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Dr Wasteland MD

Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

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Hmm, who could that be? ;) Sorry Shard, im not keen of helping you again, you are drawing some bad luck for me. Teaching my little brother the game and so on aswell.

You didn't come for me this time. Charlieraf came for me. And apparently he got shot. I've been in that area all day and never got killed. I don't see how its a high PVP zone either.

I don't know what got you upset. You've got nothing to do with this incident.

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I am unable to get out of the barracks due to have broke my legs and I cannot vault over the bench =(

EDIT: Sorry Frank, I was ingame to see if I could get any morphine from the rooms in the barracks, turns out it's a no go.

I have the exact same problem! I'm in the same spot, my legs are broken due to a buggy door and now I can't get out.

edit: my steam name is simply omega

Edited by 0mega

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I went to nwaf last night for fun. Just as i got there, i saw a wookie standing next to a helicopter get his head blown off. For the next 15 minutes there was a frantic sniper war, with several people trying to flank and flush the perimeter. I had to pop two guys just so i could leave safely (without logging). So yeah, if you get in trouble there you're basically on your own. Try to crawl to safety.

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Try to crawl to safety.

I would, but when your legs are broken you can't vault over the bench in the barracks :/

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I would, but when your legs are broken you can't vault over the bench in the barracks :/

Actually, you can. Just stand up, hit v to bring you right up to the bench, then hit v again and you'll go over the bench.

It's the same thing you have to do with broken legs when you are trying to climb down or up some stairs.

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Actually, you can. Just stand up, hit v to bring you right up to the bench, then hit v again and you'll go over the bench.

It's the same thing you have to do with broken legs when you are trying to climb down or up some stairs.

I tried this, and thats how I got over the bench in the first place, but it doesn't work when you're trying it from the other side. I tried it for a good 10 minutes before giving up.

And I tried to climb stairs as well, the result of which was a glitchy down slide with even more blood loss.

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Asked for help today, and recieved it.

But as much as i hate to ask, any medics near NW air fields? Got shot by sniper while scanning (lucky still alive) and suffering from a blood loss. 3k blood

Shaking and all blurry

Steam nick:

CornHoliO [FIN]

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Available now... PM if you need medical help, I'm currently near Novy Sobor.

I feel a little bit down now, because a patient just died in front of me - he was loosing blood rapidly (more than I though), and my voice chat somehow didnt reach him, as I was trying to tell him to move to a safer spot. :(

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I've no way of knowing if they actually came or not. 3 times I've been told they can't come because they got shot. Usually within 1 minute or so.

But regardless. They've never made it to me. So I've never gotten actual help and died every time thusfar.

personally, I wont help you. You are clearly a liar. You told everyone here you havent got help, yet you can cancelled a rescue from the RMG DTC because you died. Why or how are you still int he same exact spot needing help? I find it fishy. Perhaps all the medics dying to get to you are dying by your gun?

The RMG DTC will not you help you. Sorry Lad.

Conversation from the RMA itself

Request Medical Assistance (RMA) - Rated M Gaming

Submitted Fri at 10:37

Request Medical Assistance!

At Rated M Gaming, we want to make the playing field of DayZ a little more balanced. We know shit happens and we want to help! We are a trustworthy group of friends offering our medical services for free, but we wont deny any charity offerings.

We have a few simple rules, and those are to not only protect YOU, but protect us as well.

  • No main cities. You need to crawl out to a suburb or a forest or a well hidden area. Some exclusions may apply during certain circumstances.
  • We do not want to see a weapon in your hands. Now if you are in a building and need to be able to protect yourself, thats another story, and instructions will be communicated per incident.. Keep in mind, we are not there to take anything from you, only help you.
  • Do not go through our pack while we are helping you unless we authorize it. We do not have much of anything of value anyways. Just more medical supplies for other Survivors in need. Nothing sucks more than a Medic running to help someone 5km away and thinking he has 5 blood bags to realize now he has none.

We required you to register for an account only to keep your information private. Once you submit the request, it goes directly to the team and a Medic will respond shortly. Please stay online for further instructions.

What is your IGN (In Game Name)?


If you use Steam, please tell us your Steam Friends Name AND your steam profile URL.

removed due you qq'ing on my own behalf, not some other "higher up" power.

We have to communicate with you because there are so many variables in the game that need to be discussed during the rescue. We need you to communicate with us on one of the two voice comms. Please give us your preference. Our Vent Info: Chicago8.NationVoice.com - PORT 3956

I use Skype

I use Ventrilo

I only have Steam.

What is your Skype name?

Finding You

There are several way we can find you! Please be as specific as possible to make the rescue even more smooth and efficient.

Where are you located? Please tell us the city name if known, map coordinates help a lot, or even take a screen shot of the map found at www.dayzdb.com and upload it!

047 051 Location: Northwest Airfield Control Tower. Note: My server is empty. But it may have high ping for US players. PVP safe.

Map Screen Shot Upload

Supplies that you need!

Please keep in mind, we receive an RMA form every 20 minutes, give or take. This translates to a lot of Survivors needing help vs not a lot of supplies readily available. Please ask for only what you need to get back on your feet and moving forward.

Please check mark what you in need of!




Blood Bag





Cold Temp Treatment


What happened to cause you to need medical assistance!?

I fell through the wall in the 'firehouse' building across from the control tower. It happened when I ran down the stairs accidently. Glitched through. I have it recorded with Fraps if anyone needs. But its 86 megs. (Compressed) so emailing it will be hard.

Our Terms

As mentioned earlier, we don't ask much of the Patient. Main keys are

  • Keep your guns hidden and away from us.
  • Try not to aggro any zombies.
  • Please lay on your belly while the medic is applying medical attention.

Failure to follow these rules can and most likely will result in the immediate termination of your rescue, and your life.

Do you agree to these terms?



2 Comments (viewable by applicant)

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Server issues, upgrading or some nonsense. Getting Bad Version Server Rejected Connection. We will resume all RMA rescues when this problem is solved.

Reply · Delete · Fri at 16:23


Don't worry, its been 2 days now. And I got killed alreadt trying to go where a medic said

Reply · Delete · Sat at 1:30


That's why you don't do that. I guess that's why I constantly see a request for medical help from you in the forums. It hasnt been two days, its been less than 24 hours since you asked for help from us, and, server access was down due to SixLauncher updating people. So, good luck.

Reply · Delete · Sat at 3:08

Edited by Brian @ RMG

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personally, I wont help you. You are clearly a liar. You told everyone here you havent got help, yet you can cancelled a rescue from the RMG DTC because you died. Why or how are you still int he same exact spot needing help? I find it fishy. Perhaps all the medics dying to get to you are dying by your gun?

The RMG DTC will not you help you. Sorry Lad.

Yeah, I'm with RMG on this one. Sounds like a bandit looking for an easy kill.

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Stuck at southwest supermarket in Chernogorsk. At 1800 blood, need a transfusion and some food.

I can spare you a couple blood packs and morphine for some help.

edit - nm, I'll try to get to a suburb first

Edited by reMarkab1e

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Stuck on the road between Komarovo and Balota. I saw another survivor and I tried to valiantly save him from a horde that was chasing him. Unfortunately, he died, and now I'm stuck in the middle on nowhere with a broken leg and 5000 blood.

I'm in the southwest area of the US.

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Thx to Duny, walking my 4 feet again. Cared to make a long relocation for a blood trans.

thanks a lot med-team.

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Available now, PM if you need medical help! ;) Current location: NW Airfield (!!!) / Vybor

Thx to Duny, walking my 4 feet again. Cared to make a long relocation for a blood trans.

thanks a lot med-team.

Yep, all thanks to DemonofCherno as well, as he provided me an armed escort to such a hot area.

Edited by Duny

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Available now, PM if you need medical help! ;) Current location: NW Airfield (!!!) / Vybor

Ah man, you're so far away from me. I don't suppose you have a vehicle?

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Ah man, you're so far away from me. I don't suppose you have a vehicle?

Unfortunately not, but it would be sweet to have one. :P

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Stuck on the road between Komarovo and Balota. I saw another survivor and I tried to valiantly save him from a horde that was chasing him. Unfortunately, he died, and now I'm stuck in the middle on nowhere with a broken leg and 5000 blood.

I'm in the southwest area of the US.

Are you still in need of a medic? im in the area if you do

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Ran from Staroye to Elektro hospital. Was greeted by a crashed, but running A-10. At first I thought it was just the sound effect of a building or something. As I got closer I thought there was a helicopter in the sky, then I saw an A-10 lol. I carried on through the dead bodies in the distance and gunshots not 100m away. Closer to the hospital a helicopter could be heard, 5 seconds later lots of explosions and rising black smoke not too far. I knew I should have left before I got killed by a hacker but I carried on till I got opposite the hospital and didn't leave till I realised the hospital had been blown to pieces.

Joined a night server, after being frustrated by indestructible glass I got my supplies and set off. Back at Staroye I got greedy and made a trip to Stary tents since it was pitch black with 4 others in the server. Found an AKS-74 Kobra with 7 mags, got back to my tent and called it a night.

Anyway I'm fully re-supplied so I'll be available tomorrow. :thumbsup:

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Dubwub gave me a hand today. Huge help and responded almost instantly! Thanks again.

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Hi! I like the concept of this group a lot.

I was wondering if there is an available medic in the Southwest area? I'm near Pavlovo.

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Jim Bridger, the famous mountain man of the old west, was once telling a long story that involved him being surrounded by 20 some odd Sioux warriors all out for his blood. As he spun his fantastic tale it got grimmer and grimmer for Jim and his audience was spellbound. Finally he got to the climax where he was in a hopeless spot with nothing to help him. His audience waited breathlessly for the outcome and finally burst out, "What happened then Jim?"

"Well boys ... they kilt me."

After sixteen days alive and helping more than a dozen players regain their health and continue playing the game ... they kilt me. Not the patients mind you, I never had a spot of trouble and found some good friends along the way, but kilt I was.

Yesterday put the test to my theory that if I maintained a noob skin and carried nothing but an axe the snipers would leave me alone. I also took care to join low pop servers to minimize my chances of running into a PVP situation and when possible I always stuck to the treeline and moved cautiously. The way I see it my primary objective is to help people, and anything I do that reduces the chances of my getting to my patient won't be helping them. Of course it's also possible that I'm just a big chicken and can't play with the big boys. :D If so ... I can live with that, my patients seem to appreciate my services.

But as I said yesterday was a test. I had three successive missions that saw me getting sniped. Now in all three cases they were lousy shots and tried to hit a running dodging target ("Serpentine, Shelly, Serpentine"). But I have to tell you it got my heart going all three times.

The first time was no big deal, I had to hit the hospital at Cherno and then scoot northeast. As I left the hospital I decided to run full bore, if I aggroed any zombies I'd lose them in the barn southeast of the hill near Vysota ... if any still followed me through the woods. So I stood up and ran ... I got about halfway across the open field between the hospital and the hill when the first shot came at me. My heart immediately kicked into gear and I was weaving and dodging like crazy, I ran right through the pond near the road because I didn't want to go around, he kept firing and firing but never hit me. I got into the trees without a single zombie caring enough to follow and got to my patient and fixed him up.

Right after that I got a call from a patient who was broken in the hangers around Balota ... another long trek back the way I came but that's what we do. I scurried back and asked him to crawl out of the hangers and into the woods north so that it might be a bit safer. As I cautiously approached him and we tried to coordinate locations he reported that he was hearing shots and they were getting closer. I told him to sit tight unless he thought they were too close and the clear out as best he could. I was crouch running when a shot rang out in my direction. Being a big chicken ... see above ... I immediately went into a full sprint and starting weaving around. Hearing nothing further I went prone, pulled out my revolver and started looking for the bandit. My patient was really spooked at this point so I told him to crawl someplace safe if he could find it. He had no compass so it was going to be tough finding him. We finally managed to work out where we both were, I rendezvoused and I administered aid and went on my way.

Finally I got another call to go BACK to the area around Prigorodky ... after trying to find another medic that might be closer and foisting off a patient who was in the medical compound just the south of me (I flat detest that compound, gives me the hebbie jebbies) on another medic I put on my track shoes and headed back east. In the process I noticed that my trusty axe wasn't showing 10,000 so I tried to switch from my revolver and get my axe set up ... and lost my revolver ... I know, I know but it happens right? Nothing to do but go on and I had already delayed my patient enough trying to find a server that was low pop and daylight. Finally I joined his, it only had four players and was daylight ... perfect. What were the odds of my running into a sniper on that server after all.

I started running but this time I decided to go north of Vysota. As I ran across the open space to the northwest of Vysota (I know, I know but I was late already and it had been a long day) a shot rang out again ... back into serpentine mode I ran full out and tried my best to be unpredictable. Apparently it worked as none of the shots hit me. I ran into the woods north of Vysota and kept running ... but I didn't alter my base course ... and that was a big mistake. After running and running through the woods I finally came to the pond northwest of Kopyto where my patient was patiently waiting. We met on the shore, another big mistake, and I transfused him. Just as I got done ... YOU ARE DEAD!

He frantically asked "Joe, what just happened?"

"Either I got sniped or you killed me." I responded dully ... all my efforts to get what I needed to do my job were gone. I'd be back on the beach with a bandage and painkillers.

"You got sniped," he said, "I got shot at but he missed and I ran for it."

I believed him, he stayed on chat and offered to help however he could, but I thanked him and said I'd take care of it and wished him good luck.

Dumb moves and dumb luck on my part got me killed but you know what ... if that jerk of a sniper has so little fun that he has to kill someone with virtually nothing on him just to kill someone, well that's up to him. But it's not the way I want to play the game. My buddy Trout caught up with me after I spawned in Kamenka and helped me get the basics. Now we're going to team up as much as we can and get back in business.

Because I'm a Trusted Medic of the Wasteland, it's what I do in this game. I run and run and run and at the end I don't ask for payment, just a quick note here to say I helped out. That's what I do ... and very soon I'll be doing it again. They can kill me but they can't eat me ... well ... the zombies can I suppose. B)


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