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Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

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You can't really tell who is a bandit and who is not right now.

This means you'd kill people that could be innocent. This means you're now a bandit yourself. This means someone needs to kill you now. The loop goes on.

I can understand the point that was made in this thread. It simply is: why NOT kill somebody? And there's no real reason not to.

There shouldn't be punishments' date=' but there should be reactions to your actions. Something to make you think first before you pop one in the poor bastard's head.


Go by names.

Aside from names, a PK could be anyone on Rallos.

If people change their name, then be more suspicious of having people around you, threaten them to back off and be willing to gun anyone down who doesn't.

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I'm sorry, I might be a complete ignorant here, but what do you mean by names?

The nametag above the player's head?

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The bandits have a different skin so be wary of anyone that doesn't have the standard survivor skin.

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I'm sorry' date=' I might be a complete ignorant here, but what do you mean by names?

The nametag above the player's head?


Yes, and I know they can be changed far, far easier than in any MMO. That just emphasizes that you should be very paranoid about those you have hanging around you.

On Rallos it was a common occurrence for people to join exp groups in order to attack group member when they got low on health. Everyone that wasn't grouping with guild members or others that they knew had a solid reputation for being Anti-PK always had eyes in the back of their heads and would never get beat up quite as badly as they would among friends.

This is what's so bloody fun about a game like this, it literally is the Wild West and half the fun comes from being an Indian or a Cowboy and enforcing your play style on the rest of the server.

It's only sad that this is built around an FPS with such a limited population per server. It would be gold if it was a persistent state server that allowed several thousand players on at a time.

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The bandits have a different skin so be wary of anyone that doesn't have the standard survivor skin.

That feature has been removed' date=' bud.

They will all look the same now.


Well, Beastro, those nametags are removed on veteran servers, actually.

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You can't really tell who is a bandit and who is not right now.

This means you'd kill people that could be innocent. This means you're now a bandit yourself. This means someone needs to kill you now. The loop goes on.

I can understand the point that was made in this thread. It simply is: why NOT kill somebody? And there's no real reason not to.

There shouldn't be punishments' date=' but there should be reactions to your actions. Something to make you think first before you pop one in the poor bastard's head.


Thank you for clarifying things even more. I'm just astonished at the level of shallowness of some people here now, very short sighted!

Problem with bandits -> Get a group

Problem with bandits -> Kill on sight

Problem with bandits -> Avoid hotspots

Problem with bandits -> Keep your guns pointed at friends

Anyone noticing a problem here? Very immature, and shot sighted answered that come in with snide remarks. They just don't understand how it affects the overall arc of the game for everyone.

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Bandits don´t get punished?

Bandits are getting punished all the time, by the ignorant SUPERNOOBS who came straight from youtube. I always see people moaning in the chat about how they will kill bandits on sight, only because they life in some fake reality that when you become a bandit, you are one with ALL the other bandits, and that all bandits ONLY hunt survivors, which is utter horseshit.

Survivors kill survivors and bandits, and bandits kill survivors and bandits and the SUPERNOOBS need to learn that, learn that it is purely an individual case rather then what skin you are carrying. Which is exactly why humanity and the whole banditmorphing will be replaced by many many different skins you can find on the map.

I am also very glad that Rocket is working on removing the whole ingame chat, leaving only the direct comms. So that noobs can't spam the pro's anymore with utter stupid questions, thereby forcing the ubernoobs to play a fucking tutorial once in a while. I bet 90% of the folks who life longer than a week are also the dudes who have a lot of experience with the game itself.

So enaugh with the QQ's, if you die its ALWAYS, without doubt 100% your own fucking fault :D

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Anyone noticing a problem here? Very immature' date=' and shot sighted answered that come in with snide remarks. They just don't understand how it affects the overall arc of the game for everyone.


I'm sorry, but how are we being shallow and 'shot' sighted? You're the one who wants to remove one of the defining characteristics of the game.

The whole point of the game is that you don't know who to trust. Is that survivor up there innocent, or is he going to shoot you the moment he spots you?

Banditry is one of the core elements of the game. You want to turn the game into Counter-Strike by pointing out who are the 'good guys' and who are the 'bad guys'. In doing that, you will remove the whole element of uncertainty, trust issues and possibly one of the most dangerous elements of the game. If bandits can only kill x people in y amount of time, then what's the point? Then you're a mugger, not a bandit.

How is it being shallow opposing that?

That feature has been removed' date=' bud.

They will all look the same now.


No, it hasn't. On, just yesterday, I got a bandit skin after killing two people on the beach. When I logged in this morning, it was back to the survivor skin.

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Go play Dead Island if you can't handle DayZ. It's single player and co-op so no evil bandits owning you there. If you want to play kiddy games that have seatbelts for you so that you don't get into any trouble ever just keep to Mass Effect games and such but please, don't come here and cry at people who like their games hardcore and interesting.

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Go play Dead Island if you can't handle DayZ. It's single player and co-op so no evil bandits owning you there. If you want to play kiddy games that have seatbelts for you so that you don't get into any trouble ever just keep to Mass Effect games and such but please' date=' don't come here and cry at people who like their games hardcore and interesting.


I actually agree with this.

Also, it's absolutely hilarious that these same children whining that the game is 'teh hardz' are the same people senselessly giving out neg-rep on the forums the moment you disagree with them. Lol.

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I believe the bandit system is perfectly fine. It'll be even better when the skin is removed. The main problem is that this is a game. You don't have to worry about your risking your life to kill someone.

A reward for survivors who help other survivors by patching them up and sharing ammo would be much better than punishing bandits who kill everyone on sight.

I am a bandit. Every single person I see who is in my way or could possibly cause me problems, is going to die. There are rare occasions where a survivor may salute me while I have my bandit skin on and I decide to let him live because of his complete trust in a random bandit. I have been betrayed many times when I tried to work together with a survivor and that has led me to become a soulless murderer. I have never survived as long as I have now. The only people whom I'm not out to kill are buddies on Teamspeak with me.

Death to me is not much a problem because I could just go to one of the big cities and loot the place of supplies, grab military weapons by Stary, then go do what I usually do.

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Death to me is not much a problem because I could just go to one of the big cities and loot the place of supplies' date=' grab military weapons by Stary, then go do what I usually do.


And this is one of the big reasons dying is "cheap". Supplies are easy to come by.

I totally agree with you that cooperation should be rewarded, not PvPing punished.

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And this is one of the big reasons dying is "cheap". Supplies are easy to come by.

Which is why I'm all for having more zeds in the game. It makes looting a lot more difficult. Right now it's pretty easy for any player to simply run to Balota airfield and get himself some good loot.

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Which is why I'm all for having more zeds in the game. It makes looting a lot more difficult. Right now it's pretty easy for any player to simply run to Balota airfield and get himself some good loot.

Dont know which server you are on, on my home server bolota is nearly an instant death from a random sniper...

But i'm fine with the System. Be carefull und watch out. I've lived pretty long alone, being complete stealth mode, now that i've found buddies its nearly the same, only that my back and retreat path is covered.

And i follow one simply rule:

If i'm sure, they didnt saw me, i let strangers live. If i doubt it, i'll shoot.

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I say he is pretty spot on with what he did by removing the bandit option. You can never tell who is a friend or foe in real life by first impressions.

I am going to use my deployments to Iraq as a example.

We never fought uniformed soldiers just insurgents. You could never tell who was a insurgent unless they shot at you or got caught doing something red handed. Bandits in this game are the same way. They blend in with the other players until they shoot you or kill you just as insurgents would in a civilian population. Thats why you either need to stick to a close knit group or by yourself. Otherwise dont trust anyone else.

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I believe the bandit system is perfectly fine. It'll be even better when the skin is removed. The main problem is that this is a game. You don't have to worry about your risking your life to kill someone.


I am a bandit. Every single person I see who is in my way or could possibly cause me problems' date=' is going to die.


That's why current system is fine with you, I understand.

But a lot of players (myself included) want to cooperate, toward a greater goal.

Bandits exploit that leap of faith, that's why bandit skin is necessary.

No one wants to be exploited, so after couple of deaths people come to conclusion to just shoot on sight everyone.

It's snowball effect. It just becomes DeathMatch not a Coop game. (servers show Coop btw.)

On the other hand, in my opinion being branded as bandit shouldn't be for all games to come.

If you die and respawn, you shouldn't be branded as bandit until you kill a survivor.

There should be a forgive option as well, if it's an accident not a murder.

I say he is pretty spot on with what he did by removing the bandit option. You can never tell who is a friend or foe in real life by first impressions.

I am going to use my deployments to Iraq as a example.

We never fought uniformed soldiers just insurgents. You could never tell who was a insurgent unless they shot at you or got caught doing something red handed. Bandits in this game are the same way. They blend in with the other players until they shoot you or kill you just as insurgents would in a civilian population. Thats why you either need to stick to a close knit group or by yourself. Otherwise dont trust anyone else.

Well, the people in your army didn't shoot at you I presume, so at least you could say they were friendly.

In the server lobby we are all BLUEFOR.

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Delicious tears from naive survivors that been owned. ;)

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Well, that's a useful observation :D

Example: I'm a Noob. Not to FPS, just to this game. And know what? That's ok. Everybody was a noob once, even "supral33tNoobKillah3000." Just the nature of the genre.

I try to be a "leave me alone, I leave you alone" type. Prefer killing Zed, but each to his own. You want to be an extra from Mad Max? Knock your bad self out. Want to be the lone wolf avenger? Have fun--the game is big enough for that.

I was playing the other day, new character. Spawned near Electro (I think) so I try to get some goodies before getting out of Dodge. RL interferes--my antivirus decided to do a scan then was nice enough to take me back to main screen. So I click left mouse to reopen Arma2. Of course, I must have double tapped it, because my friggin pistol goes off.

Weellll, fuck. I think. Of course, someone comes on global "whos in town?" I respond "just a noob getting out."

And here he comes. Joe McBadass looking to PK some noob. Yeah, like I said, noob at DayZ...but not Arma2, WWOL, MW and so on. Yeah, I lie like that sometimes ;)

I hide out in a tower and wait. Sure enough here comes supaKillah. Of course, in his rush of badassery, he manages to improperly clear a room--the one I'm in. I give him one last chance and take a chance myself. I throw a flare down the stairwell--a signal that "yeah dude, I could have iced you but didnt. Want to co-op?"

PuffDaddyStoneKillah? Not him. He is way to bandirtybadass. Comes back up the stairs guns out. He catches four in the chest, I loot his shit.

Am I a bandit? Nope, a survivor. Made my point and got out of Dodge. One less Kyllah on the server and I live on his beans. Nothing more tasty than Bandit Beans.

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Delicious tears from naive survivors that been owned. ;)

Stupid troll who doesn't know how things work.

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I still don't see how survivors get "punished" for anything but their own mistakes. Avoid contact, it's not terribly difficult to do at any locations other than Elektro, Cherno, and the airfields. Someone could probably survive in the vicinity of Polana indefinitely without ever meeting another player. Deer stands for guns and ammo, market for food and other basic supplies, the abandoned factory for industrial stuff, and nighttime raids on the Berezino hospital for medical supplies.

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"in real life" I lol at how many times I read this in game forums..... And how it's used to justify pretty much anything even if something totally game breaking.

Killing for gear-

I'd like to see a means of boobytraping your own backpack, or something to remove that incentive.

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Don't get me wrong' date=' I'm fully for realism. You don't want forced bandit skins. Fine! Give me what I use in real life to help make a decision on someone. Body language and facial expressions.


There's also the fact that IRL, the ability to know *who* a bandit is from other people will also have increased drastically (word of mouth is a powerful thing). But we're talking about a zombie game here, which is pretty much as far from IRL as you can get.

In a game like this, I think that the bandit skins are essential to make fast enough decisions to get by as a survivor. It's saved my ass multiple times, and I never hear about bandits bitching because people know who they are (and if they do, they need to man up and learn how to take advantage of people without being a little bitch about it).

I agree, a survivor can just turn around and take advantage of you - but the difference here is can versus will. And I, for one, find the game much more enjoyable when I know who *would* take advantage of me, and who *could*. I met a lot of good people this way, and assumed it would never have been possible if there was no such thing as a "bandit" player class.

Just another video game developer's $0.02.

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Hmmm... so many bandit/survivor posts suggests this mod isn't hard enough yet.

It should be hard enough that encountering a random player should equal potential teammate first, not potential target. Maybe 3000 zombies on each server with at least 1000 of them scattered around in the wilderness will help?

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^What he said. 500 zombies over 225 sq km is an outbreak, not the end of the world. Now, 5000 Zeds....

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