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Singaporean / SG server players, look no more! Small group of dedicated survivors is open.

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Multiple servers attacked by hackers. If you got teleported, don't panic, disconnect as soon as possible.

Yea I was watching a stream when he got teleported to another group of guys, then teleported back to where he was with legs broken.

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For server admins, please do this to ( maybe ) reduce the possibilities of hacking and get your server whitelisted by Day Z Devs: http://dayzmod.com/f...-ticket-system/.

Don't forget to check out http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/25099-out-of-bounds-itemvehicles-cleanup-2012-07-06/ for those who like to park or camping outside of map's boundaries.

Edited by Jean Jacques Serrault

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Argh, dead again for the 5th time in the last 24 hours. Currently otw to the north

BTW PM me if anyone wants to catch up with me

Your contact for now is not me anymore since I was killed in previous hacker attacks thus making me unavailable to follow you up in the provided checkpoint area.

Check your forum inbox.

Hey guys. I play on sg servers. Im from india and am pretty experienced. Steam id is mandalore1162.

Added. :rolleyes:

Server SG00 Was just hacked, a lot of people died in the process, anyone on this thread a victim? server is shut down temporarily, until i go through the server logs and find out who it was and send the data to the dayz devs

If you were a victim, well, sorry =( even though hackers are out of our control, I've heard rocket is working on the issue though :)

and if it makes everyone feel any better, i was there to catch it in the act as soon as they were killed so.....the hackers never had the chance to loot the bodies ^^

you know....if that makes anyone feel better XD

I hate them Joe, I hate them.

Hey guys! I am from india and playing on these servers since i started 3 days ago. Though usually can only play during night when not many are on. My in game name/steam is Problem?

Too many results when I searched your name, add me on Steam.

Bro, im in ... It's been awhile since the last time i play dayz, cause it's dead boring to play lonewolf. Has been searching for weeks for indonesian player to team up.

add my steam id : grz09

Added. :rolleyes:

singaporean lonewolf over here. add me on steam: YourMUM

Too many results when I searched your name, add me on Steam.

And if you guys think you're supplied enough to travel a long way to meet us, contact me over Steam. And please do remember my rules on first page of this thread.

--- --- ---

Anyone located near Balota airfield?

Oh and here's a pic of me. Lucky I found a car to escape the debug land. Before I get teleported again up to the high sky.


Edited by chad57

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Chad, I think that guy Steam's name is "Problem?". Not sure, though.

Guess you're right. Check the deer stands for me will ya? :(

Edited by chad57

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Chad, I think that guy Steam's name is "Problem?". Not sure, though.

yeah i saw "problem?" for quite a while today

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Damn it I really hate people who shoot everyone they saw... >:( >:(

...so from now on I'll shoot anyone who come to me and does not declare friendly...(but of course I'll not shoot anybody on sight :) )

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yeah i saw "problem?" for quite a while today

Yup its "Problem?" Check game map ;)

Playing on SG #00 gmt+8 server right now.

Edited by thegr8anand

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Guess you're right. Check the deer stands for me will ya? :(

Watched it, only zombies there. Why did everytime I go to deer stands there's nothing up there? Looks like they hate me. X(

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By any chance anybody has a morphine at hand? Hiding in a supermarket with a broken leg. I'd rather not suicide :P

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Just letting whoever plays on SG 00 know that the settings have changed and 3rd person is now off...to give it a more realistic feeling. due to a suggestion, to stop bandits from 3rd person spotting.

it is temporary but may become permanent. we will see how it goes over the next week =P

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By any chance anybody has a morphine at hand? Hiding in a supermarket with a broken leg. I'd rather not suicide

Got 4 morphines. If you're nearby, I'll try to protect you crawling out to nearby forest then give you the item on the ground. You know, I don't know you yet so I'd better take a precaution not to show myself. Hope you understand. Don't post your location, drop me a chat.

Also, it's a nice idea to make it 3DP off, Camper. Now bandits will have harder difficulty to mess with anybody. Anyway, I'm currently somewhere north, so if your team see someone, please refrain to shoot on sight. :D

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it is temporary but may become permanent. we will see how it goes over the next week =P

Good, I've been playing 3dp:off for over a month, once you get used to it you won't bother going back. No problems driving except for massive head bobs on bikes and ATVs but I've rode hours on them, you may also find it hard to land a heli.

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Thats harsh. I was having fun during the night yesterday on that server :D

Btw visibility is so much better at night if you are below 4000 blood and have gamma and brightness full. I waited for 2 hours roaming around in the night for a medic to come patch me up. Once I was healed completely the visibility was reduced by a lot even with gamma/brightness full.

Edited by thegr8anand

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Been playing for months and can never find NV googles, only time i had em is when i killed a bandit on top of that high building in cherno. Playing with flares at night sucks so much.

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If I visit a big city tonight, I'll just throw Chems everywhere just for fun :P

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add me on steam!


Im tired of lonewolfing and dying over and over :( need some protection from random people who shoot for no motives at all lol. I also managed to find 5 blood packs, 8 bandages and 5 painkillers but im badly wounded with 2k blood at an undisclosed place near elektro. Will be willing to share the supplies if someone comes and give me a blood transfusion :P

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Watched it, only zombies there. Why did everytime I go to deer stands there's nothing up there? Looks like they hate me. X(

No DMR? :(

By any chance anybody has a morphine at hand? Hiding in a supermarket with a broken leg. I'd rather not suicide :P

Which city?

Just letting whoever plays on SG 00 know that the settings have changed and 3rd person is now off...to give it a more realistic feeling. due to a suggestion, to stop bandits from 3rd person spotting.

it is temporary but may become permanent. we will see how it goes over the next week =P

Sweet. Now we can't count how many zombies that are chasing us. :P

Been playing for months and can never find NV googles, only time i had em is when i killed a bandit on top of that high building in cherno. Playing with flares at night sucks so much.

Hey it's fun alright? Spot some people raiding a supermarket and throw in a flare and they will be running like hell outside.

If I visit a big city tonight, I'll just throw Chems everywhere just for fun :P

Keep it up.

add me on steam!


Im tired of lonewolfing and dying over and over :( need some protection from random people who shoot for no motives at all lol. I also managed to find 5 blood packs, 8 bandages and 5 painkillers but im badly wounded with 2k blood at an undisclosed place near elektro. Will be willing to share the supplies if someone comes and give me a blood transfusion :P

Steam is overloaded atm. You can try add me instead later. :rolleyes:

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Sweet. Now we can't count how many zombies that are chasing us. :P

lol you can, just make good use of holding down (ALT + moving mouse) it moves your head only

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lol you can, just make good use of holding down (ALT + moving mouse) it moves your head only

I know, but that's the hard way to count them Joe. <_<

Edited by chad57

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Hey Singaporeans!

I actually had rough ideas about the game when I was on exchange with the Singapore Armed Forces, doing JCC in Brunei as part of OCS, and I got badly injured.

Sorry to hijack the thread for a shoutout to my Singaporean friends but I couldn't help it :) I miss wakeboarding at Pungol!

Still got my badge though... ang moh damn garang one!

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Still got my badge though... ang moh damn garang one!

haha nice one,

wakeboarding is the bomb!

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