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I met the most kind guy in DayZ so far. In cherno.

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PvE to get gear, or rather clear out areas to get gear, once geared PvP is all thats left, though I have to say I take no pleasure killing unarmeds and people who are friendly, as long as they keep their distance and dont look in my direction that is

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Poor guy, I shoot people on sight, but when they're trying to communicate with me I usually melt down and I let them live.

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Poor guy, I shoot people on sight, but when they're trying to communicate with me I usually melt down and I let them live.

And then you get Axed.

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Why it feel extremely ecstasy to step on somebody's kindness and watch them suffer?

because you are a bad person in reality.

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Today in cherno, I found a revolver with 2 clips.

Then I heard from direct chat who claims to be friendly.

I immediately hid revolver in coyote patrol pack, then approached him.

I had about 10 zeds following me.

He was so glad to find friendly, and gave me bloodtrans. Then he even helped me to clear out zeds.

While he was fighting off hoards, I reloaded my revolver to be help.

Then waited.

When I heard him saying in cheery voice "Are you okay bud? Do you mind giving me blood? Its in my pack"

I unloaded all my clip to his face.

Then I laughed. Sayin "Do you need blood? You still seems having it a lot in your body"

Why it feel extremely ecstasy to step on somebody's kindness and watch them suffer?

Hmmmm the word for you is your a CUNT!! Seems appropriate !!!

But hey I dont do one line knee jerk reactions, I would like to elaborate on my analysis of my personal interpretation of this person:-

Age 1-21, lives at home, is a little overweight, no girl/boy friend, addicted to diet coke and mybe a little lonely.

Has a shit job if one at all and was bullied at school/collage and slightly pissed with people and life in general.

The sort of person who would piss his pants and cry in the corner if this shit ever happened in real life!!!!

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Because you're a Republican.

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It is a game, I understand that.

But are you guys who enjoy this stuff, being hit as a child? Locked up in a room and fed moldy bread or something? I mean talk about issues.

Hi, You were nice to me, so by direct action I will be a douchebag to you. ( Sound logic there )

Again it is a game, but you do realize life immitates art? That your actions in a game, do reflex the general additude you have in real life.

Might want to think twice about posting your dirty deeds, done dirt cheap. Cuz it's rather wack, like a heart attack.

Edited by Deacyde
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We need a begging animation to bind to a key. Anyone whose willing to shoot a guy whose down on his knees begging for his life would be one cold mother.

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It's been a looong looong longcat long time since I lowered my guard when someone said "Friendly?" and played with me for an hour or two. There's just no telling when they turn against you and kill you for sport. They always laugh when they do that too :(

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Why it feel extremely ecstasy to step on somebody's kindness and watch them suffer?

Pretty sure that is a trait of a sadistic psychopath.

Edited by Psychobob
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Pretty sure that is a trait of a sadistic psychopath.

Or a fucking dick with ears!!!! ;)

1st rule in life DONT BE A DICK!!

Edited by Itchy
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We need a begging animation to bind to a key. Anyone whose willing to shoot a guy whose down on his knees begging for his life would be one cold mother.

I agree. I would tell people i'm helping to get down and if they moved from it I would open fire. I would make them stay their until after I helped and was safely away.

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Really didn't help him out.

Shibz I think it's time for a new DayZ video!

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My cousin used to torture kittens he got from animal shelter, but then i introduced him to DayZ.

With this act of generosity i have saved hundreds of kittens.

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Today in cherno, I found a revolver with 2 clips.

Then I heard from direct chat who claims to be friendly.

I immediately hid revolver in coyote patrol pack, then approached him.

I had about 10 zeds following me.

He was so glad to find friendly, and gave me bloodtrans. Then he even helped me to clear out zeds.

While he was fighting off hoards, I reloaded my revolver to be help.

Then waited.

When I heard him saying in cheery voice "Are you okay bud? Do you mind giving me blood? Its in my pack"

I unloaded all my clip to his face.

Then I laughed. Sayin "Do you need blood? You still seems having it a lot in your body"

Why it feel extremely ecstasy to step on somebody's kindness and watch them suffer?

glad you're a fucking douche bag. Keep laughing when the hype around the mod is dead and assholes have killed the entire community.

There is no logic in this. Just being a griefer.

I hope you get the fucking bubonic plague and die a horrible death, or better yet, you actually get mugged and shot.


Edited by skyter
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My cousin used to torture kittens he got from animal shelter, but then i introduced him to DayZ.

With this act of generosity i have saved hundreds of kittens.

Calling the police and/or a mental institution would help him much more. This will also save the life of his future family and other people he will come into contact with.

Edited by Psychobob
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Today in cherno, I found a revolver with 2 clips.

Then I heard from direct chat who claims to be friendly.

I immediately hid revolver in coyote patrol pack, then approached him.

I had about 10 zeds following me.

He was so glad to find friendly, and gave me bloodtrans. Then he even helped me to clear out zeds.

While he was fighting off hoards, I reloaded my revolver to be help.

Then waited.

When I heard him saying in cheery voice "Are you okay bud? Do you mind giving me blood? Its in my pack"

I unloaded all my clip to his face.

Then I laughed. Sayin "Do you need blood? You still seems having it a lot in your body"

Why it feel extremely ecstasy to step on somebody's kindness and watch them suffer?

What was his name? Where you were?

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People are so serious here.

Nothing serious about it, just someone being a twat!! :rolleyes:

Question is? why be like that, its not a NPC its another person!! <_<

Would you do it in real life? No because you are all shit bags with opinions and no real understanding of recourse !!! Dumb as fuck!!!!

This fucking generation I dont know!!! >:(

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