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About Teiwaz

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    Austria, EU
  1. Teiwaz

    GB #500 UK London #2

    Almost 2 weeks, no answer, no change, no nothing. Does no one know who's admin on this server or how to contact them? Really want to know what I did wrong from their PoV. http://arma2.swec.se/server/data/258421
  2. As it seems I've been admin banned ("Admin ban: Banned small son.") from this server and I'd like to know why. Never hacked, never had much (if any) contact with other people there - so, what's the reason for the ban? Only thing I can imagine is that the camp I raided a few days before the ban was the admins camp. If there's no reason (and no answer) for this ban I'd like to call out a state of admin abuse here.
  3. Latest version ( Which part of the house you're talking about? I ran in every corner, prone rolled every corner and even tried to jump - nothing worked. [edit] NVM - somehow I got out, and I'm pretty sure it was caused by that zombie at the wall. Seriously, this mod's not even worth to be called an alpha at the current state. [/edit]
  4. So I died by just running through a forrest, but know I respawned IN a fucking house. Not just inside a house, literally IN a house in Novy Sobor. Any tips? This game....seriously...
  5. Teiwaz

    Non-Hive Servers

    Play a game that doesn't use BattleCrapEye or get used to it.
  6. Teiwaz

    I give up!

    Know that feeling, especially that "fuck it, going bandit now". Hit me even harder a week or so ago - tents? All gone. Debug forrest + death + all gear gone. Thirsty. Spawning somewhere at the coast near Balota. I was around NWAF too before. I took a break from DayZ. Jump on again today - after billion tries (thx crappy BattleEye for script restriction #40 shit) I got on my server. All tents back (seriously, I don't know - sometimes ALL tents on the server I play on go missing and as for now they always reappear some restarts/days later).
  7. Ever Ever seen Mad Max 3 (I think it was part 3)? No? Go watch it then ;-)
  8. Teiwaz

    Quick question regarding "hacking"

    BattleEye detects hacking script --> global ban, good bye --> buy another version of Arma2 and start it all over. Not worth it - I'd recommend less hacking, more duping.
  9. Teiwaz

    Hiding tents

    Playing a bugged Alpha legitimately - you serious? We can talk about a legitimate style of playing when tents and vehicles work, you're not spawning on the beach again for no reason, or spawn in the debug forrest losing all your gear, break your bones by crawling into a bush/walk on plain field, ... Until then it's just whatever suits your fun (except hacked player killing and hacking in stuff that's not supposed to be in the game). If it were M4A3 SD's they were hacked. But I guess you meant M4A1 SD's. BTT: Let's just say there are definitely "decent" spots to hide tents. Not saying they won't ever be found, but chances are relatively slim. Just don't take the most obvious spots.
  10. Would be awesome if you would at least say what region that server's based.
  11. Teiwaz

    DayZ Marksmanship

    This thread's pretty much abandoned. Guessing OP didn't get as much attention for his youtube channel as he wanted, so he just droped it.
  12. It's BattleEye bug/fail (again) - if you run exactly the same Arma2 version as the server you'll (as it seems so far) get kicked for a failed BattleEye update.
  13. Oh look, another retarded BattleEye fail. This so called "anti-cheat" software is the worst pile of shit I've ever seen in my life.
  14. Teiwaz

    DayZ - Testing my VERY limits

    Welcome retard #4 - a special one who's going the extra funny way by not only commenting when he shouldn't but also thinking he's super funny and beloved by the masses when editing a post to ridiculousness. Your parents must be proud. I bow down to your excellence.
  15. Teiwaz

    DayZ - Testing my VERY limits

    Thank you Mr. internet hero, due to your comment I am now a better person :facepalm: