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I haven't read 'all' of this thread. But would it be safe to assume that someone has mentioned the fact that, since fires draw zombies. And are fairly easy to be seen. That now having to start a fire out of need may bring a new cause to Bandits?

Bandit: "Hmmm, I could use a fire."

Player: "Look! Found wood some matches. I'm set. Time to get in the woods."

-Moments later.-

Player: "There we go. So toasty."

And the rest plays out. Bandit kills Player. Now has fire. Though it does draw anything else further down the line. Though I did have the funny image of so many people have to start fires at the same time that Chernerus lights up. xD

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Havent read ALL of the threa, so my appologizes if this alreayd is on the table:

Couldnt the Knife that we use to gut animals, also be used to collect pieces of wood out in the forrest to collect stuff to make a fire?

Dont have to be a giant bonefire, but a smaller fire just to keep yourself warm?

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I'm not fond of the finding firewood idea either, especially in it's current state where you must leave the forest to find wood. A hatchet idea would only be of value IF it can be used as a melee weapon as well? Otherwise the threads about "a zombie eating me when I run out of bullets but I can't hit it in the head with my hatchet" are just lurking over the horizon.

My suggestions: Improve campfire placement, include inside buildings. Eliminate need for wood, make more matches/flint/lighters etc. No potential melee weapons unless they can be used as such.

Havent read ALL of the threa' date=' so my appologizes if this alreayd is on the table:

Couldnt the Knife that we use to gut animals, also be used to collect pieces of wood out in the forrest to collect stuff to make a fire?


Yes, it should be able to. In the real world I rarely carry a hatchet when I go into the wilderness... I ALWAYS carry a large survival knife.

There are only two kinds of DayZ players: good alpha testers and bad alpha testers. Which one are you?

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I'm not fond of the finding firewood idea either' date=' especially in it's current state where you must leave the forest to find wood.


Wood Wood Everywhere. But not a Branch to burn.

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Is it to much to ask that we start with a hatchet? And, that it not take an inventory slot away from food and supplies. Good luck surviving very long in the pouring rain, running around frantically looking for a hatchet and matches while your tempature drops.

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I don't know how works ArmA 2, but i guess rocket can just add the wood object introduced in 1.5.8 close to the trees ?

I mean, loot is spawning into buildings with a % of chance, why not making the same thing, but with trees instead of buildings ?

Would fix everything imho. But it's gonna spawn a god damn lot of objects ( wood ), that's the only downside.

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i like the firewood mechanics for the most part, but here are my thoughts on the matter:

1- Add kindle as inventory item : Kindle would be used for small fires that burn for shorter period and would also take up only 1 inventory slot.

2- Firewood should be able to be felled from trees with the use of an axe. and the wood stacks you see at house should provide an unlimited supply of firewood.

3- Matches should not be unlimited and should only have a numbered use before depleted.

4- Add a lighter item to inventory that would be unlimited use like the matches are now.

5- Flares should be able to start a fire. Not the best way but should be able to in an emergency.

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Just so you all know - you cant go into the woods, chop down a live tree and start a campfire. You are only able to start campfires with dead, dry wood which is found on the ground.

It needs to spawn randomly all over the map....or just do away with the idea.

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K.T Gutenberg: "all this whining is incredibly fun to read. you are part of testing ..."

And therefore the developers need feedback from the alpha-testers.

And this is what happens in this forum...

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all this whining is incredibly fun to read. you are part of testing this not here to have fun. oh god how many times do people have to repeat it. Rocket will prolly change it in the next few days anyway.

I don't think anyone here at all has mentioned the word "fun". You can act smug with your straw man there' date=' but it's simply not true. No one here wants the game to be more fun - they want it to be more realistic (or as someone said; "not goofy"). No one is talking about whether it's fun or not to go into town to collect wood or to have to use a hatchet to cut down a tree to make wood (seriously, wtf? Has anyone ever cut down a tree to make a giant bonfire just to cook some meat?). Everyone is simply saying that it's really immersion breaking, because that's just not at all how real life works.

I know that some people whine about everything and some people feel entitled or whatever, but I haven't seen people in this thread do that. I've got to assume that people are allowed to give constructive criticism of the mod, otherwise there wouldn't be a forum.


ehm actually im perfectly fine with contructive critisism but some people in this thread just dont seem to get what "in development" means. It means that this feature will be iterated alot of times prolly once in a week. all this talk about this feature being silly or killing someones playstyles just points out that this people dont have the slightest clue how development works. you dont have a perfect feature from the start, you need to iterate alot to find the right way and thats what rocket is doing here. this man is sparing all his time to make this and some people just dont wanna understand, that he also has a life which needs food and water. is it so hard to sit back and wait how things play out or maybe trie to adapt to the system and tell rocket what exploits it might come up with?

He already stated that this feature is not finished nor is the wood cellection process and you guys are still making raging posts about it. I DONT GET IT.

But people expect a bit of reason from a developer that develops a game they spend their free time in who also likes to shine himself in the light of BESTEST MOD 2012 EVAAAA in the PC Gamer.

That a system that makes you go to villages to collect wood not to die by moving 200 meters while wearing perfectly normal clothes and having it take you an hour of your real life to increase it again will not be fun? Not freaking rocket science.

I rather play a Silent Hunter uber realism mod and plot everything myself. Takes hours but is actually fun. Looking at my screen watching some pixels burn is not fun.

so why dont you go play silent hunter then? You know point of testing is not directly to have fun but to find out what makes fun. that includes trying out things that might not be fun but you need to test them to find out. oh god i cant believe that i need to explain this.

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people cut wood and store it in thier houses or barns to burn at a later date....try there??

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so why dont you go play silent hunter then? You know point of testing is not directly to have fun but to find out what makes fun. that includes trying out things that might not be fun but you need to test them to find out. oh god i cant believe that i need to explain this.

Oh so you always jump into a pit to see if it hurts?

You seem to be as smart as you want to be.

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people cut wood and store it in thier houses or barns to burn at a later date....try there??

almost every house in cherno has a log store outside (well the ones out in the countryside anyway). are we currently able to gather wood from these? not been able to log in to check this new mechanic out.

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so why dont you go play silent hunter then? You know point of testing is not directly to have fun but to find out what makes fun. that includes trying out things that might not be fun but you need to test them to find out. oh god i cant believe that i need to explain this.

Oh so you always jump into a pit to see if it hurts?

You seem to be as smart as you want to be.

yeah developing a game is always about jumping into pits and getting hurt! didnt you know?

Ok seriously you should go and ask Blizzard how many times they have developed new features in Diablo 3 6,5 Years and killed alot of them in the beta? They came to the conclusion that some of them are not fun. Alot of people have been working on those features for years and still Blizzard kicked them out to make the game better. Game development is not a straight line that you walk from A to B. Its filled with dead ends and wrong ways. But to find the right way, you need to have the complete map of what you can do and what not.

Actually i dont think that you understand half of what i typed but well i dont give a damn.

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Rocket is planning to implement a hatchet item' date=' which will get wood from trees.


LOL This really is becoming like minecraft... when can i start mining and building a fort? Crafting too... I want to craft! *fist in mouth*

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It's all been said already, but is the first gameplay mechanic that really just doesn't work for me, it kills immersion because of the goofyness, and with 1 2 3 punch of getting cold, needing matches and THEN the wood and then you start the fire and it sinks through the forest floor it's a little to much. First thing in the game that actively feels like a chore.

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where it rains several times a day

Oh god.. the horror :s

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I have find numerous piles of wood in abandoned houses and shacks. Matches too but far more rare as it should be in post apocalyptic settings.

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I have find numerous piles of wood in abandoned houses and shacks. Matches too but far more rare as it should be in post apocalyptic settings.

How on earth should it be rare? It's matches and wood, they're all over the place. If you're going to make matches even rarer, then allow us to make fires with pieces of wood like most survivalists can. Jeez, already antibiotics which once again, nearly everyone have in their houses, are already rare.

Don't make the temperature system more intrusive than it already could be >_>

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I agree it just feels odd. In a Zombie apocalypse who the hell would travel into a zombie infested village for firewood?

People would just gather stuff in the forrest. It would only be hard to get a fire going if the weather was bad.

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I have find numerous piles of wood in abandoned houses and shacks. Matches too but far more rare as it should be in post apocalyptic settings.

How on earth should it be rare? It's matches and wood' date=' they're all over the place. If you're going to make matches even rarer, then allow us to make fires with pieces of wood like most survivalists can. Jeez, already antibiotics which once again, nearly everyone have in their houses, are already rare.

Don't make the temperature system more intrusive than it already could be >_>


When was the last time you found matches on the ground IRL?

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I go weekend camping about twice a month. I go to woods in the mountains, and guess what, I NEVER bring my own firewood. Nor do I even bring a hatchet to cut it down with.

There's always enough brush and loose wood to make a fire that will last all night long. You never need to hatchet trees to get wood. That's just ridiculous. The fact that you need to scavenge wood like it's minecraft is just silly. Please just leave fires be, they were fine the way they were. It makes NO sense.

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Just screw this shit and make it common sense.

Walk into a forest, look at the ground, scroll mousewheel - get option to "collect twigs".

There, fire is done.

For christs sake even Les Stroud (survivorman) made a god damn fire in the middle of a friggin jungle where everything is wet and damp, and it lasted for hours upon hours.

This whole collecting wood bullshit is a stretch.

I don't want to see this mod get deserted by 95% of the playerbase because of such inconsistencies (and wether someone likes it or not, that's how gamer communities work).

Be careful, VERY careful, the popularity of DayZ may end just as quickly as it began, and we obviously don't want that.

In all seriousness, there NEEDS to be something like a test cluster, servers which get updated constantly with new features and options and allow players to provide constant feedback, it's a god damn MUST.

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I have find numerous piles of wood in abandoned houses and shacks. Matches too but far more rare as it should be in post apocalyptic settings.

How on earth should it be rare? It's matches and wood' date=' they're all over the place. If you're going to make matches even rarer, then allow us to make fires with pieces of wood like most survivalists can. Jeez, already antibiotics which once again, nearly everyone have in their houses, are already rare.

Don't make the temperature system more intrusive than it already could be >_>


When was the last time you found matches on the ground IRL?

Who said anything about finding them on the ground? Where do you find the matches? In a house, a building.

Not to mention, if this game could actually use shelves for items, they would most likely be on them, it's because of the game they're always on the floor, no other reason. Oh and while we're on the 'on the ground' point, stuff can fall off said shelves.

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