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Aborting/alt-f4 - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Solutions!

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Gather 'round boiz and gurls for a story of injustice.

I spawned at cherno, a decent enough spot to spawn for any experienced player. I gathered what I could(food, water, pistol and basic meds) and headed east.

After a quiet walk, I started to approach the western side of Elek, or as I like to call it 'The Barrel'. I decide that I would go the long way and approach from the north east, over the mountain, to avoid and hopefully sneak up on a sniper if they're up there as they so frequently are. I approach the most common sniper spot, with my no longer trusty M1911 with one full mag(wtf pistol nerf). To my delight, as I round the tree I see Mr. DMR lying under said tree and swiftly unload my entire clip into his upper shoulder/neck. As I'm out of ammo and he's apparently still not dead, I swap to my axe and whadda know, he's aborted/alt-f4'd.

Now I know I should of aimed for the head, but it was blocked by branches and in retrospect I should of just axed him, but in the heat of the moment I thought a WHOLE MAG OF M1911 would suffice(again wtf at pistol nerf, I'm pretty sure most people would die after being shot in the upper body 7 times).

Now that I've vented my frustration, time to think of some healthy solutions that will address a number of problems;

- 10 second log out timer at all times.

- 30 second log out timer after being engaged in player vs player combat.

- 30 second 'clone' left in players place if log out timers are not met (alt-f4) that take damage and die as normal players would. When player logs in, they're required to respawn.

These simple changes would stop players from aborting to avoid zeds and would also give people a fighting chance at killing others and stops players being robbed of their precious loot.

TL;DR Douche 'aborter' robbed me of my loot after being engaged in Player vs. Player combat. Solutions.

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Strongly agree that this is what the dev team focus on fixing.

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Unfortunately the DayZ dev team haven't figure out a way to correctly do this. They were in the process of having something similar, but the ArmA 2 engine didn't allow it.

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Yeh it's high on their list of priorities. The new patch has started logging player behaviour and they will start isuung bans/warnings when a pattern is established (hopefully). Also, a timer was suppose to be implemented but the Arma engine won't allow it at the moment.

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There are several problems you are addressing in this "Thread" ( those are already discussed in other places as well).

First the Pistol Nerf:

It was done by Bohemia, nuff said they patched the Nerf in with a new Beta Patch ( I don't know the exact Version they did ) but it has nothing to do with DayZ.

Second Problem: Alt + F4

This problem is already known and it is hated for a reason. It will be addressed for sure and a log-out timer is planned or at least considered as well. Which will keep those cowards from leaving because shots are fired upon them.

So, sit back, grind your teeth and hit respawn.

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I suppose this is good news then. It's certainly a game breaker though, fingers crossed they get it working soon!

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They use the clone thingy in mc pvp servers and it really works there.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 12:26 PM, AmaruKaze said:

So, sit back, grind your teeth and hit respawn.


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I have a story that really pissed me off yesterday. This one guy in my clan robbed us all and just left. When me and my other friend from my clan were playing, this idiot (Bidin) tried to come from behind us and kill us, i was a newspawn so i had nothing, but my friend had a ghillie and an m4a3 on. He saw this idiot, shot him and even got to kill him, but before he actually oculd fall for his death and lose his body, what do you know? Alt+f4. So there we are, hearing flies (the stupid traitor dead) but no damn body for us to get our gear back..... Its an alpha, i know. Now at least i have a purpose in this game again: find more gear

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I'm not saying it's a good thing, but I don't really see a massive problem with people alt+f4'ing. The way I see it, is that everyone whining about it is just a filthy good-for-nothing bandit who kills other people almost exclusively for loot or another number in his "murder" box. Whenever I shoot someone, it's because they're either a potential or an immediate threat to me. My objective is to neutralize the threat and if they alt+f4, they're gone and no longer a threat. If they die and leave behind a good weapon, of course I'll take it, but I don't rely on killing other people for my loot/weapons. If I've got half-decent gear, most of the time I take no loot off corpses anyway (maybe a coke or some beans).

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  On 7/29/2012 at 4:21 PM, Calder said:

I'm not saying it's a good thing, but I don't really see a massive problem with people alt+f4'ing. The way I see it, is that everyone whining about it is just a filthy good-for-nothing bandit who kills other people almost exclusively for loot or another number in his "murder" box. Whenever I shoot someone, it's because they're either a potential or an immediate threat to me. My objective is to neutralize the threat and if they alt+f4, they're gone and no longer a threat. If they die and leave behind a good weapon, of course I'll take it, but I don't rely on killing other people for my loot/weapons. If I've got half-decent gear, most of the time I take no loot off corpses anyway (maybe a coke or some beans).


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  On 7/29/2012 at 4:21 PM, Calder said:

I'm not saying it's a good thing, but I don't really see a massive problem with people alt+f4'ing. The way I see it, is that everyone whining about it is just a filthy good-for-nothing bandit who kills other people almost exclusively for loot or another number in his "murder" box. Whenever I shoot someone, it's because they're either a potential or an immediate threat to me. My objective is to neutralize the threat and if they alt+f4, they're gone and no longer a threat. If they die and leave behind a good weapon, of course I'll take it, but I don't rely on killing other people for my loot/weapons. If I've got half-decent gear, most of the time I take no loot off corpses anyway (maybe a coke or some beans).

So you don't have a problem shooting someone, disconnecting, healing and logging back into a better spot and killing you?

Seems legit.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 4:36 PM, Swineflew said:

So you don't have a problem shooting someone, disconnecting, healing and logging back into a better spot and killing you?

Seems legit.

What, so you shoot at people and then stay in the exact same spot for another 15 minutes? Plus they need to know where the shot came from, not get fatally wounded, not get mauled by zombies, wait to regain consciousness after logging out with shock, hop on a different server and back to my one (which can take a while for a lot of people who get stuck on loading screens), move to a better spot on that other server (which could be dangerous if it's in someplace like Cherno) and it's not like I'm going to be unarmed and making an easy target of myself.

So no, I don't have a problem with that.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 4:21 PM, Calder said:

I'm not saying it's a good thing, but I don't really see a massive problem with people alt+f4'ing. The way I see it, is that everyone whining about it is just a filthy good-for-nothing bandit who kills other people almost exclusively for loot or another number in his "murder" box. Whenever I shoot someone, it's because they're either a potential or an immediate threat to me. My objective is to neutralize the threat and if they alt+f4, they're gone and no longer a threat. If they die and leave behind a good weapon, of course I'll take it, but I don't rely on killing other people for my loot/weapons. If I've got half-decent gear, most of the time I take no loot off corpses anyway (maybe a coke or some beans).

If that's the way you play, power to you, but for the rest of us who enjoy the thrill of the hunt....

I think it's super exciting to see someone, stalk them and close in with an inferior weapon and take what they have....and once you've got the best, it's great to flaunt it and destroy noobies. Point is, it's a game breaker and it ruins the game for a lot of people and should be swiftly addressed.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 5:05 PM, Calder said:

What, so you shoot at people and then stay in the exact same spot for another 15 minutes? Plus they need to know where the shot came from, not get fatally wounded, not get mauled by zombies, wait to regain consciousness after logging out with shock, hop on a different server and back to my one (which can take a while for a lot of people who get stuck on loading screens), move to a better spot on that other server (which could be dangerous if it's in someplace like Cherno) and it's not like I'm going to be unarmed and making an easy target of myself.

So no, I don't have a problem with that.

unfortunately all you are doing is listing out every single detail or problem that "could" occur to try and make it seem like its a big thing to do. And its not.

If you have ears and eyes, you can see and hear where you just got shot at from. Disconnect, get a better spot on another server, reconnect to original. 3 minutes tops. Just because its not a problem for YOU and your kitten playstyle doesn't mean its not a game breaking problem for everyone else.

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I find that a M203 HE grenade fired into their face sort of eliminates any chance they have at Alt+F4

But that's just me and the entire map worth of zombies I have to run away from afterwards :D

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If it makes you feel better, unless he has a friend he can trust he is most likely dead. As he will be bleeding and probably blacked out when he logs in and unable to save himself.

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I agree with anyone who says it isnt a major problem, while i have never combat logged and usually die trying to find somone, genrally i dont kill other players unless their gonna be a potential threat, most of the time its if i am heading to cher and i see someone also i will take a shot, if they die, i am safe. if hey combat log i have about 3-4 mins minimum to raid where i want and be out the other side.(thats assuming he logged while bieng perfectly fine)

really as has been said its only a problem for peoiple who rely on other scavengers to get gear.

i put banditary(while fun) in as annoying as combat logging. sure its part of the game mechanic but anyone who isnt scavenging themselves and relies on other players for gear is not playing in accordance with the games intended idea.

i basially say:

Combat logging:

+ you're safe if they do it

+ less QQ threads

+ other player continues to play while you can loot whereever

- if you are a leech on other players you cannot play

- if you shot them because you really wanted their SDV camo you wont have it

but if somone is soloplaying and you jump them they will get out of it however they can. i can say combat logging is on par with running away and then just logging out. no one complains about that.

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  On 7/30/2012 at 12:17 PM, hazrauken said:

i put banditary(while fun) in as annoying as combat logging. sure its part of the game mechanic but anyone who isnt scavenging themselves and relies on other players for gear is not playing in accordance with the games intended idea.

I am pretty sure banditry is an intended part of the game. I just think of survivors as mobile office buildings with 30 loot spots all convienintly in one place :)

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  On 7/30/2012 at 12:17 PM, hazrauken said:

I agree with anyone who says it isnt a major problem, while i have never combat logged and usually die trying to find somone, genrally i dont kill other players unless their gonna be a potential threat, most of the time its if i am heading to cher and i see someone also i will take a shot, if they die, i am safe. if hey combat log i have about 3-4 mins minimum to raid where i want and be out the other side.(thats assuming he logged while bieng perfectly fine)

really as has been said its only a problem for peoiple who rely on other scavengers to get gear.

i put banditary(while fun) in as annoying as combat logging. sure its part of the game mechanic but anyone who isnt scavenging themselves and relies on other players for gear is not playing in accordance with the games intended idea.

i basially say:

Combat logging:

+ you're safe if they do it

+ less QQ threads

+ other player continues to play while you can loot whereever

- if you are a leech on other players you cannot play

- if you shot them because you really wanted their SDV camo you wont have it

but if somone is soloplaying and you jump them they will get out of it however they can. i can say combat logging is on par with running away and then just logging out. no one complains about that.

You're obviously not getting the point. If someone wants to play a certain way, aka being a bandit, and there is a near full proof way to avoid being killed, or at least robbing them of your gear....then that is a problem. As previously mentioned, just because it's not a problem for YOUR play style, doesn't mean it's not a major problem.

Actually, I've just re-read what you've said and I've decided you're a complete mouth breathing mongoloid. Saying that combat logging is on par with running away is completely retarded. You can shoot/catch a running target, you can't shoot someone who is no longer in the server.

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  On 7/30/2012 at 12:06 PM, Enforcer said:

Two shots Mk48...

Worst reasoning ever.

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All good suggestions but think of how you would actually implement that.

A log-out timer puts massive strain on the server - most of the time a server undergoes too much stress just trying to make a character log-in or to create a new one. Think of the performance as it is now and whether hindering that even more would be a good or a bad thing. After you've thought about that, stop, and think about it again.

Apply this tenfold to having a character left in-game or a 30 second timer! Rocket wanted to implement this feature with a 5 second timer but even that was too much.

Consider all of this and then consider just exactly how you would define player vs. player combat, as a person let alone a machine. Bullets within a certain radius? Could have been one of your friends. How would the system check this? Getting shot by another player? Another check to add each time you log out. Being around people? Shooting your own gun? Can you see where I'm going? You have to anticipate all of these variables for what would define something as circumstantial as engaging with another player, and then you need to make the server check for this every time you log in and out.

I don't want to put a damper on your parade, but this really isn't realistic with the engine/mod/servers we are dealing with. It just wouldn't work without heavy optimisation, not to mention money.

Edited by Anton17

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Sadly if those solutions are applied I wouldnt be able to log out when massive amount of hackers decide to teleport all the server players into the same location just for fun.

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