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About icebluehusky@bigpond.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    Vilayer Servers Down?

    Both my ViLayer servers are down. The one hosted at the Dallas data centre went down first, followed by the Seattle one a hour or so later. My assumption is that they are currently fixing the back end hive/server files to fix the damn auto-repairing vehicles issue. Just keep checking the updates page for a new update that will fix the server/client side of the problem. The above is only true for ViLayer DayZ Package servers.. normal DayZ servers (ones that are connected to the official hive) should not be affected as they use the standard code released by the DayZ devs.
  2. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    Vilayer.com,keep getting bugged on every map.

    Both my ViLayer servers are down. The one hosted at the Dallas data centre went down first, followed by the Seattle one a hour or so later. My assumption is that they are currently fixing the back end hive/server files to fix the damn auto-repairing vehicles issue. Just keep checking the updates page for a new update that will fix the server/client side of the problem.
  3. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    [AU24] - Population: Haxers

    I have found 5 players kicked for the Battleye CreateVehicle Script Restriction #1 and #2 on our server so far. After doing some google research and confirming with a seperate log, this happens when an loading error results in the player 'spawning' as a seagull. Players probably don't even recognise it happening (under the public hive had a guy I know spawn as a seagull (showed up on the log), but he said he never noticed anything weird). This did happen with Cherno Journo, but is no indication that he was hacking or scripting. If BE kicks someone for doing something they should not be, it will ban, not just kick. BE kicks from script restrictions have happened for all manner of things, like trying to open up the server console (intentional) or beeping a horn on a truck (not intentional).
  4. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    [AU24] - Population: Haxers

    Hi there Medic. Saw your name on the server last night (a few of us had a nice chuckle at it actually). Also have seen the above mentioned player active on our server. I have trawled through the logs and cannot see anything dodgy with this player. He died a few times while geared, died a few times probably to improve respawn location, never was more equiped than having a hatchet + M9SD or M1014 + Makarov. Didn't appear to teleport across the map wildly. Can you provide any further proof, evidence or an idea what I should be looking for so we can confirm your comments? Do you know the name of the player(s) he was associated with who I can also check on? Just to clarify regarding our server, it is hosted on the ViLayer shared hive (home to many servers playing both Chernarus and Lingor Island), hosted and admined for Australians and by Australians (but currently on a US server, thank you AATP and Telstra!). Our admins are always active and streaming the logs whenever possible to spot hackers and scripters before they have a chance to disrupt gameplay. We already have had about 4 confirmed people scripting and hacking on our server, and have banned them appropriately.
  5. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Not sure if anyone has mentioned it in response to the 'what if I broke my leg' kinda scenario.. but what about that movie.. 127 hours? Did that guy have a 'respawn' button go get him out of the pickle? I agree with you, just learn to take better care. Only time I've ever damaged my legs in this game that wasn't due to a Z or a gunshot was crawling between two trees then turning too quickly. I never run across rocks, never close doors I am near.. that slows me down being cautious.. but it keeps me alive.
  6. I think he was being sarcastic about the quoted poster using an explot to avoid the Z's. My method to being a fresh spawn with no weapon is check the dayzdb.com map for the nearest barn, run and ignore the Z's until you get inside, should find at least a hatchet, but if not, look up another barn on the map and run to that.. rinse and repeat. Very quick for doing it, never died to bandits this way. Until the infected get more brains, this method works well.. then when God builds a better mousetrap, hopefully I will be a bigger mouse..
  7. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    Can I play DayZ and Watch A Movie On 2nd Monitor?

    What program are you using to watch videos? I know with Windows Media Centre, full screen will black out all other screens when it is the 'primary' program. I run WMC in windowed mode, stretched as far as possible on one screen, Arma II full screen on the middle monitor and then web browers with the map on the third screen. Problem is, if you ever take away the primary program being Arma II (alt-tab), Arma II will minimize. Solution to this problem is having Arma 2 in windowed mode, but then my resolution doesn't work propertly. I don't alt-tab very often at all, so this isn't a huge issue. Would love a fixed windowed mode (aka Eve Online), but alas.
  8. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    Winchester or AKM --- Preferred weapon

    You may not be playing this game for the PVP, but others do.. and it's those situations you need to remember about, when you're happily raiding a town, shooting your shotty at z's and a passing band of bandits hear the oh-to-clear signals.. they won't care that you don't want to PVP. Always plan for the worst situation.
  9. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    Alt + F4

    I only ever abort under fire when it's from hackers.. sometimes I stick around too long. Last night we had 2-3 guys ride up to our spot near Balota on a motorbike and a tractor.. our group of 5 managed to take them all down, but we took 2 losses. One was due to friendly fire due to mis-communication.. one got taken down after trying to loot one of the guys bodies.. was weird because he apparently was wearing army uniform (including hard-hat like the military z's), had a alice pack but couldn't access the 'body' inventory. I got shot at was bleeding, so hid behind a tree. Three of us were left when one got disconnected and then had to struggle to get back into a full server, so I just layed there until more friendlies arrived and we could loot the bodies (still not sure if the person who shot at me was still around). The only other guy there got bored and logged off, when I glanced around with free look in third person, saw two guys behind me, one standing one prone, both with army outfits and helmets, one said something that sounded Mandarin then shot me when I turned. Have also spent too long watching a chopper as it crashed into our group (some survived, but the guy jumped out of the wreckage, took 20 shots to the back but then just turned and dispached those that were too slow to abort), and other teleporting antics. Alt-f4 never works for me, so always escape-abort.
  10. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    Noob question

    And yes, you have to fill the ATV (same for all vehicles) at the point where the gas tank refilling cap is/would be. ATV I believe it's on the left side in the middle.. need to crouch and just mouse around a bit until you see the icon come up for it.
  11. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    Zombies Attack

    Can't be bothered quoting, but Z's hit with a area of effect attack.. very short range.. maybe using a modified grenade or other explosive type of effect. Hatchets and crowbars use a 'pistol' effect, just very limited range. Hence the reloading part that is needed. I managed to bind the crowbar to my shotgun and use the shotgun as a melee weapon and still hold my shotgun and use it just clicking F until it selected the shotgun again. When I switched this up for a assault rifle, could not pick up the crowbar and have it bound to the rifle. My friends called me a hacker for swinging my shotgun and it making a 'puff' like the hatchet.. :P
  12. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    The most valuable thing in the game…

    You ain't from my group, are you? In the one adventure, one guy was shot because he didn't pipe up to the query 'is everyone prone' quick enough, so got shot by someone else in our group.. then I shoot another friendly in the back as he was going to check out a guy who had a Z train with him.. didn't know he had stood up.. not my fault! :P
  13. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    Feign death

    That's probably the only way for it to be legit.. unless he lays there with no gun visible.. saw a vid where it took a guy at least a minute to work out the guy he was looking at was actually still alive. Probably safer to just use a tent though.
  14. It WAS a once off choice, but a couple of patches later it was made an option on EVERY spawn. I am almost positive it was noted in the patch notes, just don't remember which one. Guess Rocket got annoyed at some many requests for the selection again, as for some reason alot of people didn't have the question come up.
  15. icebluehusky@bigpond.com

    Server Persistence Issues

    As I added to that other post, I believe the problem is the server not updating to hive correctly. This has happened to me a few times since I startd playing DayZ over a month ago. If I notice the orange desync chain on the screen for any period of time over a minute, I will immediately leave the server and try another one. Simple solution to this is to just play on a server for 5 minutes, travel some distance, then log off. Log back on and make sure you have saved at the last moved to position. I do this quite often if I have a bad feeling about a server not updating right.. or even if the Z's ain't spawning. My problem is I seem to have two characters on different servers, and it's just not limited to ANZ servers. On some servers I was in the hills, could switch to another server would be on the beach, switch to another server and I'm back in the hills, switch again and be back on the beach. I have since died again and started out back on the beach. I am going to try and hit 'respawn' on one character on the beach, then log off that server and log onto the other server where I am on the other part of the beach. Play around for a bit, let hive get updated a number of times with my movements, then log off, leave it for 20 minutes then log on to the first and see if that updates correctly to the other server.