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Please help, bleeding and while trying to bandage myself i fainted. Near Vysota, which is outside cherno! please help T_T urgent.

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Please help, bleeding and while trying to bandage myself i fainted. Near Vysota, which is outside cherno! please help T_T urgent.

please try to explain exactly where you are so we can help you as fast as possible.

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If anyone could help me south of NWAF (Pogorevka) i would be much obliged, I was running up to meet a friend before being ambushed by zombies, ended up getting my legs broke and bled down to around 3k... now i go unconscious every few seconds and it makes things nightmarish...

Edit -- PwR.Rawr on steam, on for an hour or so...

Edited by suplol

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NoseDragon went out to Elektro to give me some morphine, thanks for the help, hope to play with you later.

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And it was awesome Brokndremes. Had a really intense moment in Elektro before we both got killed...

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Would anyone be able to deliver some morphine? I can provide location and setup a time/server for a meet up.

Edited by I-TKS-I

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I need to go get some more supplies before I can help other patients, will be back tomorrow.

if you want some one to run with let me know, ive got the means to hold a lot of shit if you know what i mean! junk in the trunk type shit

I need a blood transfusion and some morphine to repair my broken leg. I am at the Balota military camp. If anyone could give me assistance that would be much appreciated.

PM me or contact me at:

Skype: StevieMJH

Steam: http://steamcommunit...561198004617120

you have been posting for a bit and im sure you feel ignored but i will tell you, the reason no one has tried to help you is because you're at balota. fact of the matter is, if we die cause we went into some hot spot where we know we would more then likely get gunned down, we arn't able to help help everyone else. if you want help you NEED to get out of there. the time you have wasted posting here could have been used to help your situation. just my 2 cents

If anyone could help me south of NWAF (Pogorevka) i would be much obliged, I was running up to meet a friend before being ambushed by zombies, ended up getting my legs broke and bled down to around 3k... now i go unconscious every few seconds and it makes things nightmarish...

Edit -- PwR.Rawr on steam, on for an hour or so...

have you been helped yet?

Edited by Kyle.ver.2.0
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After Action Report

Summary: I die, repsawn and save a LOT of people, i also get a base set up.

so i spawn near Starry Sobar and i walk outside and there is a downed helicopter! it has no guns but i see an ammo box, and at that exact moment i get a message from a medic (a good mate of mine and the first medic who ever saved me! Fonzie)saying he got an SvD cammo, i decide ill help a fellow medic and grab him the rare ammo, i make it their grab him the ammo and spend then next 2 hours doing a massive curve over the NWAF to avoid being killed and meet up. (along the way i had food problems but luckily found a cow!) i meet up and trade him all the mags for a M4A4 CCO SD, No ammo and we go tent hunting.

We find nothing and then a friend friend is in trouble at the airfield from zeds, there is only 7 people on the server and 4 are friendly so i leave Fronzie to search and help my friend, when i make it their we realise there is a downed chopper and thats what is casuing them to spawn and we continue to loot the airfield but he has to go urgently due to personal reasons and DC's in the Airfield. I continue looting and cross to the last barracks and recieve no sniper fire however while in the barracks someone logs in and then as i cross back i come under sniper fire (this admidtly piss's me off to die to a hopper but i have to admit i was zig zagging like fuck and he got me so hes a good sniper.)

I respawn and head to cherno, stock up and head out with survival gear (hatchet matches knife map compass bino's) a alice pack with medical supplies and a Poor mans sniper (The Lee enfield) and a makarov. i head to my first patient north of elektro and we meet, we talk for a bit and i patch him up! he also offers to do med runs for me if i need restocks so i keep him on steam (THIS sort of favor in return for healing is amazing for us medic's!)

i head over to kozlovka and heal up a good mate of mine (who use to be a patient but helped watch my back alot) and we head over to drozihno to patch up ANOTHER patient, HammerFist watch's my back and draws the Zeds for me so i can move in and safely and i patch him up, we move up to Hammer and i introduce the two (both are friends) and we all log off for dinner.

On return me and my friend hit up zelenogorsk and i get a CZ550! =D i also get a camping tent and a bike =D although it gets stuck and i cant use it :/ my friend injures themselves again so i give them ANOTHER morphine. i go to eat my tea.

Upon returning my friend has injured themselves AGAIN and now i have wasted 4 morphine on him (he needed another stick for a friend of ours) me and hammer move up north and Rapier to meet up with a third mate of mine (who enjoy's being a bandit so i left becuase its not my play style) and we go up north and set up a base, along the way i get a call out from a patient needing blood bags and morphine and i just gave my last patient stick to Hammer incase he needed it, i offer the patient my OWN stick of morphine but as im typing a Zed brakes my legs....We continue to where i want the base and then plan a raid on Berezino but the tent i place brakes so i havent got a base :/ i get another call out to Devil's castle and this guy is lucky (He's ten mins away and ONLY needs a blood bag, his lucky day!) we head over there and along the way find a downed helicopter and amazingly it had nothing but a medical box full!(this made me real happy and i restocked) i heal the patient while Hammer stays hidden but watching, The guy offers me a camping tent! im thrilled so i take it so i can set up base after he says he doesnt need it and insists i can have it :P i set up a fire so he can cook the meet and i take 3 of his 11 cos i havent had time to get food.

I set off and repitch the tent and it works and is hidden!! we set of down to novy sobar to heal my last patient but we dont trust him as the meet zone is in a LARGE open field and he asks how many people are with me and keeps asking ETA, we make him log in and we spot him and he has a Poor mans sniper, he shoots! we are hidden in the trees watching and then i get a message asking if we heard it. We still dont trust him so Hammer stays watching and silent again (i love having someone making sure im safe) and i move down to him but make him prone on the road and face away. i approach and heal him and give him the morphine for his friend and his actually a nice guy i was just over panicing :) we say our goodbyes and i move back to Hammer and log off becuase by now its gone 12 and my nan needs to sleep :/

So due to my immediate actions i healed 5 people

Supplying people to heal friends when they logged on i healed about 8 people (and they all added my to say thanks when they were on, which made me feel great!)

Not a bad day for dying huh?

Edited by SoulShaper2
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Hi there.

Is there anybody near Guglovo or Novy Sobor? I have a broken leg because a bugged car and low blood (4000, but I can handle it as long as I can hunt). My exact position is in the middle of the road betwen Guglovo and Novy Sobor, hidding in the forest at the north. A helping hand could be apreciated ^^

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Hey man me and my friend need some supplies and some morphine. Im currently stranded outside on the highway of stary completely out of water while my friend is stranded in the middle of stary near the church with a broken leg. Is there any chance you guys can help us out?

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197968584204/ (my steam contact)

http://steamcommunity.com/id/noctvrnvs (friends steam)

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okay forreal.... i just got shot at... and then my shooter got sniped. I was unconscious and bled out to about 120 blood. i need someone to help me plzzz. i will trade antibiotics or sumthing

In looting cherno in a low populated server looking for food. if you can help, contact me on forums or steam

Steam: teashu

Skype: Aruru2q

Edited by Frosty1

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I've got a large list of patients daily as well. It's a blast helping them if I am able. Also a few of my friends join and help in the saving of survivors and they could be added to the list.


-Big Loaf

-Killakick (Not on the forums yet)

Edited by Psychobob
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Hi there.

Is there anybody near Guglovo or Novy Sobor? I have a broken leg because a bugged car and low blood (4000, but I can handle it as long as I can hunt). My exact position is in the middle of the road betwen Guglovo and Novy Sobor, hidding in the forest at the north. A helping hand could be apreciated ^^

just heading to guglovo. hit me up on steam or skype if you still need help

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just heading to guglovo. hit me up on steam or skype if you still need help

Done. Are you Volli or volli1979? I'm still there with the broken leg U.U

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Done. Are you Volli or volli1979? I'm still there with the broken leg U.U

volli1979 on steam; mvolli on skype

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I'm in need of blood badly. I have a blood bag I just need someone to do the transfusion. Im at 2k in the firehouse in electro. I have a skype.

Skype: raptur.jesus

Edited by RapturJesus

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Location : Kamenka, in the little forest near the village on the north

Problem : Spawned in kamenka (due to a bug ?), aggro multiple zombies at night, lost 11 litres of blood ... Need transfusion.

Thank you Doc !

Hi there ! I'm still in need. Sorry for the person who did answer me, I had to go. Is anyone else available please ? Steam ID : http://steamcommunit.../id/rikuzo/

Edited by Riku

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I no longer need a blood trans. thanks to frosty1 (forum name).

The story (for all that need it)...

We both had low low blood. To the point where we would both pass out. He ran to the firestation. Just as he was outside the door he passed out and a zombie ate him. Sorry mate. Couldn't do much I was passed out too haha. I guarded his body and waiting for him to return. He gave me a trans. and we went our ways. Thanks again. Sorry I couldn't give you your trans. in time.

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I no longer need a blood trans. thanks to frosty1 (forum name).

The story (for all that need it)...

We both had low low blood. To the point where we would both pass out. He ran to the firestation. Just as he was outside the door he passed out and a zombie ate him. Sorry mate. Couldn't do much I was passed out too haha. I guarded his body and waiting for him to return. He gave me a trans. and we went our ways. Thanks again. Sorry I couldn't give you your trans. in time.

Dude it was no problem. Was an intense mission that needed to be accomplished.

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I have previously asked for help here not to long ago, sadly I used the last of my own medical supplies helping a friend yesterday, and now I am in need of morphine and a blood transfusion on top of Green Mountain. I am not actually inside the buildings, but rather against one of the walls.

PM if you can help. I will give steam then. I just would rather not have steam and what not info on the forums publicly.

Edited by RoseDeSang

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