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Dr Wasteland MD

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Alrighty girls.... the Troutman is open for business, leave ur panties at the bar!

Add me on Steam if u need a cute but slightly nerotic Medic!

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Still sitting alone out in the middle of nowhere with 750 blood. Around the center of Chernarus if any medics are available.

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Thanks Joe Shaw :D He helped me with blood just now. I am now also up to help people out :D

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Alright, I helped as many of you as I could. I'm also now officially down to my last blood pack, for the first time in my medical history! I likely will not be available much if at all in the coming days, as I am moving into a new apartment. Good luck, try not to break too many bones. And stay far away from the barn at 077084!

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Still sitting alone out in the middle of nowhere with 750 blood. Around the center of Chernarus if any medics are available.

Pm'd you mate.

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Um hello On my way to green mountain I broke my leg and some how found my way at the NW airstrip I don't use steam but my ign is Tsuka. Am not loged in right now but I will when ever some one can come help me.

Edited by Tsuka

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Alright, I helped as many of you as I could. I'm also now officially down to my last blood pack, for the first time in my medical history! I likely will not be available much if at all in the coming days, as I am moving into a new apartment. Good luck, try not to break too many bones. And stay far away from the barn at 077084!

Good luck Askar! As far as I'm concerned ur the Top medic here!

Trout's MASH uni still avail for service. Add me to Steam

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I have a broken leg in the medical tents by balota if anyone can give me some morphine I'd appreciate it

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Hey all, I'm in desperate need of a blood transfusion. I'm at 2.8k blood and passing out fairly constantly. I'm in the clear area north of southern cherno after a firefight on my looting run. I have a bloodbag, I simply need someone to come perform the transfusion ASAP. Thanks so much for your help.

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In need of morphine near Rogovo. Is there any way that I could get someone to come out and help me out :D

Got stuck on a fence while trying to vault it =\

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anyone in need for help near Berezino?

Edited by VoLLi

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Sorry if this has been said before, as there are so many posts to look through, but what server do you guys operate on?

Also in need of a blood transfusion near Stary Sobor. Have medical supplies, but no one to share them with :/

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anyone in need for help near Berezino?

I wish. I'm over in Rogovo and in dire need of some morphine.

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Good luck Askar! As far as I'm concerned ur the Top medic here!

Trout's MASH uni still avail for service. Add me to Steam

Haha, thanks a lot. I've only been a medic for two and a half days, but that means a lot :D

Sorry if this has been said before, as there are so many posts to look through, but what server do you guys operate on?

Also in need of a blood transfusion near Stary Sobor. Have medical supplies, but no one to share them with :/

We're not based on any specific server. The way this typically works, a patient posts his location and his needs, and then a medic will respond and head to your area. Then, typically via PM or another means of private communication, the two of you choose a server to meet up on. The medic then heals you and moves on to his next patients. :)

Also, I may still be around from time to time to answer questions or give advice to anyone who needs it, but as stated earlier I likely won't be available for medical services again for a few days.

Edited by Askar

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Son of a nut what server are you on? Im outside of cherno right now but i can run to you

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Medic Operating in Berezino(Or close enough) area. Not whitelisted but browse the thread and looking to start.

Steam ID: parachuteskies104

Ingame: Paraskies

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I'm currently located just north west of kumyrna. Got a couple of morphine and blood bags left on me so if anyones in my immediate area and needs help drop me a pm. I'm not in game at the moment but i'll be checking the forums/PM's regularly.

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Looking to start being a medic

SteamID: iHershey

Ingame: Herschel

sent you a pm

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In need of morphine near Rogovo. Is there any way that I could get someone to come out and help me out :D

Got stuck on a fence while trying to vault it =\

Hey, you still need assistance?

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