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robo (DayZ)

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About robo (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. robo (DayZ)

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Way too soon to speculate or care. 700k people vs. an announcement :D Anyway, I hope there's a dev-involved alpha focus group soon. That is if Rocket &co are still interested in what the community says. They have to sort through a lot of crap now. peez!
  2. People's reactions are pretty much as bad as the OP's tale. I think he won the thread.
  3. robo (DayZ)

    Ma n Pa go `HUNTING

  4. robo (DayZ)

    What is it with people...?

    Sorry you got robbed. Having an AK47-U probably should have satisfied your need for big guns so no need to raid stary or at least not alone. There's plenty of friendly groups that will play with you on the forums. If you're just bored and want to raid death zones then try to spend more time observing the area. Probably don't ever follow anyone into a tent with a bunch of other dudes either... :D
  5. robo (DayZ)

    Anybody up for a rescue mission?

    I've fallen off those same stairs... next life hit a hospital before you go venturing :D
  6. robo (DayZ)

    Neutral zone

    I agree based on what the trading clans have tried. Probably not possible without dev support and I guess Rocket said no somewhere.
  7. robo (DayZ)

    Destroying Friendships

    If these are what you call friends IRL I'd hate to see your enemies.
  8. robo (DayZ)

    Neutral zone

    OK then it's time to put this to the test. Let's form a temporary alliance for 10+ people and take a town over. How many zeds will spawn under us every few minutes? Let's find out :D Public teamspeak anyone? -robo
  9. robo (DayZ)

    Neutral zone

    Guarded by whom? Not it!
  10. robo (DayZ)

    Neutral zone

    Well, so far as a ten person clan goes... I'd rather meet a couple people in game in a neutral area and go on adventures and maybe be betrayed than hunt for a clan which isn't my thing. That is, I'm not really into the whole bunch of guys with big guns shootin' and lootin' thing. Maybe I can find some time to play with the Rated M medics. Those guys are pretty cool. I do understand Rocket wants people to take these things over for themselves, but aside from the forums there's little means to accomplish this in game. Anyway, whatever :D
  11. robo (DayZ)

    Neutral zone

    It won't totally suck to have a no-fire-zone town, neutral to all, sans zeds. A place to trade and mess around. It'd be the first thing I'd attempt in a real apocalypse since humans are social animals with 12,000 years of communal cultivation behind them. Of course you'll get sniped from the surrounding area entering and leaving but maybe there's some way around it. Hate away, -robo
  12. robo (DayZ)

    People are horrible.

    Yeah it's still just a game or rather a not-a-game-experiment-game. Doesn't do anyone any good to freakout over stupid shit for more than a few minutes. If something happens in game that affects you longer, do something else for a week or two. -robo
  13. Bullshit. You're going to beg that person to help you find food/water/shelter and live longer together. Anyone who thinks they're going to be so tough and heartless in a real disaster, catastrophe or apocalypse is a total moron. Of course when Red Cross or whatever relief comes (which of course it will), they will still help your dumb, murdering ass without fail. -robo
  14. robo (DayZ)

    People are horrible.

    Right now in alpha there are ~50+ people on a server but in the future it could be globally linked and instanced. It's probable there will be some social system like ratings or something for people who act like idiots. Honestly, I'm far more wary of dummy survivors than bandits and really they're basically the same attitude just with really weak justifications. That is, If you want to kill people after they help you on the weak premise that you're trying to survive or that they're "headed right for you", just man up and be a bandit. Also why are you so afraid to die? An hour or two of scavenging and it's pretty much game over from there. Unless you're trying to scavenge for a tent stockpile which atm is risky with all the server resets and desyncs and assumes you're not playing solo. At any rate I'll still play the good guy survivor that hasn't lost hope. -robo p.s. stupidly logged out south of stary the other night and can't wait to login in front of a sniper :P Starting over is really fun though
  15. robo (DayZ)

    Truth Time Rockett

    There can't be too many testers. What you're really seeing is a community coming together to test a mod they're exited about. Anyway wtf OP... how many games or apps have you developed that went viral and left you reeling to keep up? Hugs, -robo