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I met the most kind guy in DayZ so far. In cherno.

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Today in cherno, I found a revolver with 2 clips.

Then I heard from direct chat who claims to be friendly.

I immediately hid revolver in coyote patrol pack, then approached him.

I had about 10 zeds following me.

He was so glad to find friendly, and gave me bloodtrans. Then he even helped me to clear out zeds.

While he was fighting off hoards, I reloaded my revolver to be help.

Then waited.

When I heard him saying in cheery voice "Are you okay bud? Do you mind giving me blood? Its in my pack"

I unloaded all my clip to his face.

Then I laughed. Sayin "Do you need blood? You still seems having it a lot in your body"

Why it feel extremely ecstasy to step on somebody's kindness and watch them suffer?

Why it so hard speek propurly

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Today i helped a guy in the Shop in cherno and it was like that, i ask him for blood transfusion, i saved him from the zeds.

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WOW thanks for all the wonderful praises :D

QQ MOAR when you get shot from a guy who you thought without any weapon.

Or you can ALWAYS make a big vent hole on his forehead because he can hide weapon in the backpack just like me.


Edited by unit82

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And this is why I just avoid contact with anyone I don't know. I don't want to kill, but you basically have no choice if you meet face to face.

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Oh BTW, have you ever throw a guy over the edge of tall building?

It was so FUN! 10 minutes ago, I axed a guy, effectively broke his legs.

When he was unconcious, I bandaged him, and started to drag him.

I held him over the edge of office complex. When he finally gain concious,

I enjoyed all the begging of the guy and threw him off.

I was so FUN. :D

Edited by unit82

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Nothing serious about it, just someone being a twat!! :rolleyes:

Question is? why be like that, its not a NPC its another person!! <_<

Would you do it in real life? No because you are all shit bags with opinions and no real understanding of recourse !!! Dumb as fuck!!!!

This fucking generation I dont know!!! >:(

The real question is, why the fuck not do it? He may be a real person but, is shooting his character actually harming him? Not in the slightest. The worst that could happen to him is that he is put in a bad mood. To actually compare this to real life, is pathetic. I wouldn't dream of hurting a person in real life. But in a game? I would slowly torture you for shits and giggles.

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The real question is, why the fuck not do it? He may be a real person but, is shooting his character actually harming him? Not in the slightest. The worst that could happen to him is that he is put in a bad mood. To actually compare this to real life, is pathetic. I wouldn't dream of hurting a person in real life. But in a game? I would slowly torture you for shits and giggles.

well, if knowingly negatively affecting another person's mood in reality is worth doing for shits and giggles in video game, wouldn't knowingly putting someone in a good mood in reality by doing a good deed in a video game be even more worth it? i mean, unless you're an asshole.

ultimately i wouldn't care though. i'd rather get killed by some selfish asshole in a video game than be a selfish asshole in reality.

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well, if knowingly negatively affecting another person's mood in reality is worth doing for shits and giggles in video game, wouldn't knowingly putting someone in a good mood in reality by doing a good deed in a video game be even more worth it? i mean, unless you're an asshole.

ultimately i wouldn't care though. i'd rather get killed by some selfish asshole in a video game than be a selfish asshole in reality.

Well, that all boils down to play style. So, if you want to be a nice guy, I don't fault you for it. I personally like being a douche in game.

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unit... were you in a shop? what was his name?

It was on the 2nd floor of the cafe.

I don't remember his name, but I remember his face was a old man.

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I have done this

Just spawned in when i had just bought the game literally 20seconds into the game, a guy helped me with controls and how to work things like opening my bags and scrolling, found a gun shot him took his stuff.

Found a guy who had no weapons when i had a shotgun, and was saying friendly on his mic, shot him in the face he did not have anything of use.

Im morally wrong on this game and a bastard, but i don't give a fuck.

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Im morally wrong on this game and a bastard, but i don't give a fuck.

NOW who will be badass enough to be BANDIT KING?

Runner #1 up! rofl

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Probably a little weirdo in real life that got the shit kicked out of him at school!

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Well, that all boils down to play style. So, if you want to be a nice guy, I don't fault you for it. I personally like being a douche in game.

that's fine, and it helps make this game the awesome emotional experience that it is. just don't have any disillusions about the fact that you're potentially having a negative impact on another person in reality for your own personal entertainment. if that's the type of person you want to be, so be it.

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I mean no offense but doesn't this epic little tale belong in the retard section of the forum?

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I mean no offense but doesn't this epic little tale belong in the retard section of the forum?

You mean General Discussion?
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Trolling meter is off the charts here. Seriously, if this is real then that's completely fucked, but in the end it's a game and you can do as you please. Don't get so worked up people, tthere are more important issues going on in the world. Focus on things that matter. Still though, that's really fucked up OP.

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So you are an opportunistic douchebag, why do you feel good about it?

Edited by CriticalNerd

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Why it feel extremely ecstasy to step on somebody's kindness and watch them suffer?

Because you're some Eastern European waste of skin that should have been drowned at birth?

Because your mommy didn't love you enough, or your daddy loved you a little to much?

Because you are a troll?

All of the above?

I suspect the daddy scenario...

Edited by Wawazat
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Mate of mine found a friendly, he was unarmed.. Never really had any option other than coorperation.

My mates a douche though, took the grenade out of his backpack and killed him with it. Heard nothing but laughter for 5 minutes on Skype.

He's a dick.

I shot him in the face last night :-)

Now he's out for my blood... And I'm more than happy shoot out his legs - from a safe distance, of course; watch him crawl for miles, wait until he nears a town, before throwing a smoke grande on him :-)

- I've been planning this.

Edited by ScramUK
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