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Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

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Banditry is all about being greedy. If I'm being a bandit' date=' and I spot large groups of players, and there is even any chance I'll be able to kill them, I will. I want their stuff.


Read or reread the very end of my post.

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I did, and from that I deduce that you're suggesting we shouldn't be able to kill two people in short succession, and I think that's really silly.

Also, I'm currently studying psychology, and I won't be the first to tell you that no two people are wired the same. It might shake one person to kill another, but for yet another person it might be as easy as it gets.

The banditry system is fine as it is right now. Changing it by punishing banditry will remove a large part of what makes the game what it is. We're always going to have to deal with CoD players, but they're going to be there regardless of whether banditry is punished or not.

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We're always going to have to deal with CoD players' date=' but they're going to be there regardless of whether banditry is punished or not.


No, they tend to move on to the next thing in a month or so.

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(Today 12:39 AM)Zoop Wrote:Also, I'm currently studying psychology, and I won't be the first to tell you that no two people are wired the same. It might shake one person to kill another, but for yet another person it might be as easy as it gets.

I think you're forgetting to mention that some people may not even be-able to murder/kill another person at all...even under extreme duress or the risk of losing their own life.

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No' date=' they tend to move on to the next thing in a month or so.


We can but hope.

But yeah, I think most of the CoD players currently in the game are only here because it suddenly became so popular. Most should move on pretty soon.

Also, if someone really wants to go on a killing rampage, that's also part of the game. He might be roleplaying a deranged psychopath.

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When Arma 2 first released it caused a lot of butthurt in the CoD crowd.

The controls are too difficult to learn, it's not optimized for a Pentium 2 / Voodoo 2 / 256mb RAM system, the vehicles make it impossible, the AI sucks, etc.

Those complaints about the base game seem to mirror the complaints about darkness, not enough "teamwork" and so on in this mod.

I predict in 2 month's time - max - this mod will mostly be over and you'll be searching for a "good" server to play in. One that, you hope, can routinely see 30+ players rather than spamming connections to 50/50 servers just trying to get in.

That's just the cycle of gaming these days, it's not a comment on the dev team's (excellent) work.

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I would tend to completely remove the "bandit" feature - yes, seriously. This leads people to intentionally kill others to become a bandit or to represent their type; you can be a bandit or murderer, sure, but you should not have ingame title/rank for that and you should not be identifiable as such. In real life you would also have no indication of whom you are facing and that should be reflected properly in game. Just my tow cents on this

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ITT: butthurt survivors complain about how the game is unfair

^Childish idiot with no grasp of the meaning of consequences or responsibility. Listen kid, if you have real life issues, go and solve them instead of going on the Internet. lol! Pathetic.

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I think you might be the one with real life issues here, blackdragon, since you already revealed that you have strange gut feelings. Worth checking out at the hospital, maybe?

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I think you might be the one with real life issues here' date=' blackdragon, since you already revealed that you have strange gut feelings. Worth checking out at the hospital, maybe?


I'm looking forward to a month or two from now when you Internet tough guys get lost.

I see the kids are having a real hard time staying on topic and polite enough not to insult.

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No' date=' they tend to move on to the next thing in a month or so.


We can but hope.

But yeah, I think most of the CoD players currently in the game are only here because it suddenly became so popular. Most should move on pretty soon.

Also, if someone really wants to go on a killing rampage, that's also part of the game. He might be roleplaying a deranged psychopath.

If they want to roleplay as a deranged psycopath, they should be susceptible to all the effects that this mental condition brings, as I have explained better in this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5602

Playing big bad wolf without the consequences is all too simple and boring.

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I think you might be the one with real life issues here' date=' blackdragon, since you already revealed that you have strange gut feelings. Worth checking out at the hospital, maybe?


I'm looking forward to a month or two from now when you Internet tough guys get lost.

I see the kids are having a real hard time staying on topic and polite enough not to insult.

The irony, of course, being that you're the one who is constantly insulting people.

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I have a bandit skin... I kill because since having that skin... might get me killed..if a survivor runs at me weapon in hand.. I will shot with no hesitation.. I kill because there is no choice to not kill...why should i be punished?

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Maybe it is just me, and I'm terminally noob in this game, but it seems that you have to examine the question from the survivor side as well as the bandit side. Why do people organize in groups (not just in the game but in real life)? Security, shared resources, etc. are all primary reasons. The biggest one, IMHO, is that humans are social animals; people go a bit bonkers when left alone too long.

How can you reflect this is a game where, while your character is persistent, the world really isn't? You can't rebuild a village and defend it over the long term--servers go away. You can't rebuild industry, etc. How many players would jump at the chance to rebuild society? Hell, how many would love to get an ammo factory going just to make Makarov ammo? Personally, that would be a load of fun--not just dodging Zed and bushwhackers, but trying to get the airfield running again, or a Hind D flying again, et al.

Basically, other than the fun of teamwork and team play, there isn't a real motivation not to be scum. Call it what you will, killing noobs for their beans is a bit scummy.

Maybe it should be based less on punishing PK behavior than rewarding teamwork (more chance of better loot, due to more eyes looking for stuff? I don't know...).

Either way, it is the best game I've played in years.

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The irony' date=' of course, being that you're the one who is constantly insulting people.


Well, at least now I know you're a troll. :D

Go play your games else where now. Run along dear if you can't be civil or on topic.

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Well' date=' at least now I know you're a troll. :D

Go play your games else where now. Run along dear if you can't be civil or on topic.


If he's trolling, why are you feeding him? And if he's off topic, why have you also been off topic in your last three posts? You want to have a serious discussion? Then start acting like a mature adult first.

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Ungrateful much?

It's just a game and death is a large part of it. Fortunately' date=' unlike real life, you have more than one life to live.

Rocket has already stated that there will be a humanity system eventually. Be patient.. this is not a complete mod, it's an alpha.




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And what a lot of people seem to be missing is that players are driven by their own, personal moral compass. Just yesterday, me and a few friends got gunned down by a bandit with an AK. Upon respawning and regrouping, a random new guy comes up to us. We weigh up whether we should trust him, or whether we should simply shoot him in the face. Three of us feel bad for him and feel too guilty to shoot him, so we leave him alive.

If you punish people for being immoral, you're going to lock them into certain playstyles.

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As has been shown in repeated incidents of attacks on ISAF personell by their trusted 'terps and laisons...there is no way short of telepathy to tell that someone is a bad guy. And as someone with direct experience in conflict areas, telling the difference between noncombatants and badguys is almost never as easy as a survivor skin vs a bandit skin, unless in conventional military uniforms.

As I am not prior LEO, I can't speak for cops and criminals, but judging by our police, detectives, and the entire judicial system, I'd suggest that having funny feelings about someone might not be universally recognized as a reliable means of determining someone intentions.

TL:DR No one gets punished in this game 'till Rocket impliments humanity in later patches.

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ITT: butthurt survivors complain about how the game is unfair

^Childish idiot with no grasp of the meaning of consequences or responsibility. Listen kid' date=' if you have real life issues, go and solve them instead of going on the Internet. lol! Pathetic.


You seem upset there, blackdragon. Something got your jimmies in a rustle?

Also there should be no punishment system. The punishment for survivors is that you trust everyone because you're idiots and you get killed. It's a post apocalypse, learn to live with it. In a theoretical real zombie apocalypse the exact same thing would happen. This is a simulator of the zombie apocalypse, nothing more, and nothing less. Those who say this isn't balanced are completely wrong. It's 100 percent balanced. Everyone has the ability to do the same exact actions as everyone else. Equal opportunities. Just because you can't make yours work doesn't mean there is an inherent flaw in the game.

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Well, if DayZ has shown me something... is that the bandwagon habit is alive and well. People still don't fully comprehend the meaning of "balance", and still use their own personal experiences as the yard stick.

I have to remind myself it's just an alpha with a lot of new folks here from the Internet.

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How is the mod unbalanced? If you do choose to live non-violently the absolute best tactic would be to avoid all strangers lest you be forced to defend yourself. Chernarus is an ideal terrain for this, especially at night.

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