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Pending Update: Build

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The mechanics are being tested, but it will put a "timeout" if you successfully connect too many times within a period of time.

how is a "successful connect" defined? I usually have to try 3-5 different servers before I can actually get in game

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So it is currently 10:44 pm....

On July 25th...

Tisk tisk tisk?


ARAHAFHFsdjag;kdfmvg;flmksclv,; djjgmhSDasck.mlasdjgf

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So it is currently 10:44 pm....

On July 25th...

Tisk tisk tisk?


ARAHAFHFsdjag;kdfmvg;flmksclv,; djjgmhSDasck.mlasdjgf

Its actually 05:02 on 26 in EU. And he is located in EU so

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If the server will be updated by this patch, it reset's cars and tents locations where they were save ? or they will still be there where they should be ;) ?

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Its actually 05:02 on 26 in EU. And he is located in EU so

Uhh.. you can't just say it's 05:02 in Europe, last time I checked Europe had a few different time zones.

Anyways, he said 25th GMT (which is in Europe!) and it's the 26th 03:08 GMT time as I write this.

But it's a 'target date' so it might delay.. if does not come out today it will probably be on Monday.

Edited by zq7

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I don't agree with everything, but I also expect that loot becomes more scarce and more apocalypse-themed. Magazines with random amount of ammo, spare bullets that you can load into magazines, a mechanic to fiddle with magazines and fill them up and mixing their ammo, rotten food, change to get intoxicated with water from ponds/lakes, desperate measures (eating raw meat, drinking from unclean sources (abandoned wells maybe).

If the survival aspect gets enhanced the mod can't get anything but better, decision making would be more crucial and ammo scarsity (or less ammount, more diversity) would make for tough choices about inventory management.

I think it will head into that direction once the standalone version is released and there is more source control of the engine.

Thank you for being on my page.

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Each character that is created fills the database, and takes up server load. I would be more inclined to allow you to select a spawn area, rather than die-live-die-live. I haven't considered allowing spawn selections, this type of issue will be dealt with as part of thoughts around group player mechanics and the establishment of factions/groups.

YES this is a great idea you should let us pick where we spawn which would make it easier to connect with freinds (if thats what people think ?)


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then better take care to not break your legs now, or get your friends playing, or make some friends ingame

breaking a leg is a problem you get confronted with, you can see it as a random quest to solve.

killing yourself because you don't want to put up with tough situations is the wussy way out.

wussies better not play dayz, they will ragequit sooner or later anyways :D


now that i think of it. funny enough, i respawned yesterday because i had a broken leg xD

i'm such a wussy >:(

Not sure if anyone has mentioned it in response to the 'what if I broke my leg' kinda scenario.. but what about that movie.. 127 hours? Did that guy have a 'respawn' button go get him out of the pickle?

I agree with you, just learn to take better care. Only time I've ever damaged my legs in this game that wasn't due to a Z or a gunshot was crawling between two trees then turning too quickly. I never run across rocks, never close doors I am near.. that slows me down being cautious.. but it keeps me alive.

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Any word on if they will fix the loot spawn random number generator. More often than not if I go into a multi spawn building there are multiplies of the same item. A few example from last night :

Supermarket - 4 tents, 5 binoculars, 5 watches, plus some random other stuff

Big 30 plus spawn point coast warehouse - 7 hatchets, 3 barb wire kits plus stuff

2nd Supermarket - 3 ALICE backpacks, 3 Makarov (w/ammo), 4 boxes of matches, 2 Maps plus stuff

Barn - 5 wood piles plus stuff

2nd Barn – 3 DB shotgun (w/ammo) and stuff

If this was an exception you could just pass it off as bad (or good) luck but it honestly happens to me almost 100% of the time. I can’t be the only one to have noticed

No I experience this often....I've done a little work with expressions that randomly generate index items and to achieve greater randomness its usually good to push the possible result out further than there are items...example: Say there are 10 possible items that can be generated the expression would look like rand(-1, 12); This greatly increases the probability that index items 0 and 10 will be generated. Then just write something to clamp greater or lesser numbers to the respective ends of the scale.

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how is a "successful connect" defined? I usually have to try 3-5 different servers before I can actually get in game

I assume it means get all the way to the "setup complete" message

but does it really take you 3-5 servers every time you want to play? every once and awhile I get a laggy server, but it's not that often. if it's an issue with night servers, they're easy to avoid by looking at how many people are playing. and of course check the ping before joining. what exactly is the issue that's causing you to have to join 3-5 servers every time you want to play?

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Let us choose where we spawn then. If you remove the respawn button, that will completely ruin a lot of shit... having to run from Kamenka everytime I die is definitely a game-breaker for me.

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Why do i need to drop my backpack when i put it on? I never had to do it before.

Yes, from what i experienced before if you see another backpack and you want to pick it up, but you plan to get your items from your previous backpack, you need to drops yours first, and pick the other one.

If you just equip the other one without dropping your current bag, it will disappear and you won't be able to retrieve your gear from it.

Let us choose where we spawn then. If you remove the respawn button, that will completely ruin a lot of shit... having to run from Kamenka everytime I die is definitely a game-breaker for me.

That is a real pain, i can't imagine myself running such a long distance to get my stuff back. I'll probably respawn and let a zombie kill me to keep trying to get to a more desirable location.

No way i'm running for 30 minutes just to get to the place i want. But in any case, if respawning over and over again was causing some server load and removing the respawn button can actually make things better, then i guess i agree with this decision.

Edited by Fenrig

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I assume it means get all the way to the "setup complete" message

but does it really take you 3-5 servers every time you want to play? every once and awhile I get a laggy server, but it's not that often. if it's an issue with night servers, they're easy to avoid by looking at how many people are playing. and of course check the ping before joining. what exactly is the issue that's causing you to have to join 3-5 servers every time you want to play?

This /\

I have never had to change servers more than once. I have found 3 great servers and stick to them. I don't see where people are getting all of this mumbo jumbo. None of the servers display the correct times anymore, and neither does DayZ Commander, but I know which of the three I have chosen as favorites are the proper server time for when I play.

People are impatient. I have a feeling a lot of these people are hopping servers when good loot doesn't spawn, or are DCing to find better loot. I'm glad the devs are monitoring it, I guess we will see soon enough why people hop around so much.

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Yes, from what i experienced before if you see another backpack and you want to pick it up, but you plan to get your items from your previous backpack, you need to drops yours first, and pick the other one.

If you just equip the other one without dropping your current bag, it will disappear and you won't be able to retrieve your gear from it.

I have noticed thay my buddies still see the pack. They can click on it and view the contents and even pick it up. But I can't see it or munipulate it.

The workaround for me is this. If I see a pack I want I:

- Open the pack

- Open my pack in the inventory

- Throw everything from my pack into the new one

- Double check I did everything right

- Exit gear menu and click "pick up pack"

Of course, this doesn't fix the pack disappearing.

Edited by DimaKarpa

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I have noticed thay my buddies still see the pack. They can click on it and view the contents and even pick it up. But I can't see it or munipulate it.

The workaround for me is this. If I see a pack I want I:

- Open the pack

- Open my pack in the inventory

- Throw everything from my pack into the new one

- Double check I did everything right

- Exit gear menu and click "pick up pack"

Of course, this doesn't fix the pack disappearing.

Sometimes i can see the bag but i can't interact with it. Most of the time this happens due to some random item that is below the backpack, and i just pick it put to get it out of the way, after that i can see the options to manipulate the backpack.

But anyway, either you can drop yours on the floor, get the new one and then retrieve your gear, or you can do as you said, throwing your stuff inside the new one before swapping them, this is also nice.

Anyway, i hope these kind of problems can get fixed at some point, a lost a few good gear before when i tried switching bags.

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Not really sure how I feel about the respawn button being disabled. Sure people use to get to a spot that their friends have but if say I get injured in the middle of nowhere (say I break my legs) then I'm stuck there and can't do anything. I have to either wait for a player to come by and shoot me or crawl to a zombie infested area and start attracting them to me. It's also a good button for in case someone glitches out and has to die.

Just saying that removing that may cause more problems. That's my two cents on the subject.

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Sometimes i can see the bag but i can't interact with it. Most of the time this happens due to some random item that is below the backpack, and i just pick it put to get it out of the way, after that i can see the options to manipulate the backpack.

But anyway, either you can drop yours on the floor, get the new one and then retrieve your gear, or you can do as you said, throwing your stuff inside the new one before swapping them, this is also nice.

Anyway, i hope these kind of problems can get fixed at some point, a lost a few good gear before when i tried switching bags.

This same situation also occurs in hospitals. Trash spawns under medical boxes and makes looting medical supplies difficult. I suggested a few pages back to stop backpacks and medical boxes spawn with other bunches of loot.

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Why does death from hunger or thirst have to be something you should have died from? Just because it's possible doesn't mean it should happen. Realistically or for game sake, things just don't always work like that. The food mechanics of the game do change the way you play and as you get better geared it's easier to cope with as it should be.

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Will being kicked count as a logout?

I have seen a LOT of admin booting for mates to login, as well as the occasional ping spike causing kick. It would be unfair to punish players who have genuine reasons to jump a few servers such as this.

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Not really sure how I feel about the respawn button being disabled. Sure people use to get to a spot that their friends have but if say I get injured in the middle of nowhere (say I break my legs) then I'm stuck there and can't do anything. I have to either wait for a player to come by and shoot me or crawl to a zombie infested area and start attracting them to me. It's also a good button for in case someone glitches out and has to die.

Just saying that removing that may cause more problems. That's my two cents on the subject.

I wonder the same thing, when i saw that change i was like good but then realized shit.

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OH and on the respawn option being disabled. I am in theory FOR it, but currently deadset against it. You are handing the hackers even more power.

Currently when hackers do their instakill we can at LEAST do a respawn dance until we are close enough to run back to our bodies and retrieve our gear (half of the time).

NOW the hackers will STILL be able to instakill us (I find currently I am dying from a teleport or instakill hack minimum once per 24 hours, often more) but we have no chance of running back to retrieve our gear.

What would be nice is for some kind of check to be done as to HOW we are killed before we respawn. if death is from an illegal weapon, or script, than a rollback to our previous living state could be enacted, thereby robbing the hackers of a little of their current godlike power...

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I can't believe there's 80 pages of the same thing, over and over..

How about we just wait for the results of the *Data Collection* that *will* be included in the new patch.

Some of you are acting like the patch is already out and you've been banned unfairly..

There will be a ticket system put in place, if that is the case.. you will be able to appeal whatever action is taken.

No one ever said you would be banned.. just that a "cool-down" on rejoining, if you're joining too many, too often *might* be the answer.

It might not even be anything to do with bans or even "cool-down" timers.. why don't we just wait and see what actually gets done.

The whole point of the "collecting information" thing in the patch is so that Rocket can allow for situations *just like the ones you guys are worried about*

I wonder when some of you ever find the time to play the game ffs.. you're constantly in here bitching about stuff. :rolleyes:

Amen to that, every 5/6 posts are about this or when the patch will come out.

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Not really sure how I feel about the respawn button being disabled. Sure people use to get to a spot that their friends have but if say I get injured in the middle of nowhere (say I break my legs) then I'm stuck there and can't do anything. I have to either wait for a player to come by and shoot me or crawl to a zombie infested area and start attracting them to me. It's also a good button for in case someone glitches out and has to die.

Just saying that removing that may cause more problems. That's my two cents on the subject.

This. I can see the reason for taking the respawn button out, but frankly the game still has it's fair share of 'I just got owned by a bug' moments, I can picture it now, running through the forest at sprint a slight drop then boom, leg is broke and I'm pretty much fucked cause I don't have morphine.

Don't think the game is ready for that button to be taken out just let, so I hope that change will get revised.

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