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Bandit/Backstabber hate rant

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I've been playing DayZ for nearly a month now...

And every time i play, it is the same thing.

Spawn, loot, find shitty loot, move, loot, find good loot, walk around, loot, get shot in the face with a makarov as I'm typing "Friendly" in my chat.

Or sometimes

Spawn, loot, find shitty loot, move, loot, find good loot, walk around, loot, exit the building, and get instakilled by a camper on a rooftop with a CZ550.

I would consider myself a nice player. I've never ever shot a person on sight. I've always typed Friendly and gave them the chance to ally with me. But 4 out of 5 times, it results in my death.


I've had an incident where I was loaded with an AKM in my hands and a M9 SD in my holster, and I stumbled across a survivor with a makarov and the spawn backpack... I typed Friendly and offered to help him, and he shot me. I had to put him down with a spray from my AKM...


I've had an incident where I walked up to a survivor about 80-90 m away with a hatchet in my hand. I typed Friendly, proceeded to walk to him, and got shot down with an M1911...


I'm trying to help, I'm tying to be nice, to be humane, and help out a fellow survivor, I was planning to share some Epi-pens and morphines with you, why would you shoot me down... If I saw you and I didn't shoot for the 15 seconds that passed before you shot me down, doesn't that mean I was never thinking of killing you?

Come on people, cooperate, instead of being greedy and killing a potential companion. Sure if I was running to you guns blazing you have all the rights to shoot me, but why shoot someone walking to you with guns lowered who said they're friendly...

These kind of events really ruin the game for me, and I'm pretty sure for a lot of people it ruins the game too. Even in a post - apocalyptic scenario, people would still band together to increase their chance of survival..

Don't shoot first, ask questions later.

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I've been playing DayZ for nearly a month now...

And every time i play, it is the same thing.

Spawn, loot, find shitty loot, move, loot, find good loot, walk around, loot, get shot in the face with a makarov as I'm typing "Friendly" in my chat.

Get a mic it's faster than typing, and something I've learned during my time in game, When you see them hide and than call them out. That way you are not standing in front of them exposed

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Who would trust a random person with a gun? If you see someone, walk the other way, play like you have a brain. This is a survival game. you're obviously doing a poor job. Either get a group or get a clue. You can't trust 95% of people you come across in the real world, why would DayZ be any different?

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Because theres no punishment for behaving like a asshole in DayZ. Thats why.

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Because theres no punishment for behaving like a asshole in DayZ. Thats why.

free will in video games full of kids... disaster...

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"Spawn, loot, find shitty loot, move, loot, find good loot, walk around, loot, get shot in the face with a makarov as I'm typing "Friendly" in my chat."

Lesson learnt. Don't.

"Or sometimes

Spawn, loot, find shitty loot, move, loot, find good loot, walk around, loot, exit the building, and get instakilled by a camper on a rooftop with a CZ550."

Lesson learnt. Stay away from cherno/electro and to a lesser extent benizo.


Edit: Or, use a mic. Way quicker than typing and gets the message across easily.

Edited by Sticker704

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If they didn't reply with words, chances are they'll reply with bullets. Of course, there's still a chance they'll shoot you even if they talk...you need to use your mic though. Typing is gonna get you dead

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See that's the problem, you're typing. The other person has no idea what you're doing. I felt so bad for this one guy I met in Elektro this weekend. He walked up to me asking if I was unarmed. I couldn't do anything as all I had was my laptop and no Mic, so I did the best thing I could. I just went prone and didn't move. He offered up his shot gun, which, IMO, was an extremely dangerous move. So in return, I dropped 2 blood bags for him that I just looted. We went on our way. Again, it was ballsy. He gave me a gun. I could have shot him in the back with it. He could have given me false hope by arming me and then shooting me, just to mess with me. So I did the next best thing. I dropped my blood bags for him, and ran off in the other direction. I'll leave you with this little gem:

You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.

Edited by kentk94

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I stumbled across a survivor...I walked up to a survivor about 80-90 m away with a hatchet in my hand.

Here's a tip: Stop stumbling across and walking up to armed strangers without establishing their intentions ahead of time.

If they're hostile, eliminate them.

If you're not sure, avoid them.

Don't just run up to them and expect a high-five and a hug.

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I have a hatchet with me, driving through Elektro. I get hit by a zombie, but pick up an unarmed freshspawn, helping him. We get to a safe area, and we get out of the car. He's not bleeding, but I am. So while I bandage myself, he goes into my backpack, takes my hatchet. Bam. Ungrateful asshole.

My solution: I don't give a shit anymore. If I can't beat the bandits, I'll join the bandits. I will shoot to kill unless it's someone I know. Next time I see an unarmed player being chased, I'm not gonna stop and let them in. I'm going to run them over, and keep on driving.

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I have a hatchet with me, driving through Elektro. I get hit by a zombie, but pick up an unarmed freshspawn, helping him. We get to a safe area, and we get out of the car. He's not bleeding, but I am. So while I bandage myself, he goes into my backpack, takes my hatchet. Bam. Ungrateful asshole.

My solution: I don't give a shit anymore. If I can't beat the bandits, I'll join the bandits. I will shoot to kill unless it's someone I know. Next time I see an unarmed player being chased, I'm not gonna stop and let them in. I'm going to run them over, and keep on driving.

Why dig up a thread that is old as dirt....?


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First get a mic, makes a huge differance to face to face situations, you can quickly double tap in on and use your hands to control your guns then. If someone starts shooting you mid-type you have a tendacy to suffer a brain 'spaz out' as you try to hurridly cancel the text and move/shoot etc. which just adds to the fustration. I always have my comms on direct just in case. If you dont have a mic avoid contact with other hummies.

However here this last bit and heed these words friend:

Dont give up on other players, i too was burnt by others many times and no doubt will be in future however last night on a busy killzone of a server i had the best random night of fun yet on dayz where i random teamed up with other survivors, ended up riding in buses full (party bus!) choppers, and just having a good time. It was huge fun but even one of the friendly survivors turned rouge and tried to shoot us all and steal a chopper, tis part of the danger of the game, you just have to make yourself a lesser obvious target for such types.

Just be smart about how you approach people and how you deal with them, dont be a victim.

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The only people I have a problem with are the backstabbers. Dirty low-down mumble mumble....... <_<

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