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THE Night is TOO DAMN DARK Thread. Others will be deleted etc.

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Fuck your job and your kids. You're not hardcore enough for DayZ. Cry some more' date=' loser with an actual life. GG. Kthxbye.


What the fuck is wrong with you.

You think this kind of night, where I can't even make out zombies IN FUCKING FRONT OF ME, munching my testicles, then sorry but there's something wrong. Night is usually dark, but I can at least make out shadows. Right now if I don't see the horizontal line or any kind of lightsource, I can't make out ANYTHING.

I am happy that the "exploit" was fixed. But I would only agree to it if the night was at least partially visible. Right now people without any kind of lightsource can't make out anything.

I got a little secret to share - you've just been trolled. But, seriously, I can't blame anybody for taking my post at face value, because this is exactly the kind of retardation we hear from DayZ fanboys on a constant basis.

Of course, I completely agree with you. The game was too dark to begin with and now they've just made it completely unplayable for a great many people. But, whatever, it's not like anybody is forcing me to play, or anything. GG, indeed. Oh wait, I meant to say something like, "Learn to throw flares, you fucking noob!"

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Is there any reason we can't just make night time brightness a server variable and let the server admins decide based on personal preference? Why does this even have to be a debate?

Also, I've noticed people throw around the words "realistic" quite a bit. I'd like to call bulls**t on that one.

This game could be described as many things, but realistic isn't one of them.

Like, for instance, food. The average feeding cycle lasts about 15 minutes until you're hungry again. Even if we assume you can make it roughly 30 minutes without eating in the game (which, afaik, isn't possible), that means you have to chow down on more than 40 cans of baked beans per day to sustain yourself. And that is using very generous math. The day/night cycle is in real time, but apparently your biology is not.

Have you ever eaten 40 cans of baked beans in a single day in real life?

Even if you did manage to pull that off, you aren't going to be running a marathon worth of cardio in the same day.

The night is so dark that it is apparently "realistic" (even though it certainly is not, as many have stated). Your eyes adjust in daylight (massive HDR effects, especially in the forest) but apparently they can't adjust at night.

And what is with being able to heal bullet wounds by eating 6-8 beef steaks?

Stop with the "realistic" banter. This game is *not* "realistic". It is difficult. It is atmospheric. It is challenging. It is massively fun. But it is not realistic.

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Got the latest beta patch, it is RIDICULOUSLY (yes, all caps-worthy) dark. Love this mod, but this is just OTT. There's no reason to make it this dark, RL isn't close to this dark.

Why don't we just add a blindfold to your starting equipment, and you can only take it off if you get to the NWAF to get a key for it.

Whoever made the decision to make the nights this dark needs to go camping more often.

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Is there any reason we can't just make night time brightness a server variable and let the server admins decide based on personal preference? Why does this even have to be a debate?

What? You mean, let people play their game the way they'd like to play it? Stop it; you're making way too much sense. It's time you guys got with the program around here: it's Fearless Leader's way or the highway.

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Why don't we just add a blindfold to your starting equipment' date=' and you can only take it off if you get to the NWAF to get a key for it.


That's what I'm talking about. Also you shouldn't spawn with anything, no gun, no food, no water, just a blindfold. Also you should have your hands cuffed behind your back, and before you can even think about removing the blind fold you have to find some handcuff keys. And the new spawn will be out in the middle of the ocean. If you think that's to hard then your not HARDCORE! go whine about it cod fagy carebears!! A swarm of at least 30 zombies should rape you instantly if you even attempt to move around without crawling, and if you fire one shot at least 30 more join in on the gang bang. HARDCORE!! Whine about it!

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Why don't we just add a blindfold to your starting equipment' date=' and you can only take it off if you get to the NWAF to get a key for it.


That's what I'm talking about. Also you shouldn't spawn with anything, no gun, no food, no water, just a blindfold. Also you should have your hands cuffed behind your back, and before you can even think about removing the blind fold you have to find some handcuff keys. And the new spawn will be out in the middle of the ocean. If you think that's to hard then your not HARDCORE! go whine about it cod fagy carebears!! A swarm of at least 30 zombies should rape you instantly if you even attempt to move around without crawling, and if you fire one shot at least 30 more join in on the gang bang. HARDCORE!! Whine about it!

Nice, but you forgot to throw in everybody's favourite, new catchphrase: "Your tears are delicious." Let's be honest, folks, this whole "game" is nothing but one big troll. In all fairness, it's not like rocket hasn't been clear from the outset. And, we still fell for it.

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The game is still great. I love the PvP aspect, the entire atmosphere of the game. I personally think it should be harder. I'm amazed people kill for beans, like they're hard to find or anything. I've got about 5 in my bag, wasn't even looking for them.

I'm not normally one to bitch about the game re: it being "hardcore", but this is just beyond realism (I know it's not 100% realistic about everything and never will be but that's why they changed the brightness) to the point of unrealistic. It was more believable, and playable before. Now you may as well put on a fucking blindfold.

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what i personaly dont like about that darkness is that realy unrealistic. I dont mind to have that pitch black in houses etc or when night is cloudy and maybe rain, when there is not moon, maybe even from 24:00-5:00 - but as it is now at 19:00 when i still see sun going down - its so dark i cant see my hands.

I realy hope there will be some fixes about that - original ARMA2 night time was not perfect but it was more realistic than it is now.

I love harcore and i love that pitch black - but i dont like as it is now coz its stupid

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I got a little secret to share - you've just been trolled. But' date=' seriously, I can't blame anybody for taking my post at face value, because this is exactly the kind of retardation we hear from DayZ fanboys on a constant basis.


Text makes for horrible sarcasm. Truth be told, yes, that's exactly what we've come to expect in this forum. Your post was taken at face value because people are being serious about posting that...yes...there are people making posts exactly like that in serious tones.

Basically put: Night's too dark, period. No justification of "use flares" or "l2p noob" is going to work. You are not blind, and just because there's a zombie apocalypse does not mean the planets stop revolving or the sun stops shining on the moon. What there needs to be is a forced brightness/gamma, then increase as needed. Or maybe add a blue light effect to the sky at night. One thing's for sure: This night time worked wonders with NVGs, but it doesn't work for normal play. Truth be told, anyone that thinks this is a reasonable view of nighttime NEEDS TO GO OUTSIDE MORE.

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Text makes for horrible sarcasm. Truth be told' date=' yes, that's exactly what we've come to expect in this forum. Your post was taken at face value because people are being serious about posting that...yes...there are people making posts exactly like that in serious tones.


Yes, Fortis, that was the motivation behind my troll. it was intended to demonstrate exactly what you just said: things have gotten to the point where we've come to expect such vile, extreme posts from DayZ fanatics. I feel bad for anyone who may have suffered embarrassment after having fallen for my troll post, but the real embarrassment should lie with the forum denizens who engage in this crap, and, more importantly, in those who enable and condone the perpetrators.

Basically put: Night's too dark, period. No justification of "use flares" or "l2p noob" is going to work. You are not blind, and just because there's a zombie apocalypse does not mean the planets stop revolving or the sun stops shining on the moon. What there needs to be is a forced brightness/gamma, then increase as needed. Or maybe add a blue light effect to the sky at night. One thing's for sure: This night time worked wonders with NVGs, but it doesn't work for normal play. Truth be told, anyone that thinks this is a reasonable view of nighttime NEEDS TO GO OUTSIDE MORE.

I know. I've said this repeately from the start. And, it's not just the nighttime that suffers with these new tonal changes. Daytime in A2 is now also looking worse than ever. And by worse, I mean increasingly unrealistic.

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Text makes for horrible sarcasm. Truth be told' date=' yes, that's exactly what we've come to expect in this forum. Your post was taken at face value because people are being serious about posting that...yes...there are people making posts exactly like that in serious tones.


Yes, Fortis, that was the motivation behind my troll. it was intended to demonstrate exactly what you just said: things have gotten to the point where we've come to expect such vile, extreme posts from DayZ fanatics. I feel bad for anyone who may have suffered embarrassment after having fallen for my troll post, but the real embarrassment should lie with the forum denizens who engage in this crap, and, more importantly, in those who enable and condone the perpetrators.

Basically put: Night's too dark, period. No justification of "use flares" or "l2p noob" is going to work. You are not blind, and just because there's a zombie apocalypse does not mean the planets stop revolving or the sun stops shining on the moon. What there needs to be is a forced brightness/gamma, then increase as needed. Or maybe add a blue light effect to the sky at night. One thing's for sure: This night time worked wonders with NVGs, but it doesn't work for normal play. Truth be told, anyone that thinks this is a reasonable view of nighttime NEEDS TO GO OUTSIDE MORE.

I know. I've said this repeately from the start. And, it's not just the nighttime that suffers with these new tonal changes. Daytime in A2 is now also looking worse than ever. And by worse, I mean increasingly unrealistic.

Yeah dude, I ain't trying to rail on you or say you shouldn't have done it, just hate things have gotten this way. :-/

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I'd say the fact that almost every server is largely abandoned come night time says a lot about how fun most people find it. I think they ought to make it brighter or speed up the day/night cycle. Leave a "vanilla" option for those wanting to run servers with oldschool night mode' date=' that way everybody wins.

I can see the appeal that putting on NVGs and gunning down survivors who have no chance of defending themselves might have to a lot of people, but it doesn't really make for good gameplay for one side of that equation.



Nicely said.

On another note, night's were dark but still playable a while ago, now that it's been "fixed" it's broken.

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If a zombie punches me in my face and I CANT SEE HIM - there is something wrong.

Yes' date=' there is something wrong. You aren't using any of the many available light sources to see the zombie punching you.


Sure I could use a chemlight - but dont you see the fact? You cant something hitting you, which is directly in front of your face. That is unrealistic and NOT PLAYABLE. What if you dont have chemlights or flares? IRL our eyes would patch themself for seeing something, in ArmA they don't.

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Nobody's forcing you to play. Play during the day. Play on a daytime server. Problem solved?

This is dumbest solution ever. In a way your saying make the damn game daytime only what the fuck thats no solution:(

OP is partly right its very dark.

And i love the darkness in this game but its bit over top and manyservers the gamma-brightness-HDR don't seems to work anymore eather.

But there could be some solutions like more ways to put fires one for while or some lamposts who still flikker or give some light some fireplaces in houses that give light through windows and littlebit more stars at nights so its not pitchdark.

Then you have have still offcorse the flares and gemlights to concider.

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Adjusting the gamma up gives a good simulation of human night vision. Losing the ability to adjust gamma will just make even more people abandon night servers.

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I think that the light level and gamma characteristics should remain the same for everyone playing the game all the way until the signal reaches their monitor. Whoever designs the night-time lighting should calibrate their monitor to display 2.2 gamma ( with a hardware calibrator to ensure accuracy ) and design based on that. That way the designer has the PC standard gamma performance and designs the night-time lighting with that standard in mind.

The players are responsible of conforming to that standard. Of course, some people will have monitors that are better performing and/or better calibrated, just like some people have faster internet connections, more accurate mice or higher framerates. That's not the developer's problem. After the standardization I propose, the ball is in the players' court.

The advantage here is that there is a clear "the way it's meant to be played" light level. If the developer can say they've designed the night with 2.2 gamma in mind, then everyone can set their monitors to display 2.2 gamma and see the night as the developer saw it when designing it. If there is no such standard when designing, then the designer might have 1.8 gamma which would make the nights too dark for anyone with a correctly calibrated monitor, or 2.6 gamma which would make it too bright for a correctly calibrated monitor.

This is the approach movies and digital photography take to ensure everybody sees the movies and pictures as similarly to the original intended presentation as possible.

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So dear survivors' date=' when you spawn at night with flares - use them - problem solved. No more cheating with gamma glitch.


And get shot to pieces by the bandits camping the coast. Yes. That's a viable solution.

My server has been overflowing during the daytime the last while, and at night time, the server hasn't had a quarter of the traffic it used to have.

Simply put, night time is unplayable. There's nothing more to it.

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I gotta admit i'm in the UK and until i find some NVG's as soon as it get's dark dark, i hop over to an American server that's GMT+

Even with chemlights and flares it's way too dark for such an enormous enviroment, having your view restricted to pretty much absolute zero is a huge gamebreaker, yes it's creepy and scary in games like Silent Hill etc but not here, as i said the enviroment is way way too large. I'm definitely not asking for a speedup, that would be a massive immersion breaker, just lighten up the night a bit, c'mon Rocket you know it make sense! :)

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So dear survivors' date=' when you spawn at night with flares - use them - problem solved. No more cheating with gamma glitch.


And get shot to pieces by the bandits camping the coast. Yes. That's a viable solution.

Simply put, night time is unplayable. There's nothing more to it.

+1 Night servers will remain nearly empty until something changes.

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+1 Night servers will remain nearly empty until something changes.

I like the nights as they are, although playing alone renders the game boring :-(

Actually it forces me to shift the time on our servers, so it won't be dark and empty.

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+1 Night servers will remain nearly empty until something changes.

Indeed. Yesterday night my server had a full 5 people on at 10PM. On a Friday night.

Two weeks ago, people were fighting for spots on the server over weekends.

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I agree with majority that night time is unrealistically and immersion-bustingly dark. There is no gameplay, realism, or other justification for the excessive darkness, it's just wrong, period. "use flares" and "dont play at night" are just stupid workarounds that don't work.

Night time should offer an alternate gaming environment that has it's own challenges and advantages, like easier sneaking but harder spotting, more/less zombies or more/less active zombies, whatever. Now it's just noobs who haven't yet understood to go other servers and bored people with NV looking for something to do.

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Night time is great, it adds loads more to the game, having to use light sources is a great mechanic that radically alters the dynamic.

Add to that being able to creep around with much less chance of getting sniped.

I really enjoy the trade off between reduced vis and and having to use a light source and expose yourself.

Flares aren't a stupid work around they are the mechanics of the game lol

Here's my solution: Force people to play at least some of the time at night.


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