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DayZ Unofficial 500 Slot Public Teamspeak!

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TeamSpeak is free up to 500 slots, but you still have to obtain the non-profit licence which is a hassle. Mumble has no restrictions, no licenses - it's open source.

TeamSpeak3 is a huge improvement to TeamSpeak2, but it's still not at the same level of latency and quality of Mumble. Although they seem to use the same codec - Speex - the TS3 doesn't sound as good. Compare here:

I like the administration interface of TS3 though. It is much more easier to administer and manage :)

Yes... that's a better question... why an official TS server, when Mumble is clearly so much better AND Mumble has an ARMA 2 plugin for in-game positional audio (doesn't it?) :-/ I say trash TS and pick up Mumble. I'll come back with my mates then.

Edited by drewmaw

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Both Mumble and TeamSpeak have their own benefits. You have to remember this teamspeak server is not hosted by the DayZ staff, but rather by players just like you who are spending money from their own pocket and giving up their own time to run a server for public use.

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Uhhh.. stupid quick question, how do you get registered account? Do you have to contact someone to get it, if so who?

Ask one of the administration who are Admin+ Or have the Registrar group.....

Thank-you for your question

Edited by bdogg123

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Please refrain from having a fanboy discussion between Mumble and Teamspeak, This is a Teamspeak 3 server,

if you like to use teamspeak then use it, if you like mumble keep it to yourself, these comments are completeley unnecessary

and I don't know why people feel the need to start arguments in this thread.

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Please refrain from having a fanboy discussion between Mumble and Teamspeak, This is a Teamspeak 3 server,

if you like to use teamspeak then use it, if you like mumble keep it to yourself, these comments are completeley unnecessary

and I don't know why people feel the need to start arguments in this thread.

Fanboy discussion? I just expressed my personal opinion on how Mumble is a better choice than TS3. That's what the forums are for - to comment on things, right? And where do you see anyone arguing?

What's with the bold red text anyway?

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What he was meant to say is please reframe from discussing off topic discussions. Our server is teamspeak not a mumble server. thank you for your views however either way mumble and teamspeak would cost similar. Because the cost of the server doesn't change.

Thank you

Mr B2b

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What he was meant to say is please reframe from discussing off topic discussions. Our server is teamspeak not a mumble server. thank you for your views however either way mumble and teamspeak would cost similar. Because the cost of the server doesn't change.

Thank you

Mr B2b

As much as I respect your opinion I think that discussing voice servers in a thread about a voice server is pretty on topic. That being said I'll leave this thread to rest now. ;)

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As much as I respect your opinion I think that discussing voice servers in a thread about a voice server is pretty on topic. That being said I'll leave this thread to rest now. ;)

In a nutshell, you came into a thread advertising a Teamspeak server and started talking about Mumble and how it was superior.

I didn't title the topic " Mumble vs Teamspeak " or "What is better Mumble or teamspeak?"

That is my point. This thread isnt about TS itself but a TS server.

I appreciate your opinion but im just saying this isn't the topic to share it in.

Thanks, have a good day.

Edited by GhilleGhost

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this is great, have been wanting a public dayz server since the mod came out, real nice guys :)

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We will be preforming maintenance on the teamspeak server over the next couple days to combat the issue with the high pings. There is no planned down time. If any down time is exspected we will announce it 24 hours in advance.

Thank you,

Leading Edge Hosting Solutions

Posted on behalf of bdogg123.

Edited by Proskater123789
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Announcement: Registered clients have been reset due to an error in permissions. Please rejoin the server so we can re assign registration to your accounts. Thank-you

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.


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It's a great Teamspeak server ,

First day I came I made friends with 4-5 other Survivors / Bandits and we grouped up.

First time in DayZ Withouth a side chat :)

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I had a great time in this TS last night. About seven of us got together and went on a looting spree when out of no where we get demolished by a... not sure what to call it, but I couldn't stop laughing. Thanks to all those that were sacrificed that day of the helicopter massacre.

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ohh damn nice vid.

Wouldn't have been possible w/o this TS server. :P

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No problem... Thank-you all for taking a chance and using our service.

Our users are the reason were online.

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Thank you, for telling us about this team speak server we will be able to have contact now =)

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Its great I have been using the server daily! Is it possible to request our own chans? :-)

You can create your own channel - just go to the "Create Channel Lobby" then right click the channel name and "Create sub channel" :)

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I feel as if this server is poorly ran. I requested to create a channel. But I could not until I was registered. So i asked to be switch to registered to day by an admin pro-skater or something. He said he didn't have permission to register me. What kind of admin does not have permission to register anyone. He had told me that none of the admins have permission to do anything. He couldn't even kick anyone yesterday when they were spamming a channel. Told me the owner doesn't allow it. So I said what ever. I joined the epic awesome channel and while I was chatting in there someone started to spam music over the channel. No one kicked them or banned them because they couldn't. So i will be finding another server. This is not me trying to bad mouth this server but I wanted other people to know this before they joined so they know what they are joining.

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