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Build 1.5.8 rolling update

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Zombie numbers themselves weren't the problem, it was the ridiculously fast respawn rate. Yesterday me and some buddies cleared out a small ruined fort in the middle of nowhere and had zombies respawn practically right next to us within 5 minutes or so.

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Global chat in populated areas = yelling loudly = greeted by the official zombie welcome committee?

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I didn't see any update on the changelog' date=' which new files do I download?


You can see by the "last modified" date :)

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Zombie numbers themselves weren't the problem' date=' it was the ridiculously fast respawn rate. Yesterday me and some buddies cleared out a small ruined fort in the middle of nowhere and had zombies respawn practically right next to us within 5 minutes or so.


Hm. I thought that wasn't supposed to be an issue since the spawner checks whether there are any players in the area before spawning zombies. Then it's supposed to spawn them out of sight and not close to you.

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Tried downloading the new files and 7zip said "Unexpected end to archive." Anyone else having this problem?

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* [NEW] Chance of catching an infection the lower your temperature

* [NEW] Chance of catching an infection from already infected players


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Version number of these two files are not matching the changelog.

Changelog Files

* dayz_sfx 1.1.2

* dayz_weapons 1.1.2

Avail for download

** dayz_weapons_v1.1.1


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I keep getting kicked off the server?

Same here, never had it before. It's not giving me a reason why either (e.g. wrong dayz/batteleye version, ...).

Is it just too busy or could it be related to the update?

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xD Crap reading this list made me realize that from now on my dayz life will get allot harder!

on a whole other note, thank you for fixing the ladders! <3

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I'm not used to this vocabulary, but does he mean whinny to be the winchester?

I was expecting it to receive a 'nerd' as it was a better weapon at nearly everything.

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Thanks man. I don't know how to feel about the winchester? Does it match the shot gun sound now or what?

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[FIXED?] Too many zombies for the Carebears to be able to play

Can't you just say "everyone less than me is a pussy" like everyone else? You sound like a total douchebag when you think everyone that doesn't like magic zombies is an imaginary character that likes tree hugging and rainbows.

You basically told people "if you're not man enough to play my mod, you're a pansy, go uninstall and play something else, like a kids game."

Right, because real men make fun of people to feel important. Grow up rocket, the world is watching you. You're not a politician, you're a gamer, and you're above such low-life namecalling as "carebear." There are co-op mods out there, and telling people to get bent just because they don't have fun the way you do is gamer harassment at its finest. Just because you THINK you're some kind of macho hardcore nerd for making a mod that punishes players constantly does not give you the right to say "everyone that doesn't like my game is a carebear pussy"

In short, keep the zombies hard because we want it, but namecalling is childish and uncalled for at best, and is downright appalling as a public statement.

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Strange. I'm trying to join servers with the new patch but keep getting "You have been kicked from the game". I'm starting to wonder if I've been banned? (I haven't done anything to get banned but I would expect a reason such as missing addons.)

FIXED - I downloaded before the hotfix was added, haha.

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