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DayZ Unofficial 500 Slot Public Teamspeak!

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I feel as if this server is poorly ran. I requested to create a channel. But I could not until I was registered. So i asked to be switch to registered to day by an admin pro-skater or something. He said he didn't have permission to register me. What kind of admin does not have permission to register anyone. He had told me that none of the admins have permission to do anything. He couldn't even kick anyone yesterday when they were spamming a channel. Told me the owner doesn't allow it. So I said what ever. I joined the epic awesome channel and while I was chatting in there someone started to spam music over the channel. No one kicked them or banned them because they couldn't. So i will be finding another server. This is not me trying to bad mouth this server but I wanted other people to know this before they joined so they know what they are joining.


Firstly let me apologise for your experience, this is not the service we aim to provide. The reason staff cannot register people at the moment is due to an error with "Registrar" server group assignments, so I apologise on behalf of proskater that he was unable to register you. Also I would like to point out that proskater is part of the server development team as opposed to community management, although at present there is not a system in place to inform you of staff roles. If you would like me to create a channel for you, I would be more than happy to do so and give you administrator privelages of it until we are able to register you and allow you to create your own channel. With regards to your comment of the channel being poorly ran, I personally believe you just caught us on a bad day where we are experiencing privelage difficulties - these problems are being fixed and we hope you return.

I hope this helps

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Thank-you for your post. As the owner of the teamspeak I would like to say on behalf of my server that I do not agree with spamming of any type. I'll have the rules and the guides for the server re-written to give the administration team better understanding of the rules to enforce. Just keep in mind we are a young server still working out a few bugs and kinks out of our systems. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Just to note you do not need to be registered to create your own channel I have had many people who are guests make their own channel just a note. Creation of channels on this server is a little different from the average servers. We provide one section for people to create channels. You must do it under the create your own lobby's and you must create a sub channel. You can only make a temp and semi-perm channel unless management has decided your group is active enough for a perm channel on our teamspeak.



Owner, Khaos Gaming

Edited by bdogg123

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Updated Feature:

Rules on being a bandit on our teamspeak. We have had increasing reports about people being bandits on our teamspeak so we would like to announce the new and improved server group called "Bandit" if your reported for being a bandit on multiple occasions with proof. We reserve the right to protect our users by adding your user to the "Bandit" group. The "Bandit group is marked by a red Dayz icon located on the right hand side of your name.

This feature will have website support on our website shortly to make it easier to report bandits.


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I feel as if this server is poorly ran. I requested to create a channel. But I could not until I was registered. So i asked to be switch to registered to day by an admin pro-skater or something. He said he didn't have permission to register me. What kind of admin does not have permission to register anyone. He had told me that none of the admins have permission to do anything. He couldn't even kick anyone yesterday when they were spamming a channel. Told me the owner doesn't allow it. So I said what ever. I joined the epic awesome channel and while I was chatting in there someone started to spam music over the channel. No one kicked them or banned them because they couldn't. So i will be finding another server. This is not me trying to bad mouth this server but I wanted other people to know this before they joined so they know what they are joining.

Hey dude, the "epic awesome channel" you're referring to is my personal channel. It's fine for you to use it whenever though, and I'm sorry to hear someone was spamming in there. I've recently been made an admin of the server so can kick/ban/help out in general whenever you see me on. Just give me a poke, I'll come running.

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Hey all, we're having a bit of difficulties at the moment and are having to restructure the channel clusters. It shouldn't take long before things are back up and running smooth, but in the meantime the server is still online and fully operational. Custom channels will not be available until the issue is resolved, however.

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Thread Hijacked, re-stickied.

Original thread owner removed necessary details of the thread, I rebuilt them.

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Just wanted to say how much I liked this TS server. Thanks Mr Ben!

Just wanted to say thank-you to all my Administration team during this crisis. Thank-you for your constant backing

Owe you all a big favor

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Just wanted to say how much I liked this TS server. Thanks Mr Ben!

Hey Jameskai, cool to see you on the forum. Here, have some beans.

Owe you all a big favor

I take PayPal, direct debit, or we can meet in a dark alley sometime. ;)

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Both of your servers are for the same thing. Feel free to jump onto our server.... If you need help with anything on your servers please let us know.... I'd be glad to help fellow server hosters.

Just never mind...

I wrote something dumb here.

Edited by Fighter

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I would like to bring attention to this as it is no longer stickied, but still thriving with members. Anyone is free to join us.

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Plans have gone in to host two 50 slot German servers. A are currently designing the budget to afford the servers hope to see you all in teamspeak when we announce our official open day. Best chance for you to get a car you want. Or even some weapons you want

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Khaos Gaming Community Update:

We have had a range of people join our servers and take part in group to play with one and other. We will have our first Dayz servers hosted in Germany shortly to be opened within the next 1-2 weeks depending on Dayzmod application.

Teamspeak Admin Flexxin has been promoted to Staff Manager for the Australian timezones

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Khaos Gaming Community Update:

We have had a range of people join our servers and take part in group to play with one and other. We will have our first Dayz servers hosted in Germany shortly to be opened within the next 1-2 weeks depending on Dayzmod application.

Teamspeak Admin Flexxin has been promoted to Staff Manager for the Australian timezones

That's brilliant, managing my own timezone was hard enough :)

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