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TOP 10 things that ruin immersion for DayZ

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What are the TOP ten things that ruin the dayz experience, if you say hackers that's obvious so don't bother.

PK (player killers) are also not the problem....

Here is my list:

1. Magical items (bullets/flares/chem lights respawn after disconnecting/reconnecting.

2. Items dissapear magically if backpack is full and you try to place an item inside.

3. Vehicles dissapear when moving between servers

4. Zombies can teleport

5. You can swim through a floor and die

6. You cant apply pressure to slow down bleeding, obviously you cant shoot while applying pressure.(balancing)

7. You can't use a knife to attack another player

8. You can't use your hands to fight

9. Guns NEVER jam.(firing too fast jams guns not dirt!)

10. You can't swim with a backpack.

Edited by vukster

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You listed the things I'd never thought about, haha.

I wonder why I woke up with painkillers and a torch but forgot food.

Most of the Ethiopian Olympians became zombies.

The Army kept a LOT of dangerous weapons in their barracks.

Civilians owned a LOT of weapons. It is Russia, but still.

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You listed the things I'd never thought about, haha.

I wonder why I woke up with painkillers and a torch but forgot food.

Most of the Ethiopian Olympians became zombies.

The Army kept a LOT of dangerous weapons in their barracks.

Civilians owned a LOT of weapons. It is Russia, but still.

I think your looking too deep into it, it is a game after all

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1. Magical items (bullets/flares/chem lights respawn after disconnecting/reconnecting.

2. Items dissapear magically if backpack is full and you try to place an item inside.

3. Vehicles dissapear when moving between servers

4. Zombies can teleport

5. You can swim through a floor and die

6. You cant apply pressure to slow down bleeding, obviously you cant shoot while applying pressure.(balancing)

7. You can't use a knife to attack another player

8. You can't use your hands to fight

9. Guns NEVER jam.

10. You can't swim with a backpack.

1. That's a bug and not necessarily meant to be in the game.

2. Also a bug and not necessarily meant to be in the game.

3. It would really suck if there were max 20 vehicles for 800,000 players, don't you think?

4. They don't teleport. They lag. Everything lags sometimes. Deal with it.

5. Another bug. You're awfully good at finding these things.

6. There's no point in slowing down bleeding. Either you bandage yourself or you don't have a bandage and die. The bleed out rate is pretty slow anyways.

7. Finally, a good point. Knives should be able to be unholstered - similar to axes.

8. Also a pretty good point. Fists would be key to knocking out players when you're unarmed.

9. A third good point. You're on a role. Obviously this is a military simulator - they look after their guns so the game engine isn't accounting for jamming.

10. You can swim with a backpack. This bug was fixed a long time ago (at least for me).

Edited by govnogaming
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The insane pathing of zombies. I mean seriously, a healthy human in perfect condition could never match how zombies run.

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How easy it is to break your legs!

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Most of those you can explain by this simply being in ALPHA.

A couple I would like to see though, weapon jams for instance would add to the game in a couple ways I think. Also attacking with fists/knife would really help out when you spawn.

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You forgot the part about Firemen requiring lots of guns to extinguish those fires.

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Nearly all of those are engine limitations, the other half aren't really immersion killers, simply nice touches to improve immersion as they're not in the game yet.

Edited by Judge IV

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Jamming would be good.

Guns could require servicing to stay in good condition..obviously the better the condition, the less likely a jam will occur. Two new item types (if items can even be created in dayz when not in arma 2...I'm not sure of this) could be a "full weapon service kit" and a "small weapon service kit" with the full kit being less prevalent. Pretty straight forward and realistic.

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You forgot the part about Firemen requiring lots of guns to extinguish those fires.

You're talking about Chernarus, a Cherno-Russian police state. Everything is ruled via weapons and firepower, so chances are that every government agency had firearms and that every government supporter/employee had firearms at home. That is an easy, realistic way to explain why weapons are found everywhere.

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Jamming occurs due to dirt etc. Not randomly :/. So if you were proning everywhere then there might be a chance to get it jammed but now when you're running around which 95% of the time players are doing. It's just a meaningless mechanic that adds lag/calculations for little gain

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You're talking about Chernarus, a Cherno-Russian police state. Everything is ruled via weapons and firepower, so chances are that every government agency had firearms and that every government supporter/employee had firearms at home. That is an easy, realistic way to explain why weapons are found everywhere.

Chernarus Fire Dpt. Shoot'n fires out since 2012.

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Another post which should be reserved for a full launched game... not a alpha !

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Haha! Reminds me of when I was around the barracks up north on the air field. I disconnect, join a new server and get more supplies/ammo. Never did I disconnect due to a fire fight, and I haven't done it since.

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My number one is Zed's respawning so damn fast. You should be able to clear out a town or area and not have the Zed's respawn on you.

I noticed this when I was at the medic camp by the shore line... I'd kill the zeds under the corner posts (Deer Stands) climb up one of em' and bam! More zombies respawn. Minutes after killing them they seem to respawn, but I'm not sure if the respawn quicker in a veteran server? I like how the zeds seem to take more shots on the veteran servers. Seems more realistic.

So I'd say the reason the respawn so quick is the fact that there isn't as many zombies as the creator would like. It would be nicer to just have more zeds spawn in the first place so you can track where some may be, but we'll probably have to wait till Arma III. Since there is a lower count of zombies, I just think of the area of the map to be where zombies already broke out and have moved on to higher populated areas, but that has nothing to do with the spawning issue.

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Jamming occurs due to dirt etc. Not randomly :/. So if you were proning everywhere then there might be a chance to get it jammed but now when you're running around which 95% of the time players are doing. It's just a meaningless mechanic that adds lag/calculations for little gain

jamming occurs when you fire ammo too fast. dirt has shit to do with it.

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the no1 immersion killer for me is the position on the screen of the god damn microphone Icon AGHHHHHHHHHHHH! move it off to the right or left please!!


why not move it down to the bottom left? -


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Mags that magically replenish themselves when you log into servers. Makes ammo pretty much infinite...

Yeah it's to easy positioning yourself say at a place like the barracks in the NW Air field, and server hopping to gain excessive amounts of ammo and good gear.

Edit: They should add something so that when you leave a server,for the reason of hopping or even to get out of a fire fight, that you aren't able to join another server for 20 minutes. This would make it so people don't want to log out, and if they do the only option they have is to re-join the server they left and be in the line of fire or have no equipment to grab as it hasn't spawned yet. I guess it spawns when no one is around so they still could get respawned supplies...

Edited by CerebralZombie

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