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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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I've found ghillie suit, dropped my backpack before wearing just in case and when i'd wear it i had brand new coyote backpack.

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I could get into a server just fine with and the beta patch listed in the first post.

Loading went fine as well, actually faster than

The issue i have is with the zombies and the sound.... it doesn't feel right. Going to post a youtube link to show what I mean but basically, when I shoot with the shotgun from 100-150 meters away crouched in a zombie, it's not natural for a zombie that's on the other side of the barn to start running around and towards me.

It also doesn't seem right for a zombie 200 meters away to start running to me... it shouldn't work like a zombie magnet, the sound. Some zombies should be startled and start moving towards the sound if they were pointing their heads in some random direction, the ones that were already looking in the general direction of the sound should aggro with a high probability (if I'm crouched they may hear but if they can't see should't be 1 or 0, in real world there's also echo and they're zombies/infected... won't have perfect hearing...) .

Also, there's another issue: two zombies spawned by a building, shotgun them both, 5 seconds later 2-3 other spawn about 10-20 meters away from me.

Video is uploading/processing now :


first of all, and this is message to all that post youtube videos, let us know the time to look for the behavior you're talking about

and I really didn't see anything too bad. you were shooting at every zed you saw. I saw the 2 spawn behind you when you left the first area, but nothing too bad :shrug:

Edited by daze23

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Terrible day for dayz, I cant choose where I spawn, and now I have to run from one side of the fucking map to meet my group. Thanks rocket for slowing down the fucking game, I liked it better when it lagged.

<---- back of the line.
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So beta patch 95389 apparently is NOT RECENT ENOUGH to actually play on servers. Bad version, blah dee fucking blah.

Seeing as the official site is more broken than a Thai whore, and SixUpdater is seemingly incapable of keeping up to date to new patches, is there anywhere, anyway, anyhow to get a newer patch, besides being an all-powerful demigod?

Christ, it's more of a scavenge hunt to actually find the beta patches by these incompetent BI cunts than it is to find life-saving items in the apocalyptic survival simulator we're all playing..

Updated with Six Launcher and was joining servers in less than 5 minutes. I think you need to take a meditation class and quit calling people such crude names. Best of luck to you sweetums.

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Feedback after 2 hours of play:

Me and my mate both having graphical glitches looking into stary. I've had these glitches before, but randomly. For us both to have the same glitch I think is strange, and with all the reports on the site I think there may be an issue, I'm gonna guess with the beta.

There also seems to be a problem with loot. I hit a lot of deer stands and they all had mostly emtpy cans, or didn't spawn anything at all.

Loot seemed to be down generally.

Stealth change or problem?

Other than that it seemed to all play very well.

Winnie and Makarov seemed to aggro zed very easily, this combined with what seemed like a very short respawn timer meant we were often trapped shooting many zeds in small villages.

I don't mind the aggro of zeds with gunfire, feels a little more realistic, but the respawn timer needs to be increased massively to compensate.

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With the bad loot in deer stands I guess you were just unlucky, checked several deer stands myself and they had normal loot.

Graphical glitches: Never had them before, now have them at Green mountain. Did not visit Stary, but clanmates had graphical glitches there..

Edited by VFR

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Working good so far for me, no loading problems at all loaded right in on a server running it, will see how tents do when server restarts if it saves correctly or not. Loving the new DAYZ logo and loading screen. Looks awesome.

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Just in case anyone is interested in realizing that there is a much more efficent way of respawning, I made a thread in the suggestions section. Read it before you start getting all bitchy.


no offense, but plenty of people have suggested something like that, and rocket has said he's not too into it

a few people have pointed out that it could lead to people basically deathmatching. if you die in some hotspot (cherno, elektro, etc), you can just respawn near there and rejoin the battle... forever

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Anyone have a link to download beta patch 95393? http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ isn't working.

See the first post from Rocket, it's in there under the tiny yellow text regarding the build numbers.

that link doesnt go anywhere

Merging threads killed it.

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FI 1 server is 0.7.2, 95389, according to server admin and the tents are duping stuff just fine. We ran over countless of tents but they just pop up after restart.

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first of all, and this is message to all that post youtube videos, let us know the time to look for the behavior you're talking about

and I really didn't see anything too bad. you were shooting at every zed you saw. I saw the 2 spawn behind you when you left the first area, but nothing too bad :shrug:

Pay attention WHERE they aggro from. They aggro from behind barns, from behind walls, when I'm crouched near trees and one infected from the deer stand attacks me even though there was a bush between me and him

And the direction they're going towards doesn't matter. If infected dies hit by bullet near another infected, that infected hears the sound, others don't. It's not right.

more additions:

seems like m1911 was downgraded or maybe it's because i'm on a veteran server but regular zeds needed 3 bullets to die.

same old problem you can run crouched in front of some zombies that are 50-100 meters away, but if you get out of a barn walking crouched and the zombies are 50-100 meters away the moment you step the threshold there's a high chance they see you (as if you're running out)

later edit: seems like a coincidence but with this latest beta patch, i got twice in a row the monitor losing signal when alt tabbing (game perhaps switching to some invalid resolution). Windows 7/ radeon 4850 - happened before but rarely, maybe once a few hours of gameplay and alt tabbing. Solving it by going to second screen, open screen resolution, change to a lower one and then back up.

Edited by mariush

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No, Rocket has been fucking up DayZ by buffing the zombies, taking away your starting weapon (slightly understandable), and now this. Who knows what's going to happen next? The thing with the respawn button is that it at least provided someway to reach your friends without having to take half an hour to reach them. Honestly, there's a simple fix to this...

Choosing your spawn is the plan. Please read Rocket's posts before bitching like a spoiled 8 year old. It's his mod, and he wants to test this stuff before charging $30-$60 for a full retail game.

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im gonna ask this question again because it didn't get answered before and are probably forgotten by now.

So, is the temperature mechanic removed, because the temp is gone in the debug monitor.

Or is it working just that its hidden like humanity ?

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Pay attention WHERE they aggro from. They aggro from behind barns, from behind walls, when I'm crouched near trees and one infected from the deer stand attacks me even though there was a bush between me and him

And the direction they're going towards doesn't matter. If infected dies hit by bullet near another infected, that infected hears the sound, others don't. It's not right.

they aggro cause you're shooting your gun. the hearing was 'broken' with the last patch, and now it's 'fixed'

the thing to remember with how they react to sound is they go to where they heard the sound come from. so when you shoot, don't stay in the same position

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What is the big deal about the disabled respawn button anyway? Run into a zombie (you might have noticed there are plenty in this game) and let him kill you: Respawn. No zombie in 500m range? Well, jump of a higher structure and die.

In a game were the common life span is 49 minutes even when trying to survive, it is weird that someone complains he can't die within 2-3 minutes! :D

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