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HOTFIX Rolling Update

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What about getting in other characters that not your?

I've been wandering for dozens of random bandits for more than a hour now, can't seem to spawn in a fresh one.

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The not saving thing is happening across all servers for me. I die and respawn with random amount of blood, zombie kills, etc. I can't seem to get a fresh start.

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People on my server are saying since the update they lost items/are being spawned on the coast again.

Anyone else experiencing this?

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Unsure if solved in but in .2 I started getting knocked down with broken bones by zombies at 11k blood.

Will check in .3 if this is still legit bug.


I keep getting broken bones, pain and bleed AT THE SAME TIME in just one hit too often now.

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Only 1 server is running the new update, so I doubt it was the new update causing issues. Rest of servers will begin rolling now.

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All four of those fixes are for things that have actually been a problem for me today, so thanks for the quick update!

Keep up the good work!

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I've tried with and, as well as many servers.... I cannot actually respawn in the traditional sense. I keep getting placed in low blood, injured situations with random amounts of zombie kills on my debug monitor.

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I've tried with and' date=' as well as many servers.... I cannot actually respawn in the traditional sense. I keep getting placed in low blood, injured situations with random amounts of zombie kills on my debug monitor.


Send your RPT file to [email protected]


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Awesome, thanks so much for the tent love man!! Now if we could only get them to load proper after server crashes and such, then I would have your babies. And yes, I would have the best doctors in the world to insert a womb in to me.

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Oh how i love you right now rocket. I can't wait to get my new video card.

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Spawned with stock gear on a high roof in Cherno. It doesn't even have a ladder. So random!!

It's like I logged into someone else's account. Different blood amount, kills, etc.

Thanks for the hard work though.

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I've tried with and' date=' as well as many servers.... I cannot actually respawn in the traditional sense. I keep getting placed in low blood, injured situations with random amounts of zombie kills on my debug monitor.


This has actually been happening to me and lots of others as well.

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I've tried with and' date=' as well as many servers.... I cannot actually respawn in the traditional sense. I keep getting placed in low blood, injured situations with random amounts of zombie kills on my debug monitor.


I have the exact same problem :/

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So does the fix for fires inside, does that mean we can't place fires inside at all?

Or...that we can actually find the fireplace in some buildings where it was getting clipped through the ground?

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When the ammo problem is going to get fixed? Hate when I have 5 clips full of ammo (8 bullets), I shoot one bullet from the first clip and all clips after that have 7 bullets, so I lost 5 bullets in one shot.

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ne of our guys has this problem that every time he logs in he is spawned at a different loot location, shops, hospitals, red-roof barns, - all with with a different item of loot on him every time. He starts on 4k blood every time and randomly bleeds. Searched bug forums and nothing. We all reckon the game thinks he is a loot item. It started after he sat down in the sea ( @ ) and respawned. Then the glitching began, this is with the current patch. Changing servers, respawning, dying to players dont fix the problem.

I see others have this issue too

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Confirming the confirmations about the spawn problems, I spawn with low blood and broken bones every single time in a different location.

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Before 8.3 i had no problems with FPS, it was all floating very well. When i updated to 8.3 i got like 5 fps, even with every setting on very low and the lowest resolution on the game. What's up with this? My two friends I'm playing with have the same problem after patching to 8.3. Strange.. Also, we keep spawning in somebody elses character. Random amount of blood, always under 12000, random amount of mags to the makarov, wierd locations..

Please do something about this Rocket, it's very annoying. Unplayable. No reason to play a game if nothing you do gets saved. And believe me Rocket, I've tried a various amount of servers, everyone is the same.

Appreciate your fast work and your mod. It's awesome when it works!

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I have the same problem that everyone many people seem to be facing tonight. I died tonight, and since then I have tried to get a respawn, but all I get is random spawning all over the map. Mostly in Elektro, but in many other places too. I spawn in random locations, with random blood, random temperature, random kills and random everything. I have now died and re-spawned about 15 times to "make sure", on three different servers.

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Dunno if any other server admins are getting this, first two startups after updating have caused a buffer overflow exception within 15 minutes of launching.

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