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**Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance

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  'Adam said:

Anyone setup sub users?

I can't seem to get my subuser to actually have access to server. It doesn't show the server

in the control panal.

Edit the sub user's permissions and make sure you have "access this service" selected' date=' its at the top in bold (I missed it the first time too because it looks like a heading)


ahhh okay that must be it.

Yep, that was it. I was thinking that meant access to sub user control.

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Any idea on when the latest beta 94103 will be able to be installed view updates in the CP? I only have the option for 93825. I know 94103 just came out, but 93965 has been out for awhile too and its not available via Updates CP.

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Wait a little, when new server version 1.7.2 coming out add this in same time.

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Well, it hasn't been 24 hours since server launched, but I am VERY happy. How can you beat the price? No lag, server is very powerful, and I am one very happy customer. Thank you HFB!

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Beware, no quality in these 'quality' servers. Have had US server less than 48 hours and its been down almost as long as up.

Maybe we have had just bad luck, who knows.. Just for the heads up to someone who is considering to order one.

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Just ordered my server yesterday and it's up and running. Thanks! Now, to find how to better configure the server. :)

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What is wrong with these servers? I have had their server for 2 days and two times it has gone down for several hours.. We cant start/stop/restart server manually from panel... Now its down again..

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DayZ Server Hosting or HFB Servers has horrible customer support, I recommend you go with another host until it is fixed.

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What is wrong with these servers? I have had their server for 2 days and two times it has gone down for several hours.. We cant start/stop/restart server manually from panel... Now its down again..

same thing for me

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Yeah been idling ts for a bit, and it hasnt been much help. About 10 guys are idling there looking for support because they havent got a response to their crashed server issues. IDK some may be due to the migration to seatle?

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As stated in a previous thread guys, had two Atlanta boxes go down. Should be backup.

Anymore problems please direct your questions in Support Tickets or the Support TS3 server.

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Heya Furball,

I got set up yesterday afternoon. I know it typically takes 24 hours to get set up but just wanted to give you a heads up.

It would be Hosted by: Kaos-Incorporated.

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Server status is stuck at Stopping and cannot be stopped/restarted. Looking at my scheduled restarts, it seems one was skipped and never initialized. People are currently playing on the server, but I cannot look at my stats in the control panel as it says that the server is stopped.

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My server just came up and it's Status is stuck on unknown, can't do anything like install the updates and stuff, just stuck on Unknown status. Do I have to wait around a bit?

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Hello Everyone,

You are correct by stating that does Adam help hfbservers.com (NOT WORKS*) by developing their website, however Adam is one extremely devoted person.

He is the only person i have come across to spend every waking hour helping communities and companies perform their daily actions taking extreme loads of DayZ Devs. Just because he helps hfbservers.com does not mean he works or owns the hosting rights at that company, to be honest the only people who own DayZ is DayZ Devs!

They are dealing with such a high load currently and i think one thing is for certain.

Users need to give them / everyone involved with DayZ a chance and allow a few days for requests to be dealt with.

So as i stated, Adam is a very good friend of mine and friend of others within the community and i am sure everyone will agree with what i have said.

Best regards,


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You're all stand up guys.

On a side note, the issue I was having earlier today with my server has been fixed, so those waiting should give it some time.

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Really enjoying our new server, thanks alot guys! :D Just hoping you get some more EU servers soon so we can migrate over there :)

Support is really good, but things generally fix themselves overtime which I really like. I think i've sent 4 Support tickets which i've cancelled because the server woke up and realised it's going funny haha :D

Top notch!

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  'Stealth said:

Anyone setup sub users?

I can't seem to get my subuser to actually have access to server. It doesn't show the server

in the control panal.


Anyone setup sub users?

I can't seem to get my subuser to actually have access to server. It doesn't show the server

in the control panal.

Edit the sub user's permissions and make sure you have "access this service" selected' date=' its at the top in bold (I missed it the first time too because it looks like a heading)


IF any HFB staff is on please check ticket system I need assistance asap :shy:

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Are Adam and Anthony providing the server files anywhere for their dedicated dayz customers? I thought I saw something on twitter about that being the case.

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