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Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

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I would be in favour of more zombies, and roaming 'packs' or just single zombies. Keep those sniper bandits from sitting in the same bush beside a field when a horde of forty or fifty zombies wanders past...

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This is a serious problem that could potentially ruin the mod and demotivate players in the long run. I've heard of people killing up to 50 players in a single server, just guarding a city and shooting on sight, even when victims don't have any gear on them.

You can't tell me that you would shoot a survivor in real life. In real life you would have to actually deal with psychological consequences of taking another human begins life. You would also be able to judge a person based on body language, appearance etc. I'm all for as much realism as possible but we should not forget that this is a video game medium. Some things just don't work as planned and rules are necessary to maintain the thin line between extreme realism and video game.

I don't have any solutions for this problem, but killing people just for the fun of it must stop or this once promising looking idea will degrade into an anarchy free for all that is most importantly unrealistic.

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I like the idea of a booby trapped backpack.

I laughed out loud when a bandit killed me for a Winchester. He expressed his extreme disappointment that I had no ammo for it over chat. Serves him right.

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Topic has been moved to DayZ General Discussion as the topic does not pertain to new players.

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Just an FYI to everyone: after going through every response he's made to his original post, if you disagree with leblackdragon, you are "childish, a troll, short-sighted, stupid, defensive, disrespectful, clueless, rude, selfish, an idiot, a kid, pathetic, and shallow".

However, he would like for you to keep this discussion civil. :)

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In a different thread I read a reply from Mr Delicious that basically said:

The best chance to get Rockets attention for a possible mod change is present ideas that work for both bandits and survivors. Requesting a change that only negatively affects one group over the other isn't likely to get much traction.

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All you have to do is institute a few barriers for griefing and make it so that bandits have to worry about things other than lying around shooting people all day.

I haven't had to 'survive' since maybe the 2nd day of playing DayZ, I always have enough food, easy access to weapons, way too much ammo, and no lack of navigation equipment, which means I could just hang around shooting people all day if I wanted to, and I could still just run back to one of my numerous stashes to pick up new weapons and supplies if I got killed(Although I usually find 2-3 weapons easy on the way back anyway).

If people in the game had to actually focus on surviving instead of the current situation things would be radically different.

Everything needs to become a lot more scarce. Weapons, ammo, high-end equipment needs to be way more scarce, food needs to be something you need to scour the wastes for days to find, and the walk/sprint food consumption ratio needs to be more separated(As in, food consumption while walking is low; while running it is very high).

Additionally, the potential harm involved in engaging someone should be far higher. First of all, the medical system needs to be more dependent on assistance(Like blood bags), meaning you'd try damn hard to avoid any damage.

Trying to directly affect an emergent behavior will do nothing to fix an issue; you have to identify the underlying game mechanics that create the problem.

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I like the idea of a booby trapped backpack.


And to everyone else, please don't see leblackdragon as an "enemy" as he is not, everyone gets carried away in the forums from time to time, me included :s

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I like the idea of a booby trapped backpack.


And to everyone else' date=' please don't see leblackdragon as an "enemy" as he is not, everyone gets carried away in the forums from time to time, me included :s


I can get carried away as well but several of those insults were directed at me and you don't use all those words over several posts while complaining that other people aren't being civil. It takes a lot for me to call someone out, but the hypocrisy was a little too heavy on this one.

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I would be in favour of more zombies' date=' and roaming 'packs' or just single zombies. Keep those sniper bandits from sitting in the same bush beside a field when a horde of forty or fifty zombies wanders past...



And bandit skins need to make a comeback...or something similar. Now its just an FPS with some annoying zombies scrambling around. Most players are just preying on others and don't have to worry themselves with having to 'survive'...they just don't care. If this is not addressed the game will lose its luster...

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I always thought it was SUPPOSED to be easier to play a bandit, sure it's definitely easy to kill a guy for beans than going to go look for them yourself. Although playing a survivor is much more rewarding for me, I scavenge for supplies and help out other survivors and it generally feels better to do that. I thought the direction Rocket was going for this mod was to make it very realistic, and it'll only make sense that it'll be easy for bandits to get supplies.

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Survivors=Ayn Rand libertarians.

I think you need to read up on Ayn Rand and Objectivism if you think Ayn Rand should be associated with survivors and not bandits.

Both bandits and survivors can be one or the other though. The purely lone wolf survivor wouldn't fit into the same mould as a team-player survivor, where as a clan of bandits would have a similar structure to a survivor co-operative.

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Hmmm... so many bandit/survivor posts suggests this mod isn't hard enough yet.

It should be hard enough that encountering a random player should equal potential teammate first' date=' not potential target. Maybe 3000 zombies on each server with at least 1000 of them scattered around in the wilderness will help?


That sounds like an idea! What if the extra 2000 zombies would spawn in the wilderness at random times and would run to seek out survivors?

I was thinking of having it happen only at night but that's just giving people more reason to avoid night time servers.

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With a bandit skin, you become a marked target and must kill as you are kill on site to others, even if you died a hundred times.

Once you go bandit you are stuck as a bandit.

Hence the skin is being removed

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Anyone can be a survivor or a bandit from moment to moment. I do like the idea of having more tells as to another player's condition, like the coughing from an infection. Would be nice if dehydrated or hungry players gave clues as to their condition.

If someone asked for a transfusion but you could visibly see they have a lot more problems than just loss of blood, you can probably deduce they are after your beans and more.

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Alot of people baught arma2 and downloaded this mod becouse they wanted to play a realistic zombie survival game.

Unfortunately lately the game has become more of a troll survival game instead.

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Alot of people baught arma2 and downloaded this mod becouse they wanted to play a realistic zombie survival game.

Unfortunately lately the game has become more of a troll survival game instead.

In that case a lot people were blissfully unaware of what the mod would entail.

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So your saying its not a realistic zombie survival game but a big deathmatch arena?

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I'm saying people who thought they were going to come in and survive for hours on end while being careless should either shape up, or ship out. My server is rife with bandits, yet I very rarely get killed. Why? Because I actually think about what I'm doing. The times I die, it's because I was being careless.

It's honestly not so hard surviving if you simply use a little bit of your brains. Stay away from PvP hotspots. Cherno, Elektro. Don't even go there. Airfields? Pffft. Not unless you're in a group of trustworthy players. Spawn on the coast? Run inland immediately.

Bandits mostly hang around the coast. Why stick around there then? There are tons of towns inland with decent loot. Hell, the east coast is largely a wasteland. Very few people travel up there.

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I'm saying people who thought they were going to come in and survive for hours on end while being careless should either shape up' date=' or ship out. My server is rife with bandits, yet I very rarely get killed. Why? Because I actually think about what I'm doing. The times I die, it's because I was being careless.[/quote']

This, this and this.

I've spent the latter part of the past five hours of gameplay hiding in the bushes, only coming out to prone into various buildings to forage for food and water. Why? Because all I have been doing is watching the towns. I've been watching for zed movements, watching players come in and go out, and try and figure out what most people do.

You know what I've learned? Not much I didn't already know.

Mostly, because people aren't very prevalent in the towns I've been watching. A lot of times, I have to pretend I'm Tom Berenger in "Sniper" (the original, not the follow-up movies where he's a fat bastard) and sit. And wait. And sit. And wait. There's hardly anything that happens, but the scenery is nice. I listen to the birds, and hear my breathing.

I've seen two guys run in as a team, guns a blazing, and get mowed down by zeds. When they're finally done feasting, I usually harvest a can of beans or - if I'm lucky - a canteen of water. Then, it's back up on the hill, proned, and just behind the treeline.

I've seen one guy proning it through the town, and have learned how I could improve my own scavenging endeavours.

Beyond that, I've seen a lot of nothing. And I like it that way.

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why not highlight bandits on the map with a pulsing beacon and bandit next to it!

Give them no place to hide.

Also make them louder and less discreet to local zombies!

FTB (new acronym, guess what it means :D)

One kill do nothing as it could be an accident, two kills let them have it!

Bandit hunters on the other hand are even more discreet and dont suffer from any weather effects.

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why not highlight bandits on the map with a pulsing beacon and bandit next to it! Give them no place to hide. Also make them louder and less discreet to local zombies! FTB (new acronym' date=' guess what it means :D)

One kill do nothing as it could be an accident, two kills let them have it! Bandit hunters on the other hand are even more discreet and dont suffer from any weather effects.[/quote']

Surely, you can't be serious?

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