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Smedly (DayZ)

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About Smedly (DayZ)

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  1. Smedly (DayZ)

    DayZ most needed addons/changes/fixes (COMMUNITY-MADE)

    /facepalm It might be fine but since it's had alot of debate and is obviously causing issue something needs to change. If it's alright I still would personally like to see some sort of debug screen aswell which shows exactly what my food/water level is so I know how fast it drops and if i'm properly full or not, a green box around Hunger/Thirst isn't great for me. Also this, some things need to be pointed out as priority :D
  2. I know it's an alpha, i'm not looking for an early release game I can play for the heck of "YAY EARLY GAME" I want to help test it, but I feel I can't without these issues addressed I know what you're saying, but I wanted to make my own to show a force of threads that shows the need :)
  3. Howdy, So I know these have already been addressed on the known Major bugs, but I feel I should enforce the need for the next update. Please remember this is MY OPINION! :) Me and my 4 friends have decided that it's basically near unplayable due to these factors as a "Zombie survival MMO game" 1) Food + Water The food and water in the game is like eating something and having holes in your body and having that food/water leak out of those holes before your body can even do anything with it. Every 2 minutes "You're really hungry!" It's ridiculous. No one eats that much in one day even if they are running. I can sit down and have like 4 beans - cooked! and still be hungry as hell! This is probably the major reason me and my friends don't want to play until the update since we're usually friendly and have been FORCED into banditry to survive from food. 2) Zombies What Zombies? I thought it was a zombie game. I know this issue has been addressed but come on... I see maybe 3 my entire gaming session of 4-5 hours and even then I don't attack them and if I do it's for target practice. 3) Spawns There's rather too many houses and rooms, or not enough loot. I know this is another known issue but it's ridiculous that I can check an entire apartment complex and come out with 1-2 rotten fruits and a bag or beanie if i'm lucky. Remember all This is MY OPINION on what needs fixing and I KNOW IT'S BEEN ADDRESSED I just felt like it needed another backbone to shown concern. You're all doing an amazing job but I don't want to play right now until it's fixed, keep up the good work :)
  4. Well, Since HFB have started a Referral link, I figured I may aswell pop mine on the DayZ forums incase anyone wants 5% off their own, unique DayZ server :) https://www.hfbserve...aff.php?aff=013 Even though HFB is a small company, their Support is fantastic and their Control CP is easy as heck to use! Thanks for reading! -Smedly, a happy HFB Server Hoster! (P.S. if im not allowed to share my link here, I apologise in advance and totally accept this post being removed, however I did search for something regarding, no referral links or i'll hit you! post)
  5. Smedly (DayZ)

    The Hfb servers are working great now guys

    Yeah mine is 6 hours too :D it's good cos crashed choppers spawn more :3
  6. Smedly (DayZ)

    The Hfb servers are working great now guys

    Yeah I mean, if I worked for them i'd understand because they have personal lives and stuff and they have -alot- to look after, but our invoice is soon so im like ahhhhh xD
  7. Smedly (DayZ)

    The Hfb servers are working great now guys

    HFB are fantastic but are really annoying me the fact i've had an unanswered ticket for a week... two infact :( I love our server and them guys but c'mon! taking a long time :P
  8. My ticket still has not been answered, it's been what, nearly a week now? I haven't bumped it since I read your post and I understand you guys are busy and have real lives, but we kind of pay you to look after our server, so I'd really appreciate some sort of help!!!
  9. Guys, i'm extremely irritated with the service i'm getting with my server at the moment. the ticket numbers is #324382 (the 2nd one I had made) Asked a week ago for the server to be moved to the EU which was "In progress" to then be told "Oh yeah we forgot to do it, doing it now" to then have our server broken? My tickets are not being responded to on the website after i've customer replied 3 times to attempt to do some sort of "Bump" can someone please sort this damn thing out! Our server has a 2500 ping, near unplayable, everything is gone, GameTracker can't find it and it's still named US 482 even though it's in the EU now! SixUpdater does see it as in France though so that much was done. You guys were amazing when we first got our server from you, but ever since that ticket I haven't been able to play on the server I pay for? our next invoice is very soon and I really don't want to pay another month for a server thats broken with a ticket thats being ignored.
  10. Smedly (DayZ)

    Zombies are NOT over-powered in 1.7.2

    Yeah zombies in this game to me are just in the way of me trying to kill others or loot stuff, i'm not afraid of dying from them anymore because I know they'll have to swarm me to do it lol
  11. Smedly (DayZ)

    Zombies are NOT over-powered in 1.7.2

    I wish they'd stop hitting me once and making me bleed, that really annoys me ;_;
  12. Confirmed what Macenzie said, Atlanta 80 is having Unknown Game Version, also causing some people to spawn in debug land.
  13. Smedly (DayZ)

    Banned for Intimidation.

    Indeed, as a server admin aswell, you can't just ban someone on DayZ, you have to have proof, it could be anyone hacking. I haven't banned anyone on my server, but if I did I'd have screenshot proof or logs of it.
  14. Smedly (DayZ)

    =WC= Clan, Exploiting

    =WC= Clan Came onto my Server Atlanta 80. Me and my clan mate were watching Stary Sobor, shot 1 and 1 went on standby screen, shot another and another went on Standby Screen, shot 2 more and they both disconnected. Threatened that I will report them and make sure they never play on my server again, they all disconnected. This clan needs blacklisting or something, bunch of exploiters.
  15. Smedly (DayZ)

    RU21 cheating admin

    :S well that sucks