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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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Its fun :)

Apart from the graphic glitches that render some places unplayable, the patch is just fine.

Like yesterday, I tried to go to Balota AF... on the half way to the fire station my picture was so f*cked up by artifacts that I couldn't even find a door. Fix those wires somehow....get a new model for em or smth.

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I think the zombie path-finding is a little messed up.. :P

apparently you need to post on reddit now to communicate with the devs

yeah I'm mad >:(

Edited by daze23
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I think the zombie path-finding is a little messed up.. :P

ya and what isnt fair is sometimes they will be far away and hit you. Other times they will be behind a building and all of the sudden come sprinting at you. The zombies in this game definitely need to be cleaned up

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Has anoyne else noticed that the zombies see WAY to well now? sometimes even through walls or from miles away?

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This build has been running well so far, and actually seems to be a bit smoother. However, I can't go to a lot of places because I'm getting a ton of artifacting that I didn't have before.

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I think the zombie path-finding is a little messed up.. :P

My Alpha game is Alpha...

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After reinstalling BE i can join 417 servers also. No artifacts so far, but i'm at 230 blood right now and don't see much at all.

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Zombies are deadlier which is great.

I think for the first time, my ammo wasn't all at 100%, but I could be mistaken.

Frame rates have improved. Zombie and loot spawns seem more consistent. I have noticed that if you wipe out a group of them, they will respawn rather quickly.

Obviously, the gamespy thing is preventing me from playing on servers with my buds, and I don't feel like running from our camp to anywhere exciting with out them. Hope they fix that soon.

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are tents working can they be placed having problems placing a tent now after patch like cant even place it on a open road

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Been playing now the now and everything is good. Great job, Rocket and team!

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I have a feeling when ur in a town now and shoot a zombie in house u will pull over 40 zombies for some reason after patch

Im not sure if this is intended.

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Great update. but one thing...

The graphics issues just makes it unplayable right now. only place i can go is woods.

if i go to anything that has other objects than trees. my whole screen gets messed up.

I tried million of difference video settings. none seem to have a real impact. its just difference each time you refresh the video settings.

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I haven't been able to loot any animals after i kill and gut them, i can only inspect their bodies, anyone else having this issue?

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Uh oh, I just got stuck at loading and hit alt-f4 to quit..

Im not gonna get bant am I? D:

Just kidding.. ;)

Also, read the first post dude.. It says in BIG LETTERS that the 5 second timer ISN'T IN THE UPDATE..

nice reading skills \o/

Edit: It looks like this:

5 second timeout on disconnect is NOT implemented, as the engine is preventing it currently

Yes I did read it and understood it. So fucking what? It really doesn't matter if it should have been in the patch or not. ALT+F4 and tents are fucking up the game. If the tents can't be fixed then remove them from the game and wipe everything.

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Graphics corruption; Hold left shift, press numpad "-", release both, type "flush" on the keyboard... sometimes clears it up.

Edited by Jarnis
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I had the graphic glitches big time. I was in one of the big dome-ey things at a military place and it was so bad I couldn't see to move around.

I listened to what one of the other posts said, set my video memory to default, and it fixed it.

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So far, haven't had any loading issues etc with the patch.

1. As many have observed, tents still seem broken, they still dupe by resetting to previous state after after restart. New tents still wipe their inventories after restart. (Server was running new hive version)

2. Might be unrelated to the patch, but my pickup just appeared half destroyed after restart, broken windshield glass etc etc.

3. Put on a ghillie recently after dying (with a Ghillie on). I had a Czech backpack on me when I put the new ghillie on, afterwards I had a coyote pack (8 slot).

Bit torn about the respawn issue. On one hand it gets rid of the endless respawning you were sometimes "forced" to do, which I imagine cause a load issue on the hive or the like. It also makes dying more painful, which is good :)

Having a spawn selection would be kinda bad aswell, as you risk even more "deathmatching" around cherno/elektro. Perhaps something along the line of choosing a spawn area such as south west coast, south, south east, etc. Still allows players to spawn fairly close to their friends, but should prevent continous respawns in the same town...

Fix the tents (duping, make removal possible etc) and you can have all my beans :)

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Graphics corruption; Hold left shift, press numpad "-", release both, type "flush" on the keyboard... sometimes clears it up.

that, and every other 'fix' out there seem to only temporarily fix the problem. I think those temp fixes just 'reset' your video, but eventually the problem starts again

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I'm stuck at "loading" much more often now. And it seems that he performance is somehow more crappy, but thats mayby just my feel (never measured it tho)

Edited by o00Frost00o

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This is what i got at the NW Airfield. My stats are so low because, putting on the Camo clothing reset them to 0.



It mostly happend when i was facing the airport from south to north.

Happend at Stary also, when looking north to south at the tents..

Edited by Scorpi0n

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This is what i got at the NW Airfield. My stats are so low because, putting on the Camo clothing reset them to 0.



It mostly happend when i was facing the airport from south to north.

Happend at Stary also, when looking north to south at the tents..

Yep, I also got this. At first i thought that it is overcking issue - clocked to default - problem is still there.

Btw I have an AMD 7950

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I just want to know if the heli´s are actually available right now with the patch or if they have been just "added" to the list of vehicles? i know some of you guys might have already answered that or even rocket, but its just that i want to confirm it firmly because i saw one heli in my clan´s server, 4 guys were in it 2 of them happened to have an AS50 with thermal scope which doesnt belong to the day z mod but thats another issue im trying to resolve... just wanted to know if the heli´s are available right now because if they are not i would like to proceed with the respective cheating report! and of course ill start reporting the guy with the AS50 PWS wep.

thanks in advance!

Edited by Reino

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