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Crazy graphical glitches after updating to and 95389

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Have the same issue:

HD5870 w/ drivers 12.1

What worked for me is enabling Vsync and than restarting the game.

Just enabling Vsync didnt prove to work. It must be followed by a restart of the game.

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To everyone getting this problem, Restart your computer.

This isn't very helpful. I've done this and it doesn't solve the problem. It might do for some people but don't presume it will for everyone.

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Same issue here. I've updated ( and latest arma 2 beta patch) and logged in near Stary. Using binocs or sniper scope near the military tents cause those glitches. No problems in "normal view" (both 3rd and 1st person). Everything is fine for me (for what i could see) in treelines/fields and northern part of Stary. Had to log out because those glitches make the game unplayable.

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I got the same problem aswell.

My GFX-card is a HD6950, latest drivers I suppose.

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I have this problem (and AMD videochip) too. It's very strange, couse patch didn't chang any textures or models, I think.

Edited by LokkiMV

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Same issues here.

started after update

2 x GTX680(304.79)

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Video memory to default in-game fixed the issue for me :D

YES THIS WORKED FOR ME! No more annoying triangles (artifacting) raping my vision! LOVE YOU!

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What happened? no matter what I do I cant get rid of them, and they seriously just caused me to die to some random non sense so can we please explain what has changed since the last patch so I can fix this?

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Learn to play. Artifacts are good because the game is too easy without them. It's totally realistic. I see huge triangles all over the place spawning from the dumpster behind CostCo. Go back to CoD, noob.

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Yes, enlighten us and tell us what these so called artifacts are.

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After a lot of experimentation with each graphic option I have found that when you encounter these graphical artifacts all you have to do is: Go into video options, change your value under video memory (select a different option other than whatever you have currently selected). I've encountered the artifacts twice and this has worked for me, please try it out and let me know if it works for you.

Edited by OmegaC4

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Learn to play. Artifacts are good because the game is too easy without them. It's totally realistic. I see huge triangles all over the place spawning from the dumpster behind CostCo. Go back to CoD, noob.

This forum needs a sarcasm tag. But funny stuff.

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on topic: I have this same issue and will try the video memory option, even though i shouldn't have to as i run the game 100+fps maxed at 1920*1200 (sadly if i turn the 3d higher then that it lags) but turn vsync on to stop screen tear bs.

off topic: It's nice to see all the douche bag trolls are on these forums just as much as any other game. people come to forums for help. Sadly there will always be those dickheads that have nothing better to do (like... maybe... play the game?!) then troll the forums.

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Same for me.

I'm in the uphill part of Berenzino and you basically can't see anything. Screen is covered with black and gray artifacts.

Ati 5850

Edited by knallfix

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