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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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Because you can't just kill yourself over and over again?


No, Rocket has been fucking up DayZ by buffing the zombies, taking away your starting weapon (slightly understandable), and now this. Who knows what's going to happen next? The thing with the respawn button is that it at least provided someway to reach your friends without having to take half an hour to reach them. Honestly, there's a simple fix to this...

Just make it so you get to choose a general location for where you want to spawn. For example, if I wanted to spawn around Cherno, I could spawn at Cherno spawn #7 or something like that. It's still a random spawn. I could very well get Cherno spawn #3. Pretty much, just a random spawn around an area of your choice. That way, all parties are happy. Performance issues are solved and everyone gets to meet up with their friends. It's not cheap by any means. A person still might have to walk a little while to reach their destination. It just wouldn't take forever to reach them. That's why a lot of my friends quit. Doing what I mentioned would be a much better system.

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Easiest way to install, best control, easy roll backs.....

Manual install..

YEAH! too bad i can only give 1 beans for this

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Please do not grab this update, and then QQ because you can't find a server. Install to a new @dayz mod folder and use when servers become available

How exactly did you get a job?

Why don't you just leave. I promise that we will not miss you at all... :rolleyes:

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The new patch fucked up the barbedwire even more then it already was, now I have to avoid areas that have it cuz the stupid graphics bug is totaly blocking my view. It was bad before but at least I could see, now it's totaly fubar.

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Terrible day for dayz, I cant choose where I spawn, and now I have to run from one side of the fucking map to meet my group. Thanks rocket for slowing down the fucking game, I liked it better when it lagged.

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Terrible day for dayz, I cant choose where I spawn, and now I have to run from one side of the fucking map to meet my group. Thanks rocket for slowing down the fucking game, I liked it better when it lagged.

Just run into a pack of zombies, or get your legs broken...then you can respawn...

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Terrible day for dayz, I cant choose where I spawn, and now I have to run from one side of the fucking map to meet my group. Thanks rocket for slowing down the fucking game, I liked it better when it lagged.

Your tears are delicious!

Keep em comming!

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What? Not a reddit thread??


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The new patch fucked up the barbedwire even more then it already was, now I have to avoid areas that have it cuz the stupid graphics bug is totaly blocking my view. It was bad before but at least I could see, now it's totaly fubar.

Yes had this too in berezino, was at the hospital is was like tron on acid. totaly unplayable, only got there because I know the way. Also i read the weapons have been nerfed, someone mentioned doing a headshot, but good luck doing that in an open field with the current animations. Annoying that an arma patch has this much influence on the mod gameplay. A good thing is server stability, have been on servers lately that had no chains in hours of gameplay. Great improvement.

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The new patch fucked up the barbedwire even more then it already was, now I have to avoid areas that have it cuz the stupid graphics bug is totaly blocking my view. It was bad before but at least I could see, now it's totaly fubar.

I'm kinda glad it's worse and effecting more people. maybe now we can get barbed wire out the game. it seems way more trouble than it's worth

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Just run into a pack of zombies, or get your legs broken...then you can respawn...

I know right... Some people are just too... sigh... I don't even know. Every spawn has zombies nearby but they can't think of that, just that the respawn button was removed.

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Terrible day for dayz, I cant choose where I spawn, and now I have to run from one side of the fucking map to meet my group. Thanks rocket for slowing down the fucking game, I liked it better when it lagged.

Couldn't agree more. I'd rather have a laggy game than an inconvenient game.

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So im rather nubbish when it comes to adding files to files aka mods, I dled the torrent and its finished and all that, but the game says I still have the old version running, what am I doing wrong?

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I could get into a server just fine with and the beta patch listed in the first post.

Loading went fine as well, actually faster than

The issue i have is with the zombies and the sound.... it doesn't feel right. Going to post a youtube link to show what I mean but basically, when I shoot with the shotgun from 100-150 meters away crouched in a zombie, it's not natural for a zombie that's on the other side of the barn to start running around and towards me.

It also doesn't seem right for a zombie 200 meters away to start running to me... it shouldn't work like a zombie magnet, the sound. Some zombies should be startled and start moving towards the sound if they were pointing their heads in some random direction, the ones that were already looking in the general direction of the sound should aggro with a high probability (if I'm crouched they may hear but if they can't see should't be 1 or 0, in real world there's also echo and they're zombies/infected... won't have perfect hearing...) .

Also, there's another issue: two zombies spawned by a building, shotgun them both, 5 seconds later 2-3 other spawn about 10-20 meters away from me.

Video is uploading/processing now :


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First time I ever used a tent in this game, been in my bag for ages waiting for this patch. Placed it down and put a bunch of stuff in, went and got more stuff and filled it some more.

Since this is my first tent I wasnt sure if im suppose to save it but i did it any way but i kept all my important weapons in my bag when i logged off (call me paranoid) but while i was off i couldnt remember if i saved my tent or not so i logged back on to find the sever had restarted. Went and checked my tent and everything was still in there so its working for me so far. will if it lasts.

Thanks for the mod and update guys

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Weapon duplication seems to be fixed, good stuff :)

Edit: Ammo still refills on rejoining the game though.

Edited by DaveyP

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Dont have an opportunity to test(( Now, if there are no severe bugs, i want the unlimited ammo bugs fixed. And nothing more lol!

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Testing the patch now, will give my input in an hour or so........

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All, I don't know if anybody noticed, but with I experienced the following:

Found a tent in supermarket, took it and moved on, did not set it up. An hour later I logged out. After relogin the tent was gone. Since I found the tent before, I remembered the new tent mechanics, dusted myself of and moved on. Found another tent. Stored it (did not set it up) and played for another 10 minutes, logged off. Logged on again and guess what. The tent was removed from my inventory again. Conclusion: Tents get removed from inventory after relogin.

tl;dr : With tents get removed from inventory after relogin.

Edited by VFR

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Hello everyone,


If you are getting stuck at loading, please make absolutely sure that you have installed the newest version of the DayZ Client files.

You should also make sure that they reside in @DayZ\AddOns instead of @DayZ. It is a common mistake to put them in @DayZ instead of the AddOns subfolder.

This is the most likely reason why you get stuck.


that cant be the most likely reason. definitely A reason, but not most likely. been here since the start, some servers work and some dont. lose connection with one server, then the next one i try get caught on loading. the files dont move between server tries...not arguing with you, just saying there is something else going on here. Edited by sivart

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Weapon duplication seems to be fixed, good stuff :)

Edit: Ammo still refills on rejoining the game though.

Same issue here.

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