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The PvP Discussion Thread

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With the added amount of zombies, it's a lot easier just to shoot someone that poses no real threat to you, than having to find a small town and take on a lot of zombies. I do however think that camping the spawn areas just to kill someone, is plain lame.

Don't let it put you off playing this mod though. I would suggest trying to find yourself a group through the DayZ forums (you can't really trust other groups in game).

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Rocket does work for BIS, and this shit is in Alpha, you guys are ruthlessly demanding for every little tweak when you're too damn lazy just to adapt.

Umm, I've spawned in like 4 different places (haven't died too much). And it's a really big map with the woods like 100m away at any given time.

Quit moaning and adapt.

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This is my only point, below.

The point of preventing spawnkilling would be to heighten the overall enjoyment of the community at large. To be the best mod it can be, or game, it should draw you into the zombie world, make you feel like you are actually living in a zombie land.

This is why many of the most successful games are successful. Take TES, you actually feel like you are a person in that world, because you can do whatever you want and it draws you into character and a world.

Adapting this "draw you into the game world" to a multi-player game is difficult, because freedom and realism can be contradictory. The more freedom, the more opportuniry to make other people not feel like they are in the game.

There will never be a perfect balance. However, one glaring way for people to draw others out of hte zombie world and make them go back to the reality that they are playing a game, is spawnkilling.

Spawnkilling does not make the person spawnkilling more drawn into the game, they most likely are bored and are having fun by intentionally drawing other people out of the game world, ruining their experience.

Spawnkilled people are obviously drawn out of the game, as they dont get a chance to ever be in the game.

Thus, although balance can never be found, a game mechanic to prevent or at least lessen spawnkilling would be beneficial to the community and game overall, while reducing the joy to one person, the spawnkiller.

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First off' date=' he's a modder. He knew full well when he started this project that by putting up a forum, and releasing an alpha, he was inviting criticism, from the internet no less.

Second, he doesn't /get/ a cut of the new sales unless BI decide to hire him or something, which probably isn't happening soon. ARMA 2 has a license, and by modding it, hell even by playing it, you're subject to that license. If he started making money off of the mod, which not only uses many of BI's resources, but their engine, without their official consent, he'd be in deep shit.

Third, yes, you do respawn. Otherwise, why would my character still have the same name, the same voice, and in a few unlucky cases, show up at the exact spot his predecessor spawned in?

Nice try.

Look, I didn't intend for this to become a glorified flamewar, as it's shaping up to be. I just, like a few others that have posted here, have a problem with spawncampers. I have no doubt that Rocket will do /something/ about that as development moves on, because ARMA 2 or not, this is a popular mod, and it has to cater to a lot of people. I shouldn't be so harsh on an alpha build, yeah, but it's easy to get agitated when there are so many jerks populating the servers.


Except that Rocket actually works for BI dude.

Nice try.

Also, learn to adapt...stop crying please.

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So zig zag all the way to cover.

If you've never modded in ArmA or hell even made something decent in the editor, then you need to just chill out with these requests.

It's one guy doing this, and he curses enough at you people always demanding more and more and more. I learned my lesson one time after I suggested some ACE implementation where he politely told me to "STFU about adding shit".

Unless you want to set up a separate "Pay Rocket Extra Donation Fund" then you need to just deal with shit until something gets addressed.

There are bigger bugs in the build than "spawn campers".

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i trolled a bandit but he got me back so i raged lol

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Realistically there would have to be some dedicated camping to cover all the spawns in the map. If you get shot early... well its better than getting shot later. This boils down to Dayz main ethic - trust no one.

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I dont care for the post above, and I highly expect him to come after me for saying that, just like most internet people do when you say something negative....

I think the problem needs to be addressed as in, players getting kicked for camping in the spawn (No ban unless its done three times and have more than 5 complaints) I could care less for the whining, but the problem is real, and needs to be addressed if so many people don't like it. If I was sitting outside of your house with an axe, and wouldn't go away, and every time you stepped out the door I took a swing at you, you'd be pretty pissed right? My point being, if its on an epidemic level, it should be dealt with, especially if its hurting the community by keeping out new players, if no one else joins the mod, and all the veterans have to start respawning and getting killed at the spawn, eventually no one is going to play it anymore, ArMa III probably wont change anything, everything will always have a bad side, but you try to fix the bad things in life. Dont ignore it, but seriously, quit whining about it.

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Let me make it perfectly clear to you carebear numbskulls: Freedom is what makes this mod great. Your pitiful whining would HURT THE ATMOSPHERE OF THE GAME if taken into consideration.

Think it's too hard to stay alive or get something meaningful done? GOOD! It's the motherfucking APOCALYPSE, people!

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So zig zag all the way to cover.

If you've never modded in ArmA or hell even made something decent in the editor' date=' then you need to just chill out with these requests.

It's one guy doing this, and he curses enough at you people always demanding more and more and more. I learned my lesson one time after I suggested some ACE implementation where he politely told me to "STFU about adding shit".

Unless you want to set up a separate "Pay Rocket Extra Donation Fund" then you need to just deal with shit until something gets addressed.

There are bigger bugs in the build than "spawn campers".



Modding this game isn't fucking easy, and half of you are making ridiculous fucking demands.

OP, you really need to stop expecting shit spoonfed to you.

So you got spawnkilled? Dry your fucking eyes and spawn elsewhere.

It's pretty Goddamn simple. Don't chill out on the coast...spawn in and sprint into the fucking woods.

I have never been shot on spawn...because I'm not a fucking care bear waiting for his mommy to stick the food in his mouth.

Oh look... An "eloquent" poster - all those fucks and shits won't help your word get across. You don't even understand what I actually wrote in my OP, typical of your "kind".

Also I see most people picked up the subject of spawncamping. I'm more interested in the whys, even though it attracts a lot of "eloquent posters", why do people want to ruin someone else's experience so badly that they will even defend the stance of the retarded bandits.

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I honestly don't see the problems of spawncamping. Im kinda new so haven't experianced it so far.

Isn't it hard for the bandits to spawn camp when the spawn area is so big. I mean at one time you spawn at Cern the next time like a kilometer away.

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So zig zag all the way to cover.

If you've never modded in ArmA or hell even made something decent in the editor' date=' then you need to just chill out with these requests.

It's one guy doing this, and he curses enough at you people always demanding more and more and more. I learned my lesson one time after I suggested some ACE implementation where he politely told me to "STFU about adding shit".

Unless you want to set up a separate "Pay Rocket Extra Donation Fund" then you need to just deal with shit until something gets addressed.

There are bigger bugs in the build than "spawn campers".



Modding this game isn't fucking easy, and half of you are making ridiculous fucking demands.

OP, you really need to stop expecting shit spoonfed to you.

So you got spawnkilled? Dry your fucking eyes and spawn elsewhere.

It's pretty Goddamn simple. Don't chill out on the coast...spawn in and sprint into the fucking woods.

I have never been shot on spawn...because I'm not a fucking care bear waiting for his mommy to stick the food in his mouth.

Oh look... An "eloquent" poster - all those fucks and shits won't help your word get across. You don't even understand what I actually wrote in my OP, typical of your "kind".

Also I see most people picked up the subject of spawncamping. I'm more interested in the whys, even though it attracts a lot of "eloquent posters", why do people want to ruin someone else's experience so badly that they will even defend the stance of the retarded bandits.

Listen stupid.

I know you can't handle bad language...being a care bear and all.

The PVP isn't going anywhere.

Adapt or die. But quite frankly we're sick of seeing "your kind" crying and whinging and whining about everything.

If you don't like it, stop playing.

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Woaaha a lot of heat in here.

My two cents is that the "spawn" is the coast line of the game world which is like... 15 kilometers? And it include cherno and electro which are the two biggest cities of the map.

How do you plan to "protect" the spawn area when it contains most of the major cities and when most weapons have a reach between 100 and 300 meters?

I have yet to get killed on spawn. I get up and dash to the forest before I even decided what i'm going to do, the coast is exposed and there is a lot of players respawning or dicking around, even without spawn campers, it's a no brainer that it's not a safe place to have a nap, i'm not staying on makarov coast any longer than i need to.

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You're obviously too mentally challenged to even try to comprehend the problem here. This isn't even PvP - it's just some brick-leveled IQ people like yourself who just have to ruin the experience for someone else. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. But you obviously don't understand what I'm trying to say here because you're "cool" or whatever, killing newcommers making the game look bad and scaring away a lot of people.

By the way - if you think you're cool because you're no a "care bear" or whatever you like to call it, you are just an imbecil.

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I don't think i'm being cool or anything but i take the game for what it is and make due with it, i do not complain how it should be changed to fit my play style.

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You're obviously too mentally challenged to even try to comprehend the problem here. This isn't even PvP - it's just some brick-leveled IQ people like yourself who just have to ruin the experience for someone else. Just because you can' date=' doesn't mean you should. But you obviously don't understand what I'm trying to say here because you're "cool" or whatever, killing newcommers making the game look bad and scaring away a lot of people.

By the way - if you think you're cool because you're no a "care bear" or whatever you like to call it, you are just an imbecil.


It's actually imbecile. It has an e on the end of it.

Also, grow up dude. So what? Someone spawn kills you.

Jesus Christ I need to get stock in tissues because of folks like you.

Every single day there's someone new crying about "spawnkilling"

This isn't Call of Duty. Take your licks like a man, adapt...and strike back.

This thread should be locked for stupidity.

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Everyone chill out. If you can't reply with something constructive or at the very least without using insults then...


I broke my ban cherry yesterday and the idea doesn't bother me near as much as it used to.

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Yes, pointing out spelling errors when running out of good arguments. Great. I'm tired, I can't possibly make a flawless post at 2:21AM.

And yet people keep derailing this thread - it's not about spawnkilling, it's about people being retarded and even killing those who just helped them, like it happened to me. I've still not received any clear answer as to why would someone do this, especially with the increased number of zombies prancing about.

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Well this is getting heated.

I think it's a two sided issue, but overall the people getting spawn killed are actually the benefactors:

- Spawn killers are wasting ammo.

- If you're really "spawn killed", you're respawning with the same stuff anyway. The real tragedy is getting killed once you have rare stuff.

- If you keep dying going to one area, you can simply run to a different one. You have that choice.

I'd like to expand on this last point: If you were in a real zombie apocalypse, would you REALLY run head-on into a city? That's where all the food is, but you know it'll be high risk with both zombie count and survivors looking for the same stuff you are. You might have to enter a big city as a last resort, such as a blood transfusion, but at that point you don't have much to lose anyway.

Really, as a survivor, you have a lot of options when dealing with campers and bandits.

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Yeah he's making a good point, the sheer freedom of the game shouldnt be compromised as a result of spawnkillers or RDM'ers (random deathmatching) ive met incredibly friendly and hostile players if someone wants to shoot everyone they see they can i just pretend in my head theyre a psycopath or a desperate forager. Playing today i have been killed almost 10 times because of a camper with NVG's near spawn, and what did i do? i chose to haul ass as soon as i spawned and create distance, if you choose to come within 50 metres of a fellow player ALWAYS expect a face full of pellet shot, if you keep this attitude then its not that bad.

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I think what TS is trying to say is this; The mod could become a failure if spawn camping becomes a common thing. How many games have gone to an early grave because of a broken pvp system? How many of you guys are playing this as a pvp game, and how many of you play it as a survival horror game?

The thing about trolling is that it doenst just hurt the players, it hurts the community as a whole. The subject isnt killing innocents, it's camping players so that you cant even get out of town, or get a feel for the game before you head out. You keep saying "run away". Well yeah, easy enough. Do i just head out on a field and hope i dont get shot while running? Is there a tutorial, or do i just get put of with the "this is arma" further decreasing the player base. Banning? No. Accepting it? Well, no imho.

Hes not whining over player killing, hes saying that the griefing could result in the failing of the mod as a whole. In 6 months, how many people will be spawn camping then? In a year?

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I think what TS is trying to say is this; The mod could become a failure if spawn camping becomes a common thing. How many games have gone to an early grave because of a broken pvp system? How many of you guys are playing this as a pvp game' date=' and how many of you play it as a survival horror game?

The thing about trolling is that it doenst just hurt the players, it hurts the community as a whole. The subject isnt killing innocents, it's camping players so that you cant even get out of town, or get a feel for the game before you head out. You keep saying "run away". Well yeah, easy enough. Do i just head out on a field and hope i dont get shot while running? Is there a tutorial, or do i just get put of with the "this is arma" further decreasing the player base. Banning? No. Accepting it? Well, no imho.

Hes not whining over player killing, hes saying that the griefing could result in the failing of the mod as a whole. In 6 months, how many people will be spawn camping then? In a year?


But then again there is no reasonable way to prevent griefing, stealing, looting and killing makes the game, if people dont want to die in aapocalypse then theyre playing the wrong mod since its a balance of pve and pvp, any measure taken to create safe zones for players would be immersion breaking. next you'll be asking for prop protection for your tent and car

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When the intention is nothing more than "because I could" or "it pisses them off" it's called griefing' date=' and most /decent/ communities frown upon that shit, because it makes the mod look petty, it makes the playerbase look bad, and it makes the developer look really bad for allowing it to continue.


That's not griefing going after the same player time and again on purpose is griefing.

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Oh my god he killed me' date=' a harmless, hard-working, survivor! Ban him!

Get over yourselves! It is a ruthless game with a lot of ruthless peole playing it. If you can't handle it don't play it or find a way to make your situation better by yourself and not crying for a ban everytime something displeases you...


You sir are missing the point. The banning was a side note consequence stated by maybe two people.

I think the real problem is the affect on the community and on the player base as well as aspiring players. No one wants to play a game in which you are consistently killed for no gain or particular reason. It pulls away from the essence of the game and makes it not fun to play. I dont think its necessarily the devs job to regulate this but it is definately an issue and the reasonable community should shun the players that do these things and kill them.

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