seat. I'm gonna give you a vaccine against viral infection from Melvaren mud fleas.

i'm sorry but whiny kids like this really piss me off, i promise when i have to fix your leg i will be allot nicer :P

The bed side manner is impeccable

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i'm sorry but whiny kids like this really piss me off, i promise when i have to fix your leg i will be allot nicer :P

I'm not a kid, but whatever. It just sickens me to see how a critique post instantly gets terrible amount of hate mail and personal insults.

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I'm not a kid, but whatever. It just sickens me to see how a critique post instantly gets terrible amount of hate mail and personal insults.

maybe if you had used the search function you would have realized this is a sore subject that has been spammed on the forums for the past 3 days and by now people are probably sick of it. You should have also realized that this is not the suggestion forum it is the general discussion forum and as such you posting your complaint that something is stupid is going to get you harassed especially by players who know better and have long since learned that zombies and starting loot are some of the easiest times you will have in dayz

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Because in the real zombie apacolypse, you wont be able to kill yourself and respawn near your buddies!

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Ok so mod has to simulate real life 100%? Wow... Seriously this forum is full of fanboy who can't take constructive critic to their beloved and perfect mod. It takes more than 5 fucking minutes to walk from Kamenka to Solnichiy, and usually that effort is gone to waste when first player you meet kills you.

Imo some "simulation" things like this are better to sacrifice for the gameplay...

Constructive criticisim? All I hear is entitled whining. COD zombies spawns you with your friends I understand, and the maps are tiny. Maybe you should check it out.

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It's extremely power demanding to create a new character, it's one of the bigger tasks the server has to do, and every time it does it, it adds 0.2 of a second of desync/lag to the game.

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Realism, please, you can drive 226km in about 3minutes, thats 6780km/hr lol then you can recover a broken bone back to full 100% status within 5 seconds of breaking it with morphine and cook 10 steaks in a split second and the fact you respawn anyway, oh and there is "infected/zombies", realism only goes so far lol

I dont think this feature was really needed tho, if you spawn near a town you can just go die from zombies anyway, if you spawn south of keme you can just,, run to it or jump off the bridge, for me its made it worse because of the stupid "fall from 2 inches and break a leg" can mess me up at times but now i cant re-spawn, even with a fracture (because thats bugged/not working as it should).

Thus to me it feels like a very silly thing to put in that has zero purpose that cant be overcome in other ways or just makes some aspects more frustrating. XD

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Realism, please, you can drive 226km in about 3minutes, thats 6780km/hr lol then you can recover a broken bone back to full 100% status within 5 seconds of breaking it with morphine and cook 10 steaks in a split second and the fact you respawn anyway, oh and there is "infected/zombies", realism only goes so far lol

I dont think this feature was really needed tho, if you spawn near a town you can just go die from zombies anyway, if you spawn south of keme you can just,, run to it or jump off the bridge, for me its made it worse because of the stupid "fall from 2 inches and break a leg" can mess me up at times but now i cant re-spawn, even with a fracture (because thats bugged/not working as it should).

Thus to me it feels like a very silly thing to put in that has zero purpose that cant be overcome in other ways or just makes some aspects more frustrating. XD

You can drive the whole length of the map fifteen times in 3 minutes? Do you have a special vehicle that I don't know about?

Can I have a ride?

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You can drive the whole length of the map fifteen times in 3 minutes? Do you have a special vehicle that I don't know about?

Can I have a ride?

yah sure! here take this pill, and this drink first tho and hop in!

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Realism, please, you can drive 225km in about 3minutes,

Math, please

The map is 225 SQUARE kilometers

That's 15km from one border of the map to the other

Edited by Hawk24
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yah sure! here take this pill, and this drink first tho and hop in!

Thanks, but seriously, how do you drive 226km in three minutes?

The map is only 15km X 15km approximately.

Edited by Max Planck

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yah sure! here take this pill, and this drink first tho and hop in!

sir i do believe i recognize a roofie when i see one...

and i'm okay with this!

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The problem with this solution is it doesn't work. All it does is make people go find some zombies and get killed that way. Its not doing a thing to stop people re-spawning where they actually want to. If I want to spawn at Kamenka instead of Otmel I just find 3 zombies and get myself killed.

The strain on the server wont be solved until Rocket put in the group mechanics, which he is doing contrary to what the people bitching at the OP think.

The "Fix" at the moment is just anoying

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The problem with this solution is it doesn't work. All it does is make people go find some zombies and get killed that way. Its not doing a thing to stop people re-spawning where they actually want to. If I want to spawn at Kamenka instead of Otmel I just find 3 zombies and get myself killed.

The strain on the server wont be solved until Rocket put in the group mechanics, which he is doing contrary to what the people bitching at the OP think.

The "Fix" at the moment is just anoying

+1 finally someone understands what I mean.

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The problem with this solution is it doesn't work. All it does is make people go find some zombies and get killed that way. Its not doing a thing to stop people re-spawning where they actually want to. If I want to spawn at Kamenka instead of Otmel I just find 3 zombies and get myself killed.

The strain on the server wont be solved until Rocket put in the group mechanics, which he is doing contrary to what the people bitching at the OP think.

The "Fix" at the moment is just anoying

You can't find 3 zombies and make them kill you as fast as you could press 'respawn'.

Servers used to have this in the lower left corner all the time:

'Talon2000uk died'

'Talon2000uk died'

'Talon2000uk died'

'Talon2000uk died'

'Talon2000uk died'

'Talon2000uk died'

'Talon2000uk died'

'Talon2000uk died'

'Talon2000uk died'

'Talon2000uk died'

Now at least, at takes a good bit longer to kill yourself.

Edited by Max Planck

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Lol, vekien's math fail gets pointed out, so he simply doesn't return to the thread.

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Great... It was hard enough to find your friends before, but now it's even harder. Before you could just respawn so long that you'd spawn near your friend, now it's disabled. Why??? Walking distances are long as fuck and it doesn't really help.

Try looking at it this way: If it makes dying suck more, then we are closer to the thought of permadeath. Dying is meant to suck balls...

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Ok so the mod discourages you to play with your friends. If respawn is disabled there should be some kind of "party" system to spawn at the same place with your teammates. You expect me to walk to the different side of the coast to my friend just to get raped by the first person I meet when I have no food, weapons or any gear, and then start the walking again? Seriously I haven't met a single person yet, who hasn't killed me on sight, regardless if I have a weapon or not.

Does not discourage you just requires you to plan ahead and coordinate with your friends! Also when you log in it tells you what main city you are near, so that alone makes it pretty easy to meet up?

Edited by Femme Fatale
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Im glad it's removed for the sole reason of,

"Hold on I can't hear you, game volume is too loud, give me a sec."

Presses ESC, means to click on Audio Options, clicks on RESPAWN


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Because you're a pathetic kid who can't be bothered to walk in a game. Seriously, if you can't be bothered to walk IN A GAME it must mean you're a lazy pathetic moron in real life.

It stops people like you. Now stop whining.

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Ok so mod has to simulate real life 100%? Wow... Seriously this forum is full of fanboy who can't take constructive critic to their beloved and perfect mod. It takes more than 5 fucking minutes to walk from Kamenka to Solnichiy, and usually that effort is gone to waste when first player you meet kills you.

Imo some "simulation" things like this are better to sacrifice for the gameplay...

Seriously, go fucking play CoD or something.

DayZ's clearly not the right game for you.

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For a more "realistic" approach to this whole issue my idea is this:

Respawn is only available when you have a. a gun and b. at least one bullet for said gun.

I realize there are server issues that come into play but when I break my legs due to some odd issue in the middle of no where and the respawn button doesn't come up for me and crawling to the nearest zombie would take a while; This would be nice. I'd probably kill myself if I were in that situation as well. (honestly I'd probably be a zombie in the first place and wouldn't have made it this far) It would also remove the immediate respawn on start as you could probably kill yourself quicker on zombies before you find a gun to kill yourself.

Edited by Reaverbeaver

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Because you're a pathetic kid who can't be bothered to walk in a game. Seriously, if you can't be bothered to walk IN A GAME it must mean you're a lazy pathetic moron in real life.

It stops people like you. Now stop whining.

Wow... 14 year old calls me a kid. I lol'd seriously. Thanks for the laugh of the day.

Anyways I can navigate easily through the coast with the maps online. The only problem is really that if this game had grouping tools I wouldn't have any problems with respawn disabled, because I don't respawn just because i'd love to find a better spawn, but to locate friend(s) I play with. Time that is wasted on walking to each other could as well be used on actually playing and finding gear. I guess it works just to find some zombies and get myself killed, just like talon200uk pointed out on the page 2.

Edited by Darkkis

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