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UK 1 Server, private hive / abuse

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Been playing UK 1, which i found out was a private hive server.

I was wondering what kind of rules these servers have to follow since the admins were power abusing and banning anyone who questioned it. They had all the helicopters in impenetrable fortresses and had what looked like spawned in gear.

Obviously you cant remove them from the hive since they have their own private hive. I was wondering if servers like this can be removed from the server list as it would deter a lot of people from playing the game and people are being falsely recruited into playing the server and becoming bait to 4 helicopters.


Edited by nyxe2k
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I give to you my beans for such an excellent thread.

UK 1 Is indeed a corrupt server, with the admin(s) power abusing to help themselves and their friends, shortly after killing two players in cherno; they were on the hotel roof, been dropped off onto there from a heli. They were within minutes after their deaths back into a heli.

I questioned it, and got banned. Clearly such hostile behavior shows they have something to hide.

Edited by Lukey2k
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I'd like to stress another important issue following the reason we came across this server in the first place.

-The fact that it's named UK 1 is most likely a direct attempt to detour players into thinking that they are one of the main UK servers on the legitimate DAYZ Database, as the majority of other servers on rockets hive follow the trend of UK 127 and GB 50 which is just a brief example.

-Upon logging in here admin abuse ensues, its quite frustrating after searching for gear as you would on a regular server! Personally i think private servers such as these shouldn't be shown on things such as six launcher or even the arma2 server list (unless it's clearly stated that it is a private server and will not carry over equipment you've found to any other server).

-This isn't just some petty rant, as you can see Nyxe2k and myself are friends with similar names on these forums, him and i were both banned from the server after tedious hours of playtime, aswell as MANY and i'm talking around 8 people who questioned the admins actions towards taking the only servers high end vehicles and storing them in an impenetrable fortress, and using these to get to inaccessable areas to kill players that have no chance of getting their loot when they die, as they simply fly back in their helicopters when we manage to kill them.

-Another instance of this abuse is when we did manage to find a bunch of vehicles in this "so-called" base the server was rolled back within 5 minutes and the "wall" around this base was re-enforced ensuring no one could enter, now i don't know about anyone else but i think this is a complete disregard for other players wanting to make progress in this game.

-Now i'm not sure what action can be taken against a server like this as they're the ones paying for their hosts and setup the database themselves ;p, although something as simple as removing them from the launcher would surely help towards what we have witnessed today which is the pure administrator abuse and shit talking to other players, something that ruins such a community driven game such as this.

If other people just see this as a post of me being butthurt over a ban from a server imagine urself in another players shoes being banned for questioning why this abuse is happening this post is really a shoutout to other players, to not join this poor excuse of a server, you're only wasting ur own time if you want to progress.

Edited by Slater2k
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Not all non-hive servers are run by abusive asshole admins. Your suggestion that it should be removed from the ARMA II server browser is just absurd; the developers oif a private mod have no right to pull servers from ARMA II.

Once you start joining servers outside of the DayZ hive, you'll find the terrible, abusive, ban-happy admins that you're accustom to seeing in regular ARMA II and in other games. But you'll also find great servers run by friendly and positive people who don't abuse.

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What does "blacklisting" entail then? Since abusive admins usually get removed from the hive, but these guys aren't on it. Pretty sure they're hacking too, but I don't have evidence.

Before they banned us for asking about the abuse we were having tons of fun, a lot of the problems in the game are avoided in private hive such as the desync and combat loggers.

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Not all non-hive servers are run by abusive asshole admins. Your suggestion that it should be removed from the ARMA II server browser is just absurd; the developers oif a private mod have no right to pull servers from ARMA II.

Once you start joining servers outside of the DayZ hive, you'll find the terrible, abusive, ban-happy admins that you're accustom to seeing in regular ARMA II and in other games. But you'll also find great servers run by friendly and positive people who don't abuse.

Maybe rocket should introduce his own sort of launcher ;) meaning only servers connected to his hives are displayed, the servers with bullshit admins such as the ones on UK 1 dont deserve to have a player base, and giving them an equal chance vs the other servers that people go through the trouble of white listing and securing against hackers is just absurd. :)

Even so, a server that's reported by numerous players should atleast be inspected by whatever power rocket has towards sixlauncher and removed from the list accordingly ;P maybe this shouldnt apply to some of the private servers that actually follow the rules but who am i to call the shots.. as i said ;), just a heads up for anyone thinking of playing uk 1.

Edited by Slater2k
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Maybe rocket should introduce his own sort of launcher ;) meaning only servers connected to his hives are displayed, the servers with bullshit admins such as the ones on UK 1 dont deserve to have a player base, and giving them an equal chance vs the other servers that people go through the trouble of white listing and securing against hackers is just absurd. :)

Even so, a server that's reported by numerous players should atleast be inspected by whatever power rocket has towards sixlauncher and removed from the list accordingly ;P maybe this shouldnt apply to some of the private servers that actually follow the rules but who am i to call the shots.. as i said ;), just a heads up for anyone thinking of playing uk 1.

Maybe you just don't understand the meaning of the word "private."

Private DayZ servers are just like every other multiplayer game server. Someone (or a large gaming clan) pays for the server, and runs it as they see fit. If DayZ did not exist, and you're trying to play ARMA II, or any other PC game for that matter, these are the types of people you might find running some servers. You can't do much except find another server to play on.

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The server never mentioned it was private either.

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Maybe you just don't understand the meaning of the word "private."

Private DayZ servers are just like every other multiplayer game server. Someone (or a large gaming clan) pays for the server, and runs it as they see fit. If DayZ did not exist, and you're trying to play ARMA II, or any other PC game for that matter, these are the types of people you might find running some servers. You can't do much except find another server to play on.

Of course i understand what "private" means! i think you fail to understand where i'm coming from with this post, and the intention of the thread-maker. so allow me to dumb it down.

This private server, displayed amongst the regular servers wouldn't be an issue if it clearly stated that it was a private server, and gear you acquired on here could only be used on this specific server.

One of the two main issues is that it's named UK 1, fooling users into thinking its a legitimate hive server and giving no indication otherwise! the second issue being admin abuse which i do not need to go into again.

This is why many of us think private servers being cleaned up from the sixlauncher would most likely solve this issue, there are many other ways to gain a player base advertising private servers -.- i dont think its fair at all especially with a name like UK 1 that they get to be in the same category as servers used on the main hive, not only was it distressing being banned after countless hours of play on a server for questioning an admins abuse.. but the fact that i realised that my gear wasnt on any other servers limited me to playing a single one.. without any indication meant we had to put up with this admin bullshit, rather than sacrificing the gear we'd taken a LONG time to get.

If you dont think this is an issue you're either one of the two, another private hive owner or infact one of the admins that'd banned us xD, i cant see any other normal player siding against this.

Edited by Slater2k
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I seen that nyxe playing all week, he/she knew it was a private server as he/she always replied to people who asked and it does say in the motd.

I play there because i like it (so does everyone else), you're just upset you got banned, one of you called them hackers so they banned you- whilst it runs batteeye and custom cheat detection.

It was pretty epic to watch you all arguing in chat - we all knew who would win, the person who had the power to ban you.

We killed them on the roof anyway but oh well..

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aye ;) we killed them on the roof too, although there was no way to get their loot as they hogged all the helicopters in their in-accessible base, blatant admin abuse, they had no choice but to ban us for making them look like complete idiots.

I call that a morale victory, the 13 year olds can have their admin powers ;p, but what the community wants is these bullshit servers off our sixlauncher lists.

Edited by Slater2k
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Can't you just, I don't know, not play on the server? I would like to know who's forcing you to play on it and why it becomes such an obsession for you? It's like "I can't have fun on this server, so no one may have fun on it". Let those abusing admins have their fun on their server, sooner or later they don't have anyone to play against.

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Okay, firstly to start off, the server in overall is great, might be a bit of a loot problem or something not that much of importance. As me and another group were getting ready to raid the admin base, on my way there, an admin stated that apparently Me is going to raid the base as if he found out somehow, I guess of the chat logs, as we might've spoken about raiding too obviously. Also, another friend of mine, told me that there was a snitch named Kieron and told the admin about it, but not sure how he found out, anyways.

We went to the base, both groups gathered up, raided it and at the end of raiding it, there was a shutdown announced (what a coincidence) by a manual notice. Well, this was obvious for us, someone cares about their stuff too much. So we flew away to some other spot on the map quickly, saved the helis shitloads of times and well, "session lost".

Today I join up with my mates on TS asking how are the helis doing? They tell me, the server was rolled back and the entrance was completely blocked off as in no way possible to get in now. As you know those white dots in arma that indicate vehicles, players, etc, there was quite a lot of them now in the base (that's what my mate saw), but the admin told me it was a fuel tank (lmfao), we saw it before and obviously a map prop isn't indicated by the game.

These events lead up to me and all of my group and not only my group, all other players that started an argument to find out the truth, getting banned. As the admin came on, I started pointing out what happened in the side chat to the whole server, so all of the players would know (why not?), then asked the admin 3 times, why did he rolled back? His answer only came after the 3rd time telling me to shut the fuck up and that it doesn't relate me why he roll backed. Okay, I guess, there was a valid reason why he rolled back as in no how related to that raid. As I told him he won't tell the truth about what happened I told him that I'll stay quiet now and he asked me to shut the fuck up again, "don't like it, go play somewhere else" so I said "I'll stop now then.". After 5 mins passed after my last message I've got banned temporarily for being quite annoying even though I said I'm stopping now, staying shut - fair enough.

Not being assravaged, am only stating of what happened that lead up to the ban and the results.

Edited by Nex

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Its a private hive server, you can't do much about it and your complaints of admin abuse accomplish nothing.

All of those who run private hive servers do so for many reasons: to have control of their own damn server (something not possible otherwise), be able to have fun with a game (games are meant to be fun, regardless of the phase they are in), and some other assorted reasons.

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Are you talking about UK 01? Because once I saw Dwarden alone inside, so I think it is an official test server.

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Hopefully many will agree with me, NO we cannot do anything to take their servers down, but players dont need to put up with this sort of bullshit, private servers, ones that do not clearly indicate that they are private, and have abusive admins should be removed from our sixlaunchers if this is within power of rocket.

They do not deserve to advertise in sixlauncher alongside the legit servers that follow rules, they ruin the player experience because of their abusive ways, in effect hindering the mod as a whole.


Are you talking about UK 01? Because once I saw Dwarden alone inside, so I think it is an official test server.

and no its just UK 1 :).

Edited by Slater2k
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Maybe the admins try to be assholes in direct response to Rocket & Co drakonian rules on official servers? Just a thought.

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This thread won't take down the server as we're unable to and it's unnecessary I guess, but it helps to form players' opinions about the server in advance if they're planning on playing there.

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Been playing UK 1, which i found out was a private hive server.

I was wondering what kind of rules these servers have to follow since the admins were power abusing and banning anyone who questioned it. They had all the helicopters in impenetrable fortresses and had what looked like spawned in gear.

Obviously you cant remove them from the hive since they have their own private hive. I was wondering if servers like this can be removed from the server list as it would deter a lot of people from playing the game and people are being falsely recruited into playing the server and becoming bait to 4 helicopters.


I have actually signed up to post this reply.

I have seen you on this server a few times, and earlier on I saw you constantly attemp to play with a hacked animations.pbo file. I can only assume this is why you were banned, for trying to hack.

As for not knowing the server is a private hive, well it doesn't take a genius to figure it out, the server message tells you as soon as you join, then it tells you again every couple of minutes. Also when you join for the first time, you start with nothing, that again should tell you that something is different about this server.

I've played on this server with my friends for over a week now and found the admin/s helpful in banning hackers, of which there are a lot of.

But one thing there is also a lot of on this forum... Liars like you.

Since you knew it was a private hive server, their forum also tells you about the server too. It's amazing the length these admins go to to let you know and youre either ignorant or a liar. But, then come on here crying like a little girl when you get banned, then try to stir up resentment, you not only deserve to be banned from their excellent server, but also you should be banned from dayz altogether, because when you tell one lie and get caught out, everything you say from then on is immediately suspect.

Edited by MKDeus
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@MKDeus wanna know if you're calling all of us in this thread that have posted liars if so, then what are we lying about?

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I have actually signed up to post this reply.

I have seen you on this server a few times, and earlier on I saw you constantly attemp to play with a hacked animations.pbo file. I can only assume this is why you were banned, for trying to hack.

As for not knowing the server is a private hive, well it doesn't take a genius to figure it out, the server message tells you as soon as you join, then it tells you again every couple of minutes. Also when you join for the first time, you start with nothing, that again should tell you that something is different about this server.

I've played on this server with my friends for over a week now and found the admin/s helpful in banning hackers, of which there are a lot of.

But one thing there is also a lot of on this forum... Liars like you.

Since you knew it was a private hive server, their forum also tells you about the server too. It's amazing the length these admins go to to let you know and youre either ignorant or a liar. But, then come on here crying like a little girl when you get banned, then try to stir up resentment, you not only deserve to be banned from their excellent server, but also you should be banned from dayz altogether, because when you tell one lie and get caught out, everything you say from then on is immediately suspect.

It's late as shit right now, but I had to reply to your retarded post, and considering the fact you made the effort to register just to post this horse shit... dear god.

First of all,

I have seen you on this server a few times, and earlier on I saw you constantly attemp to play with a hacked animations.pbo file. I can only assume this is why you were banned, for trying to hack.

Are you kidding me? You're retarded, It's a know bug with DayZ:




Nyxe2k simply came back from eating and got errors with it, he then fixed it. I hate ignorant people like you.

But one thing there is also a lot of on this forum... Liars like you.

It's quite ironic due to the fact you tried to call my friend out on apparently hacking and that was complete bullshiet and then say that, the only liar here is yourself, so do us all a favour and remove yourself from this forum.

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I think MKDeus was basically saying that there's a lot of people on here that scream admin abuse and such when it turns out they were trying to do very bad things and got banned for it. In this case..if nxye was trying to play with a hacked pbo (DayZ_Anim.pbo handles ALLLL bans on items: vehicles, weapons, ammo, magazines, etc. So if he had that hacked, chances were to use something in it that wouldnt be allowed). and got banned for it.....then he needs to stfu about it and go DIAF, dirty hacker.

As for the Private Hive crowd....

Maybe the admins try to be assholes in direct response to Rocket & Co drakonian rules on official servers? Just a thought.

Pretty much that. We want control of our own damn servers. Most would rather be on a server where the admins actually have a measure of control versus the total lack of it on public servers. Not having to triple check, get video, etc of a hacker before you can ban him because you dont want to get blacklisted is just stupid.

Being able to play the game as you want is also a bonus. Not having to worry about hackers (if your private hive is..private vs a public-private hive such as UK 1).


Ironic how so many people have 'problems' with the pbo in charge of banning crap from the game. Hrmm. Right.

And dont ever fucking speak for me again ya lil wank. I rather like MKDeus being willing to sign up and speak out and I dont want to see him leave, so don't include me in your 'do us all a favor" crap k?

Edited by Cypherdiaz
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How was their super sekret admin camp "reinforced?" With wire fences and tank traps, or did they use their admin powers to spawn in containers, walls, and control towers to make an impenetrable fortress only admins can get into? They said you were banned for "glitching" into their base. Seems kind of odd that admins think they know better than the dev team who makes the game operate the way it does. Maybe I'm just not reading this right.


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