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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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This may sound callous, Derek, but a medic may not be what you need in that instance. What you need is to acquire food and drink, which is an essential part of the basic gameplay cycle. ;)

Cooked meat regenerates 800 blood per consumed steak, find yourself a boar, goat, sheep or cow and you'll be back at full health.

From a pedagogical standpoint, telling you to learn to fend for yourself should be the kinder thing here, rather than encouraging you to be dependent on the goodwill of others.

Now if, however, you were to go break a leg, and thus become less easily able to fend for yourself, I'd volunteer help, even though the consideration may persist that it might be in your own best interest to take a couple of the harsh lessons this game throws at you, learn from them, and become more adept at the game thereby, and thus enjoying it more too.

I have no matches/map/knife so that wasnt an option, i saw 5 animals on my way just taunting me.. every 20m i see one :P

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anyone need help near Gvozdno. Got blood bags and one painkiler several bandages and food and drink.

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I need a transfusion in Elektro, got hit from a zombie from behind and knocked me out long enough for it to do enough damage to me

Steam: Keg0412

Bumping this. Still in Elektro, I'm down to about 2500 health and my vision is really blurry

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I needed that and I got my first ride in a helicopter. Weehee.

Also glad i could give you some ammo.

Edited by Argent_LeRoche

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I really like this game.

But I'm not a good player.

I spend most of my time dead or in serious danger of dying in a few minutes.

I can't bear such a brutal PvP. After a few dozen deaths, zombies are my friend and I rarely die when I meet them.

But players... Oh, I'll never understand why, in a world where zombies should be the main issue, people prefers to kill each other to get better loot, instead of fighting together to earn it.

So, I like this game but I spend most of my time face to the ground. Dead.

What to do? The answer is easy: I'll keep playing but I want to devote my (short) lives to help others. After all, in most of online games I played I've always been the healer. I like to help.

My problem is, I don't even know where to start.

Ok, I can use an headset to listen and talk (but my english is not that good and I'm really shy), but... What should I do? Spawn, go to a major city to get all I need, and then read this forum in search of players to help? Mmm. Ok, I'll try that.

Even if I'm sure that I'll get killed before reaching the hospital.

War... War never changes...

If only I could wear that white band with a red cross so that even bandits could know I'm a medic.

Because, bandits, you should never kill a field medic. Just because you'll never know if, one day, you could use help from that medic.



Let's spawn again.

Because my last life didn't last for long. Yelling "I'm a medic!" didn't help me.


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I need help both the usual and some unusual. I'm trapped in Elektro with low blood and absolutely must not die. I'm on skype sulalee01. If anyone can help me please contact me via a message here or skype. I tried steam but all the medics I clicked on were off line or private accounts. :thumbsup:

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Allow me to reiterate something that I am not sure if everyone understands. No solo medic or small group medical corps will walk into PvP hotspots UNLESS they have dedicated their lives for people in those zones, they are nearby or they are resupplying. It has been exhaustedly repeated that the aforementioned will NOT step into PvP hotspots. I say again, the aforementioned will NOT step into PvP hotspots.

You're best bet is to contact medics who are confirmed to be in the area, the Rated Mature Gaming EMT or the 5th Element Combat Rescue Operations team (unlisted).

I really like this game.

But I'm not a good player.

I spend most of my time dead or in serious danger of dying in a few minutes.

I can't bear such a brutal PvP. After a few dozen deaths, zombies are my friend and I rarely die when I meet them.

But players... Oh, I'll never understand why, in a world where zombies should be the main issue, people prefers to kill each other to get better loot, instead of fighting together to earn it.

So, I like this game but I spend most of my time face to the ground. Dead.

What to do? The answer is easy: I'll keep playing but I want to devote my (short) lives to help others. After all, in most of online games I played I've always been the healer. I like to help.

My problem is, I don't even know where to start.

Ok, I can use an headset to listen and talk (but my english is not that good and I'm really shy), but... What should I do? Spawn, go to a major city to get all I need, and then read this forum in search of players to help? Mmm. Ok, I'll try that.

Even if I'm sure that I'll get killed before reaching the hospital.

War... War never changes...

If only I could wear that white band with a red cross so that even bandits could know I'm a medic.

Because, bandits, you should never kill a field medic. Just because you'll never know if, one day, you could use help from that medic.



Let's spawn again.

Because my last life didn't last for long. Yelling "I'm a medic!" didn't help me.


Then you, my good sir, are doing something wrong. My advice? Learn the game. Grab hold of the basics by its balls and do not let them go. Master them, and you will live a lot longer and save a lot of lives.

Also, my personal opinion which many may seem as harsh, douchebag and complete faggotory, what was the whole point of posting all that which I felt was 'I die alot even though I want to help people. Even shouting 'Medic' didn't help. People who kill are heartless'. Really? Really? That wall of text? And this helps either party how?

Yes, I am an angry person. I am also a paranoid guy who values human life and will put his life on the line when it calls for it.

That is all. I'm not going to go on duty tonight (GMT+8) so good luck, stay safe and godspeed to all my fellow medics.

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MikaelM, reporting for duty again!

Currently in Berezino. Contact me if needed.

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Then you, my good sir, are doing something wrong. My advice? Learn the game. Grab hold of the basics by its balls and do not let them go. Master them, and you will live a lot longer and save a lot of lives

Unfortunately, the only lesson I should learn is "kill on sight" (because, as I said, I've been killed by a player).

That, Sir, is not my way of living. But I respect it if that's the way to survive in DayZ.

Also, my personal opinion which many may seem as harsh, douchebag and complete faggotory, what was the whole point of posting all that which I felt was 'I die alot even though I want to help people. Even shouting 'Medic' didn't help. People who kill are heartless'. Really? Really? That wall of text? And this helps either party how?

It was not supposed to help anyone but me (I wanted to survive when I met that bandit, and in here I was asking for help to learn how to be a good field medic), but as I said, I'm not good at explaining what I want to say, I barely master english. More or less.

Anyway, I appreciate you suggestions and your point of view, so thank you.

The point of my post was, honestly, a simple "I die often anyway, so I prefer to die for a good reason: helping someone else".

Yes, I am an angry person. I am also a paranoid guy who values human life and will put his life on the line when it calls for it

That's something I really love. You are an angry but good man.

Thanks for being here.

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I'm still kind of excited from the surprise of seeing a helicopter land in Elektro and Recentis calmly and professional appearing, giving me a transfusion and guiding me in the dark, then taking me to where I was heading in his helicopter. I want to tell everyone about it about 100 times! :blush: :thumbsup:

Thank you so much for your help, Recentis. I wish I had the words to better express my gratitude.

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I'm still kind of excited from the surprise of seeing a helicopter land in Elektro and Recentis calmly and professional appearing, giving me a transfusion and guiding me in the dark, then taking me to where I was heading in his helicopter. I want to tell everyone about it about 100 times! :blush: :thumbsup:

Thank you so much for your help, Recentis. I wish I had the words to better express my gratitude.

haha, you are most welcome.

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[TMW] Trooper, Thanks a million proved your group to me and saved me after I crawled for 5hours looking for morphine in every town possible.... which turns out is only like 3-4 at humping speed. :P I support this group fully even if the other medics are 10% as good as Trooper. I was even a pain in the ass due to being new to the game, he did not complain just fixed me as best he could and was off too his next adventure.

THANK YOU!!! you are a credit to your clan.

-Vae -Mant -Alazzer

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Teairra, oops I used the skype name, sorry! But again, thank you. :thumbsup:

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Im in the elektro area and on now if anyone needs help.

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Location : 155 075 (Southeast of Polana) near factory on map


Medical issue: Broken leg

Broke my leg doing too many split jump kicks on zombies, please help.

Contact: (Steam s/n)AgentFlash

If you're still on I'm at Polana.

My steam is Advent187.

Edited by Advent1
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If you're still on I'm at Polana.

My steam is Advent187.

Cool I added you on steam, will be standing by for your im. Thanks in advance!

Edited by Jean Claude Van Damme

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I could use some morphine and a bandage near Stary Sobor. Is anyone in that area?

If so, please PM me.

Seems like Zeds really like legs.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Being taken care of by Advent1.

Edited by N3mezis

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I have no matches/map/knife so that wasnt an option, i saw 5 animals on my way just taunting me.. every 20m i see one :P

My point stands. Most players who've played for a while learned early on to set the acquisition of matches high on their priorities, and to check farm buildings and industrial for hatchet and hunting knife. Trying to take shortcuts there is actually "cheating" - that is to say: you are cheating yourself of valuable experiences and enjoyable gametime. Of course the game offers you the option to try to quickly acquire a highpowered weapon and turn bandit, and get your survival essentials that way; in case that was the choice you made, and I don't condone or condemn either way. (Ok, morally, I condemn, but roleplaying a medic, that won't stop me from helping you if you need serious help. ;-) )

But this goes to you and everybody out there, me and people I know have been dealing with increasingly large proportions of people who not only could have helped themselves relatively easily, or would benefit from failing, and learning from their mistakes how to get better at the game, and enjoy themselves more!

As an example, earlier today, I helped a patient, then travelled a long distance to supply a fellow medic who had fallen prey to bandits with a little help, and trading for some antibiotics from his friends in return. Had to go to work, after coming back, I found myself without a backpack, and only minimal survival supplies, my food and drink having been in the pack, as well as valuable antibiotics in my main inventory that needed to get to camp. Due to simple misfortune, my old bicycle took a single hit from a zombie, which broke it's frame and front wheel, leaving me stuck in the middle of a fairly sizable northern town. I barely made it to cover, dispatched a large number of zombies, then snuck out and hid in cover, making certain it was safe. When done quickly checking my map, I found myself surrounded by 3 zombies, stuck in the wall behind me, hitting me, having already broken my legs. I crawled out while being savaged until they came out of the bugged wall, dispatched them, and gave myself my last bandage and morphine. Having used up my last painkillers, and being dangerously low on blood, I snuck out of town as best I could, then proceeded to hunt for meat to heal myself up, with really blurry, shaky monochrome impaired vision. I ended up having to headshot a cow from 200m with shaky hands, in the middle of the north-eastern airstrip, then crawl in there, avoiding the marauding hordes, to recover the meat, then sneak a long way back to forest to create a fireplace, heal myself to where I wasn't in quite as much danger of being incapacitated at a single hit, then hunted zombies until I found a dose of painkillers and a new bandage. I have since been travelling about 9km, and still haven't acquired the necessary parts to go back into the dangerous area to fix up my trusty old bike, so I'm in a bit of a hurry right now to do so, and maybe I'll manage, maybe I'll fail. The point is: I am having an absolutely great time in DayZ right now, triumphing over adversity, and I am really, really glad I didn't simply convince others to extract me at the first sign of trouble.

A lot of people here, myself included, derive pleasure from helping others, in part as a reaction against the large numbers of players who feed on grief.

And we're happy to help in most cases! But go read what Dr Wasteland originally posted. (As it stands, the topic still reads "Need Medical Assistance?") Which I'm paraphrasing and adding to, by saying: Check and think whether you couldn't help yourself, and how awesome it could be if you managed! And only if you can't, and have good enough reasons to want to be helped, reasons good enough that you would want to help a complete stranger in a similar position, always at a cost to yourself in time and supplies, weighed up in satisfaction if it's worth it and works out, but potentially outweighed again but everything you can lose if things go wrong. There's a lot going on here that may be worth considering. But even if we only stick to selfishness: A lot of you guys out there might be missing out on some serious fun and satisfaction by too easily making others solve your problems. There's fun to be had! Go get some! :beans:

This is DayZ. This is your story!

And sometimes, in your story, it is time for "And then the nice man came and made it all better. He is a hero!"

And then there's times when what you really want to see, is for you to become the hero of your story!

Edited by sya
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Requesting urgent medical attention at the South barracks at NW airfield. A blood transfusion, food and water desperately needed.

Not realizing I have no food in my bag after being afk is not a good feeling. Atleast I finally have a rangefinder, though. Also would be willing to trade that for something else, NvG's or a ghillie maybe?

Steam & Skype = Deanw050

Also, many thanks to Snortan, a trustworthy and reliable medic for the help received the other day.

Edited by Dean050

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I could use some morphine and a bandage near Stary Sobor. Is anyone in that area?

If so, please PM me.

Seems like Zeds really like legs.

Thanks in advance!

Hey I'm up North in Devils Castle of all places lolz. I can head South to your location. Add me on steam: AlphaStalker and send me an IM so I can hear it while I'm in game.

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